New Year's Eve is overrated, mostly when you're at home with old parents who go to sleep way before 11:00 pm. All you get to do is stay awake in a quiet house watching old movies.
Shirley Hour
The preparation of a new year is exactly what you make of it, just like everything else in life.
You may think your hand sewing is awful, but just try! You'll be surprised at how straight you can sew!
Shirley Hour
Being an anonymous troll is quite fun. However, always try to see both sides of the problem and never push things too far.
Sometimes what you order is not what you get. What you wanted was braised fish...instead you got overly sweet fish jerky in a pot. Mmmmmm!
Shirley Hour
To properly heat chocolate, place a pot filled a third of the way with water on the stove. Next, place a bowl with your solid chocolate on top of the heating pot. This will lower the likelihood of your chocolate being burnt.
When doing a project, you may find that you excel in one aspect of the project. Once you find what you excel at, the project will be finished at a faster pace!
Shirley Hour
Not falling asleep during movie certainly helps one follow the plot (assuming there was a plot to begin with).
Having a low pain tolerance is a pain in the ass. Not for the patient, but for the doctor that has to continuously inject anesthetics until the patient can no longer feel the cuts!
Shirley Hour
The best bet when going to the casino is to not play at all! Going in and walking right out will ensure that you will not lose a penny!
Shirley Hour
Mocking something and not caring about it may actually be the key to success.
Notice the word "may."
Notice the word "may."
Great minds DO think alike. Mostly when it comes to presents. You may secretly wish for something, but don't want to ask for it and magically on Christmas day it appears as a special gift for you!!
Shirley Hour
Almost everyone has unexpected, secret talents. Pay close attention to those around you. You may be around a big star without knowing it!
Think it's too late to put up a Christmas tree? It's never too late to put up a Christmas tree. Even on Christmas Eve, it is still possible to decorate a beautiful tree. Christmas is just not the same without a tree!
Shirley Hour
Sometimes, having the pessimistic (which you may mistake as the realist) point-of-view pays off: you end up having a great experience! Expect little and gain a lot!
The dumbest thing you can do while driving is to use one hand to hold your cell phone while the other hand is holding a cigarette. Do you have a third hand on the wheel? Not only are you increasing your chances of lung cancer, you're increasing your chances of crashing and harming others. Don't be selfish. Use both hands (or at least one) on the wheel when driving.
Shirley Hour
There are many mysteries in life. Some are easily answered, others are not. When it comes to technology, those are usually easily answered. Your silliness (may be read as "stupidity"), on the other hand, may not be so easy to answer.
Eating at a buffet all the time will cause you to look at food in distaste. Yes, yes, even an avid eater will look away at food placed in front of them after too many times at a buffet. Go occasionally, and the food will taste better!
Shirley Hour
Making up your own rules to games can be very exercising, especially if the game is Pictionary.
At an all you can eat, eat all you can!!! Mostly when there's a plethora of delicious delicacies that you have never experienced before!! Those few pounds of weight gain is worth it!
Shirley Hour
Sleeping on a couch is painful. It also screws up your sleep schedule.
You will not get a good night sleep if you are sleeping in the same room as one who is snoring. The snoring will not lull you to sleep. Sleep in a different room if possible!
Shirley Hour
Oftentimes, when doing something out of the ordinary, you're often rewarded with a distasteful experience. Try not to get too bummed out. Call next time to verify.
If eating at a buffet, the best way to not eat a lot is to eat sushi!! You will eat lots of sushi, yes...but it's a lot healthier than all the fried foods slathered in oil!
Shirley Hour
Somehow, asking someone else to remind you something (even though you know they won't remember) magically works in making you remember.
Try saying that five times fast.
Try saying that five times fast.
Sleeping at 3 in the morning will cause you to want to sleep for the rest of the day. The only time your eyes will be fully opened is when delicious mouth watering food is placed before you!
Shirley Hour
The winner of a competition does not necessarily make them the person better in talent or product, this is especially true in reality tv singing competitions.
Listening to old people can actually be entertaining. The "lessons" they teach are very amusing!
Lesson 1: "Get married to someone that loves don't necessarily love them, but if they love you, it will be a good marriage."
Lesson 2: "Don't get married to someone you love, it will only be painful."
Lesson 3: "Get married to someone that your parents love, it will provide peace within the family."
All three lessons from one man. Main lesson from these three lessons: Don't ever get married!
Lesson 1: "Get married to someone that loves don't necessarily love them, but if they love you, it will be a good marriage."
Lesson 2: "Don't get married to someone you love, it will only be painful."
Lesson 3: "Get married to someone that your parents love, it will provide peace within the family."
All three lessons from one man. Main lesson from these three lessons: Don't ever get married!
Shirley Hour
Oftentimes, the world around us may seem full of despair, misery, and hopelessness. However, there are people in the world who will go out of their way to help, love, and cherish others. Listen to them. Believe in them. Assist them. The smallest acts of kindness really do go a long way.
Don't sit by a drunk old Christian man on the plane. He will proceed to offer you drinks as well as offer you a way to heaven through the entire plane trip, even after you have stated that heaven is an unlikely destination for you, but rather home is the destination of this plane ride.
Shirley Hour
The saying "an oldie but a goodie" is usually right, especially concerning movies.
When being late for a test, parking in the restricted spot may no longer be a priority. The car in front of you may no longer be a priority. The fact that you are parked on a train tracks may no longer be a priority. Getting to the test on time and acing it is the main priority, regardless of the consequences. A on test = who gives a shit about the other shit that has happened!
Shirley Hour
If your schedule involves talking to friends, you're going to be late. Pretty much no doubt about it.
Studying for more than 10 hours a day will make you go insane. You will hope that anyone will ask you to go out for a mere 15 minutes to do something other than studying! Take little breaks to ease your studying anxiety!
Shirley Hour
"Flakers gonna flake."
However, every so often, life may just work out better that way.
Eyes are always watching. Don't for one second think you are alone, someone will always see what you are doing...mostly when it's in broad daylight in a parking lot!!!
Shirley Hour
You may not care about PDAs, but many of us do. Please, save a pair of eyes.
Studying in bed does NOT work...The warmth of the blankets and the softness of the pillow only induces sleep. Study elsewhere when trying to be productive!
Shirley Hour
The harder you try to stay awake, the more likely you are to fall asleep.
A picture is worth a thousand words. For some photographers, a picture is worth some hairs and teeth pulled and nasty glares. It doesn't hurt to take a picture for someone, if you don't like it, don't use it. One simple snap of a picture will not hurt you or your camera!
Shirley Hour
Whenever making things up on the spot (especially about another person), make sure that whatever you're saying has some validity. Otherwise, you're going to make us all look like fools.
Old people are really wise. Listen to what they say. You may think they talk for a long time, but listen intently, their wisdom resounds with every word they speak.
Shirley Hour
Is your face always in a slump? Do your friends misinterpret your facial expressions a lot? Are you unversed in Internet memes? If you said yes to any of the questions above, then this lesson is for you!
- Choose any of the following meme faces by clicking on the following link: *CLICK*
- Obtain a mirror or webcam
- Commence imitation!
Seeing a mutilated mouse is not a pleasant site to see. Don't mutilate a mouse or take part of one in any shape or form!
Shirley Hour
Life is actually full of delightful surprises if you take a step out of your cynicism boat. Contrary to popular belief, you may not be as forgettable as you may think!
Retail therapy does not always entail buying something. You may get the satisfaction of trying on new shoes while keeping your wallet filled with money!
Shirley Hour
Being superstitious doesn't always pay off. In fact, it may hinder you from having a good day! Somedays, to satisfactorily live life, all you need to do is to "go with the flow."
Writing a paper for more than 5 hours depletes any energy to study for other subjects. Don't procrastinate and write little by little, it will allow you to study for other important subjects.
Shirley Hour
Watch out for little mistakes. They will frustrate you again and again for all eternity unless you pay attention to details.
Studying in a new environment may not always be ideal. Sometimes sticking to the same old routine will make you more productive!
Shirley Hour
It is a sad, sad day when you care more about Twitter updates from people you don't know in real life than status updates from your friends on Facebook.
Please encourage your friends to become witty and creative once more.
Please encourage your friends to become witty and creative once more.
Being punctual is an important thing! Mostly being punctual to an event where food is served. If you are not punctual, all the food will be served and you will leave with an empty stomach! Avoid disappointment and an unhappy stomach, become punctual!
Shirley Hour
We're all much more similar than one might think. You'll never know when you suddenly look like an Indian (from India) celebrity.
Sitting all day is not a good thing. The food you ate a few hours ago? Still sitting there with you, giving you a very full tummy the entire day. Walk around or jump around like a maniac, don't become a fat ass!
Shirley Hour
99% of the time, pathos will override logos in a stress-filled situation.
Try to always maintain your composure.
Try to always maintain your composure.
Being a leader is a good thing, unless you assume the position. When you assume the position and start commanding those around you to do this and that without putting much effort to help...being a leader then, is not such a great thing.
Shirley Hour
One of the most wonderful, heart-wrenching experiences a person can have is to finish a series, no matter the media form.
Music just for dramatic effect...
Do NOT drink coffee or any form of coffee after 11:00pm. You will not fall asleep and you will bounce off the walls like a racquetball. Get your needed sleep, skip the coffee!
Shirley Hour
Once you find a niche in life, don't ever lose it over something trivial. You'll most likely end up regretting your hasty, stubborn decision.
When a kid says that they know they're dad dresses up as Santa, you may feel a little sad that this kid no longer believes in Santa. And then: "The real Santa is at the mall!! He sometimes comes to the library too, but mostly to the mall." Hope is not lost, don't ever think for one moment that it is.
Shirley Hour
A well-planned event may turn into an extremely interesting and quirky adventure!
Children are the best pick me up for a bad day! Just an answer to a simple question can be hilarious!! Example:
Boy: "How old are you?"
Me: "How old do you think I am?"
Boy: "Siiiix?"
Why thank you!
Boy: "How old are you?"
Me: "How old do you think I am?"
Boy: "Siiiix?"
Why thank you!
Shirley Hour
Details are important! They will help you distinguish fact from fiction as well as enable you to tell people apart!
Friend of yours: "I just waved at someone who I thought was you. How embarrassing!"
Friend of yours: "I just waved at someone who I thought was you. How embarrassing!"
Exercise can be a such a pain in the butt, but once you start and keep going, it's not too bad! In the end you'll feel good about yourself after a good sweat!
Shirley Hour
Being thankful isn't just for the holidays. Try to be thankful everyday, and if you really want to make someone's day, give them a simple, sincere "Thank you."
It's always amusing to trick someone who doesn't speak the same native language as you into believing something completely wrong! Try it when you need a good laugh!
Shirley Hour
One of the greatest joys in life is to help another human being succeed in a goal, no matter how small or trivial.
Cooking vs. always seems to win!! Cooking alleviates stress as well as fills your tummy. Studying causes stress, headaches, and only fills your stomach with butterflies. Therefore the clear choice is cooking!
The hardest question to answer is: Where do you want to eat? There's a plethora of delicious food that it's so difficult to just pinpoint one place to go eat! Go with one place and stick with it, changing the restaurant doesn't make others happy, mostly when they have an empty stomach!
Shirley Hour
Whenever thinking about something, try not to dwell too long on it. You will only end up deliberating on things that may never happen.
Sometimes "friends" lie to get you to do something. Example: A "friend" promises to dance if you will dance first on the game "Dance Central." Once you've made a fool of yourself, the "friend" says, no and refuses to dance. LAME! In the end, you're the brave one for making a fool of yourself.
Shirley Hour
Oftentimes, people seek a deeper meaning in things when there isn't any, a second chance when there isn't one.
No means no.
No means no.
Although your own family may not be around for the holidays, there are great people that will take you in and give you a holiday that is worth remembering! Thank those people who are around you!
Shirley Hour
Sometimes, it doesn't pay to be green. You may end up with a rather unsavory concoction!
You have Coke (the soda...) in a cup and don't want to waste ice or another cup for apple cider. So, you finish drinking the Coke and pour the apple cider in. Rest assured that your drink will now be somewhat nasty.
You have Coke (the soda...) in a cup and don't want to waste ice or another cup for apple cider. So, you finish drinking the Coke and pour the apple cider in. Rest assured that your drink will now be somewhat nasty.
Some days are meant to be spent alone instead of with a lot of people that will probably bug the living daylights out of you. If you know this day is coming, please stay home and don't interact with anyone...unless that someone is also experiencing the same thing!
Shirley Hour
Don't underestimate how far a simple thing can go. All it takes is the correct manipulation.
Staying home for the majority of the day might cause you to cook all day long. Example: Come home from class early. Ooooh! Let's cook!
1. Congee
2. BBQ Pork Ribs
3. Vietnamese Chicken Salad
4. Pumpkin Chocolate Chip Cookies
No school = A lot of food!! Nom nom nom!
1. Congee
2. BBQ Pork Ribs
3. Vietnamese Chicken Salad
4. Pumpkin Chocolate Chip Cookies
No school = A lot of food!! Nom nom nom!
Having a break from studying is great, grand, fantastic! It'll give you time to catch up on things you need to do around the house and some TV shows with friends!
Shirley Hour
You know tights are too tight when the color of your skin blatantly appears in unsightly spots. Please be courteous to others and yourself by wearing something that complements your figure and not contrasts against it.
Sometimes you should just let people do the things they want to do instead of fighting against them. A little struggle may lead to someone getting hurt, which could've been prevented if you had let the person do their thing in the first place!
Shirley Hour
No matter how old you are, or how many generations have past, never ever forget your heritage.
The tree may get higher, new leaves may sprout, but roots are what keep the tree alive.
The tree may get higher, new leaves may sprout, but roots are what keep the tree alive.
Sometimes a person does not appreciate their culture until they are experiencing it before their eyes. Once you are surrounded by such amazing traditions, the appreciation and pride of being a part of bigger picture is astounding!
Shirley Hour
If you've ever been curious about whether or not you could be: on the next big K-pop dance team, appear on Dancing with the Stars, or some other dance competition, the best way to find out is to play a dancing game!
It doesn't matter what console you play it on, whether it's DDR or Just Dance. If you can't pass a simulation game, you surely cannot dance in real life!
It doesn't matter what console you play it on, whether it's DDR or Just Dance. If you can't pass a simulation game, you surely cannot dance in real life!
Ice skating may take some time and great balance to learn. With steady small steps you can definitely do it! Just be sure to not hold onto someone who likes to skate faster than their body can handle and loses their grip may end up face planting in the ice rather than skating on the ice!
Shirley Hour
Games are more fun when you combine multiple games together, along with a few of your made-up house rules.
- Pictionary + Charades (warning: may lead to asphyxiation)
- Calvinball
Driving after taking a hard test as well as running on five hours of sleep is not a good idea. Refrain from driving, have a designated driver after a long week of tests and studying!
Shirley Hour
Quality takes time. Don't worry about being the last one in a situation (unless it's a musical chairs of life or death). Take your time and do an excellent job!
Studying in bed does not work. The comfy bed and warmth of the blankets induces sleep and deems studying useless.
Shirley Hour
To increase productivity significantly, study in a quiet area (e.g. library) with a person you know who is superbly intelligent and/or productive. Your results will be:
Sometimes a text will wake you up when your eyes are drooping due to the boredom induced by dull words. Look for a friend that will not distract you too long but will occasionally send a text to wake you up to study!
Shirley Hour
Falling asleep while studying? A surefire way to wake up is to watch someone that you're a fan of on live chat! They'll be sure to humor you and amuse you within moments! xD
- Kathy Beth Terry (Katy Perry)
and Rebecca Black - Felicia Day and Greg Aronowitz on Vokle! >>CLICK<<
It's amazing how ornery a person can be when they are under an enormous amount of stress. Beware: Don't get in their way or you will get an unpleasant gift.
Shirley Hour
In this 21st century, labels and stereotypes are often looked down upon unless in some comedic, satirical display. However, as time progresses, you experience these labels and stereotypes yourself, for better or for worse. It is then that you realize what priorities you should have in your life, and how others prioritize you in their life.
Do not do ab exercises while you are sick. Yes, exercise is good a for a sick body, but not when you have a cough. The straining of the abdominal muscles due to crunches, will not feel well every time you cough. Avoid unnecessary pain at all cost!
Shirley Hour
You! The traveler with the face! You seek adventure? Nay! Adventure comes to you.
If you ever hoped for a dramatic car chase, screeching tires, frightened passengers, and/or an adrenaline rush, just drive to an unfamiliar place!
If you ever hoped for a dramatic car chase, screeching tires, frightened passengers, and/or an adrenaline rush, just drive to an unfamiliar place!
The further along you get into your major/career field, the more people you meet. Sometimes, these people are there to show you that this is not what you want to be like and hope that you were never like them. Be humble, it will get you far in life, regardless of what career field you choose.
Shirley Hour
As you do something, you gain momentum to keep pushing forward. Don't think that if you just "take a little break," you'll be able to pick up where you left off. More likely than not, you'll start over from square one.
Studying at home can sometimes be dangerous. Example: When bored, you may get an urge to cook something. This something turns into a plethora of goodies. Therefore, studying at home = weight gain!
Shirley Hour
When you are attempting to do something sneaky, it should be noted that sudden fits of laughter cancel out any sneakiness you had.
Just because your state doesn't get a lot of high end/cool retail stores, does not mean you should conglomerate in herds to go to the store 18 hours before it opens. If a store is opening, it is more than likely going to be in business for at least a month...
Shirley Hour
Sometimes, even when you do things of your own free will, Time seems to stand still. Forever.
To simulate the state of a brain after a strenuous test, watch a Christopher Nolan movie!! Your head will be spinning like the top at the end of Inception.
Shirley Hour
Inconsistencies, when sent to well-informed people, are quickly demolished.
No matter how hungry you are, please do not eat out of a can. It's not healthy and makes the food less appetizing. Mostly when it's food that needs to be nuked and you're eating it cold!
Shirley Hour
In publishings concerning the award of academic achievement, it's probably a good idea to look up names/abbreviations of things you don't know about. Otherwise, your awarding is suddenly questionable.
If, due to questionable awards, you do not stay in school, you can always make "music" from bodily functions and post them on Youtube to the chagrin/amusement (select one) of others.
If, due to questionable awards, you do not stay in school, you can always make "music" from bodily functions and post them on Youtube to the chagrin/amusement (select one) of others.
When participating in an Anatomy lab, do not use food to compare body parts with. A food so appetizing may not seem so delicious anymore.
Shirley Hour
The less you want to learn of something, the more likely it will force itself upon you.
Don't want to learn how to use a Mac? The power may go out when you're on a different operating system, leaving Macs the only operable computers.
Don't want to learn how to use a Mac? The power may go out when you're on a different operating system, leaving Macs the only operable computers.
You can function with just 4 hours of sleep. Your attention and comprehension may not exist, but you will still be able to function!
Shirley Hour
Doing a project in many small parts is infinitely better than finishing the project in one long, awful, fell swoop.
When playing the game of 13, don't get too confident with your hand! You may have a pair of 2's, but that doesn't mean someone else can't trump you and make a fool of you!
Shirley Hour
Just because you can do one thing does not mean that you can do another thing that is similar. To become great at something, you need practice and some innate talent (see October - Lesson 19). Just because you're given the opportunity does not mean you will do a decent job. In fact, you're more likely to be awful than awesome.
- Rebecca Black
- America's Next Top Model All-Stars making music videos
- Many viral videos
- Those so-called "triple threats"
Don't drive 70 mph on a main road while there is snow. You may be lucky that cops weren't around, but you don't want to risk your life driving stupid!
Shirley Hour
Everyone always thinks that they are the victim. However, this is not always the case. Be sure to contemplate how and why someone did what they did; things may be different than how you originally anticipated them to be.
Rocking a baby to sleep can be very comforting and relaxing. So relaxing that you may just fall asleep with the baby!
Shirley Hour
Oftentimes, small, subtle things will not get you noticed. Every once in a while, a big, well-planned event is exactly what you need.
Watching a movie for the second time will still make a person jumpy. There may be parts of the movie where you failed to comprehend the first time. Example: Gushing blood from a wounded person as they take out a dagger from their body. Slightly disturbing.
Shirley Hour
There is a very fine line between being a thesaurus addict *coughstephaniecoughmeyercough* and being unversed in adjectives *coughhouseofcoughflyingdaggerscoughsubtitlescough*. Try to stay in the middle.
Unintentionally scaring the crap out of someone is quite amusing.
1. Stand somewhere quietly with your phone/iPod on.
2. Wait until subject turns off the lights and steps out of the bathroom.
3. Observe the great entertainment before your eyes: A scared person who about shat their pants.
1. Stand somewhere quietly with your phone/iPod on.
2. Wait until subject turns off the lights and steps out of the bathroom.
3. Observe the great entertainment before your eyes: A scared person who about shat their pants.
Shirley Hour
Bored on a public transportation vehicle? Play the Yawn Game! Yawn and count how many people you caused to yawn!
Need a little something to wake you up?
Equipment: A deck of playing cards and friend(s).
Instructions: Play California Speed!
Conclusion: This will get your brain PUMPED and you will no longer feel sleepy!
Equipment: A deck of playing cards and friend(s).
Instructions: Play California Speed!
Conclusion: This will get your brain PUMPED and you will no longer feel sleepy!
Shirley Hour
Warnings are important. Security is important. When people continually bug you to increase your security, following their advice may be a good idea. If not, you may suddenly find an account hacked or perhaps find yourself locked out of your own device.
Those who are afraid of the camera may end up being the prime actor/actress you are looking for. Although shy, they may give you an Oscar worthy performance!
Shirley Hour
One of the most magical ways of waking up early, besides thinking about holidays and vacations, is to worry about somebody waking you up early the next day. This fear will propel you into waking up much, much earlier than usual!
Running on low amounts of sleep can cause you to be delirious. The delirium may last longer than usual. For example: A conversation occurring on the previous day becomes more coherent 24 hours later... Get your sleep!!
Shirley Hour
When starting a new show or movie, never start it late at night. There may be something that will frighten you out of your wits.
When asking for donations, drunk men or men who have done a little drinking, give the most generous donations.
Shirley Hour
One day, if you become rich and/or famous, don't forget about people from other socioeconomic statuses. Help them out, lend a hand, earn good karma. Don't, however, when hearing the doorbell ring or someone knocking, debate whether or not to answer, peek your head around the corner, and then go back into your rooms. Make up your mind to either help or don't help. Don't waver.
Those quirky talents that you thought were useless are not useless! They will prove to be handy sometime!
Shirley Hour
Insults, when mutually thrown in a humorous manner, are an acceptable form of conversation and amusement. Insults, when said for no good reason, are not. You just appear as an extremely abrasive, ill-mannered person.
In need of exercise? Find a nice neighborhood near a mountain and walk/climb around the area. This should definitely help you burn some of that cheeseburger you had earlier!
Shirley Hour
Whenever you are an audience member in a panel or presentation, especially one with few people, please remember to be polite. A snide remark to a friend every once in awhile is fine--in fact, it may even be obligatory--however, continuous whispering IS noticeable and quite distracting, not to mention irritating. Plus, the slurping of free drinks is also a no-no.
Going through a poorly lit neighborhood with a known cemetery in the same vicinity can be spooky considering the time of the year. Take a few friends for the ride and turn on the high beam!
Shirley Hour
If you're not a person to maintain a schedule, don't assume that you can suddenly do it on a whim! Very rarely do interactions with friends last in an orderly time frame, especially when you're a spontaneous person.
It's amazing how one hour of studying can do! Try it and find out for yourself!
Shirley Hour
In moments of religious zealousness, the faithful may leave many faithless.
The internet is a very distracting thing. It will keep you from studying, it will keep you from doing anything productive, but it will provide you hours of entertainment!
Shirley Hour
If you ever feel like you're in a weird funk, whether that be an irritable mood or just a strange, unfamiliar feeling, go somewhere different for a bit. Perhaps all you need to do is walk to a different room, or perhaps drive to a different city. Whatever your escape method is, it will surely make you feel better.
If an obnoxious person is purposely annoying you while you are studying, first, ignore them. Second hope and pray that someone will take them away and amuse them, leaving you in peace! Third, refrain from hitting subject.
Shirley Hour
Sometimes, when you have a rocky relationship with someone, it's usually better to just let things happen, let it be real, rather than have a pretense of cheeriness that spouts rainbows and lollipops. The latter fools no one and just generates a suffocating air of awkwardness.
Don't underestimate yourself. Sometimes it's ok to put yourself first, it won't be called selfish when you need to get yourself together. Once you're there, then you can care for others around you.
Shirley Hour
Karma, a potentially more dangerous adversary than Life, has a way of brooding silently, scheming in the shadows as you gather more and more negative points. Unlike with good karma, which usually is rewarded to you in a quick, efficient manner, bad karma waits to explode on you in a [expletive]storm.
Work hard, your efforts will not go to waste. Using others' work as your own will get you no where, but scoffs and glares.
Shirley Hour
What people think of you when they see your obnoxious statuses.
It's amazing what 9 hours of writing can do to your brain. The brain will disintegrate like Juicy Fruit gum that has been sitting in the mouth for too long. What's also amazing, is that this was written after the long 9 hours. Don't understand parts of this lesson? Completely YOUR fault.
Shirley Hour
Mistakenly, many think that the thesaurus is their friend. However, as evident in many books today, it could potentially prove to be disastrous, especially when the thesaurus is used for an assignment. On the other hand, one may learn some fascinating, fascinating (yes, double the word for oomph) new words/phrases that were previously unknown.
Example: Exhaustion/lethargy --> Brain fag
Example: Exhaustion/lethargy --> Brain fag
Always see things for yourself. Example: Someone (friend, not so trustworthy) tells you that class has been cancelled. Go into the building to see for yourself if it is actually cancelled. You might find a classroom filled with your classmates.
Shirley Hour
When people leave/excuse themselves/log off/say goodbye, they will always have a reason. Perhaps they need to be somewhere else, perhaps they are tired, perhaps they have other things to do, perhaps they are avoiding you. Whatever the reasoning, you shouldn't constantly badger the leaving party into staying. Otherwise, you will have at least one person quite irritated with you.
When opening a car door, open slowly...there might be a pole where you thought empty space was. This prevents dings and/or dents from your car door, but not laughter from your friends.
Shirley Hour
What has happened once will surely happen again. Be it:
- Drama: August - Lesson 59
- Unpleasant memories (read: being sat on): September - Lesson 29
- Thinking before acting: October-Lesson 34 ,
- Cooking events: September-Lesson 36
- Instinct: October-Lesson 20
- Driving events: there are too many to choose a single post. Please, just go look at the driving label
- Among a myriad of other things
If you have an early morning flight and want to sleep in a little more, simply check in online and print your boarding pass and wear your pajamas on board!
Shirley Hour
When things go from bad to worse, don't forget to fight back*. You never know, your opponent may have overestimated themselves and a simple push may be enough to crack through their defense(s).
*Not necessarily physically...
*Not necessarily physically...
Eating an Oreo is great!! Eating a deep fried Oreo is even BETTER!!!
Shirley Hour
Hanging out with an age group younger than you? If all goes well, great! However, if you are having troubles and need to exert some power over them, remember that as an "old" person, you will have an ancient power invested in you.
Waking up early to eat a colossal donut for breakfast will put you in a coma, literally a coma. You will fall asleep for another 2 hours after devouring a Bavarian Cream donut.
Shirley Hour
Ever feel alone amongst your group of friends? Do your interests just spiral in a different direction from those around you? Does your fanboying/fangirling scare off normal people? Then go to a convention concerning your favorite pastime! You will then realize how "normal" you are compared to others with similar interests.
Taking picture of a rotating Hope Diamond is not an easy feat. Have fast fingers and a shutter speed, it will help immensely!
Shirley Hour
When communicating with someone about a potential meeting, event, or anything that requires another person to make some effort for you, be sure that there isn't any misunderstanding! This saves time, effort, money, face, and potential arguments!
Talking about your cramps in public is NOT a good idea, especially when you're at a restaurant. Those around you would prefer to eat in peace without hearing about the excruciating pain that "time of the month" caused you.
Shirley Hour
Who needs plastic surgery or liposuction? All you need are homophones!
Exhibit A: "Oh, you deleted my 'but'."
Exhibit B: "You deleted all my 'noes' too."
Lesson: Editing parties can be fun!
Exhibit A: "Oh, you deleted my 'but'."
Exhibit B: "You deleted all my 'noes' too."
Lesson: Editing parties can be fun!
Hard work really pays off, especially when it comes to cooking. A lasagna takes a lot of time to prepare and many hands are needed for help, but after a few hours of cooking, preparing and baking the results will not disappoint!
Shirley Hour
Have a good memory when other people depend on you for something. Otherwise, they will plan for your untimely demise*.
*Note: Hopefully not that drastic, but close enough.
*Note: Hopefully not that drastic, but close enough.
When going to a really good restaurant, go with your instinct. Order what you first want and put down the menu, because the longer you look at it the higher your bill will become. Just order one thing, it'll give you a good excuse to come back again!
Shirley Hour
Practice, practice, practice. That's the only way you're going to get better at something. You say you have innate talent? You're going to need to hone it.
Regardless of detours and closures, don't give up on getting to your destination. There will at least be one road that will get you to where you want!
Shirley Hour
Ignorance is bliss. So is false ignorance. If you fear that something will happen and you ask about it, there is now a 99%* chance of it happening.
*Percentage is not completely accurate.
*Percentage is not completely accurate.
Don't wear a tight, short skirt. While walking you will constantly be pulling it down and all those around you will notice you like a orange construction zone cone.
Shirley Hour
Feeling creative? Not wanting to do your homework? Go for it! Or at least start on that creative thing. If you don't at least start on it, you'll feel regret later on when you're in a creative slump.
The perks of learning English: You won't mess up someone's order. For example, when someone orders a chicken sandwich it doesn't magically turn into a Big Mac and the customer is charged for the Big Macs. English is a great handy tool in your daily life.
Shirley Hour
Don't be afraid to ask for help. You will look less stupid, and it will certainly help you out in the long run.
The fear of cemeteries can be defeated by going to Arlington Cemetery. Surrounded by serene scenery and a tranquil air of peace and patriotism, it puts your mind at ease where fear cannot be seen.
Shirley Hour
When you are presenting an idea to a group of people, try not to ramble. If you do happen to ramble, please make it at least somewhat entertaining. Otherwise, people will forget why they cared to listen to you in the first place.
Airline companies are cheap. You might be on the flight for a good 4 hours, but you will not get a meal. Instead you should pack tons of snacks and/or meal to suppress any hunger that may occur.
Airline companies' motto: Hungry customers are better than no customers.
Airline companies' motto: Hungry customers are better than no customers.
Shirley Hour
Back in the day, talking into a Bluetooth made you look dumb and crazy. Nowadays, talking into a Bluetooth still makes you look dumb and crazy, especially if you talk about subjects that you are clearly uninformed about.
Just because you didn't have friends over before, doesn't mean you won't have them over later. Yes, this does seem to amaze some people.
Shirley Hour
Contrary to popular belief, the older you get, the chances greatly increase for you to become less intellectual. The only thing that makes up for this is experience, and sometimes, even that doesn't help.
Note: Usually discovered during those moments you happen to listen in on a stranger's conversation and try not to raise your eyebrows and say:
Note: Usually discovered during those moments you happen to listen in on a stranger's conversation and try not to raise your eyebrows and say:
It's a good thing to point out mistakes of groups that you care about. BUT, please don't point them out in such a negative way. When criticizing someone, be sure you have some credibility and that your criticism is flawless or it will not be taken seriously.
Shirley Hour
Whenever you know multiple people with the same name, be sure that you know who you are talking to. Otherwise, you are going to feel rather stupid later on.
When talking on your cell phone and you can't hear what the other person is saying, saying "Yes, oh really?" does not always answer their question...Sometimes it gives away that you are not listening to them or the fact that the signal is bad. In this case, just be annoying and ask them repeatedly what they said.
Shirley Hour
Always double check your work, especially work involving words. Otherwise, you may have some amusing typos, especially those that are homophones!
When a friend tells you to go to a remote island to "film" something and the props they bring are rocks, be wary!! You don't want to be the next "missing person" victim.
Shirley Hour
Never ever take family or friends for granted. If you do, one day, you'll find yourself missing them.
Don't think that you can try to do a half-ass job and it will go unnoticed. It will be noticed by many and you will be known as the "Half-ass" for the rest of your life!
Shirley Hour
When put on the spot to present something, be sure to maintain an air of professionalism. Otherwise, you become irritating very, very quickly.
When cooking for five people or more, get a big pot! A little pot that can fit measly 4 drumsticks is not enough to feed a crowd properly. Instead, you can use a little pot and a big pan to accommodate. In the end, just get a big pot.
Shirley Hour
To thicken a liquid, use starch and not flour. Using the latter may add a questionable flavoring and/or texture.
Naps are the best thing in life. When you come home and want to do homework, but instead your eyes tell you otherwise...Listen to your eyes and just let them close for a nice long nap! It will brighten up your day.
Shirley Hour
What comes up, must come down. What goes down, goes back up!
Whenever you start off a day badly (e.g. waking up after your class starts + knocking stuff off your desk), don't remain in a huff all day. Appreciate the little positive things that happen and suddenly, all will be well (if not better!) once more.
Whenever you start off a day badly (e.g. waking up after your class starts + knocking stuff off your desk), don't remain in a huff all day. Appreciate the little positive things that happen and suddenly, all will be well (if not better!) once more.
When coordinating an event and the expected number of attendees will be over 100, do NOT order 10 pizzas and only 10 pizzas...It will NOT be enough to feed a horde of hungry college students.
Shirley Hour
Sometimes, things really just don't work out the way you want them to be. It's fine. Just carry on. If the chance comes by again for a positive opportunity, take it. If the chance comes by again for an opportunity that ended negatively, think about things carefully, mull over it for a few days, talk about it with some people you know that care. Then, and only then, can you decide whether to give the opportunity a second chance.
Watching a sequel to a very violent and gory movie, can make you take precautions. You will watch from behind a pillow, and watch from one eye when dramatic music plays. In the end, sometimes the sequel isn't as bad as the first one!
Shirley Hour
One of the surest ways to bond with people, make them laugh, and get raised eyebrows is to simply reenact a bowel movement!
Don't let autopilot fool you, it may take you on an unintended route in the opposite direction of where you actually want to be.
Shirley Hour
Sometimes, laziness just doesn't really pay. Just a few extra steps will save you the consequences of later.
For example, when spotting a mosquito on the ceiling while you're sitting on a bunk bed does not mean you should grab the nearest pillow to whack the mosquito.
For example, when spotting a mosquito on the ceiling while you're sitting on a bunk bed does not mean you should grab the nearest pillow to whack the mosquito.
Don't think you're cute and charming when you say: "Excuse me miss, you dropped" You will get a scoff and rolled eyes in return.
Shirley Hour
Value your human allies! You may think that you can do everything solo, but once you realize the benefit of working with someone else, you will rarely go solo again!
Discovering that your computer can type in a different language without a software is rewarding. Until you forget, and leave it in a native language causing you to be unable type your correct password in. Remember to change your settings back to English!
Shirley Hour
Be well versed in popular culture if you don't want to embarrass yourself during a game of Apples to Apples!
Kids don't really appreciate your presence until you're about to leave. If you want them to appreciate you sooner than later, pretend you have to leave and someone awful will be replacing you.
Shirley Hour
Oftentimes, you will hope fervently for something to be true. However, since Life is never straightforward, the opposite generally happens.
Exhibit A:
Listen to what your body tells you, that hot burning sensation inside was not because you just saw some good looking hunk down the hallway. It's your insides boiling to help rid some bacteria! (Or an intuitive reaction your body puts into action when it knows you're dreading to go to a meeting.)
Shirley Hour
Don't give in to temptation, no matter how sweet the bait is. The consequences are usually far, far dire.
Getting enough sleep is a definite must when it comes to studying for exams. If sleep does not come to you, take a swig of tea or coffee in the morning...that should help you last a few hours!
Shirley Hour
Ever feel like apathy is the best way to go? Read >>this<< essay. You may think twice about being apathetic.
Do not let dragonflies out of your sight! They come out of nowhere and can disappear as fast as they appear. One minute they're stuck in between your blinds, the next they're chillin' out on your bed! Two seconds later, you're scrambling to find where it was to prevent from sleeping with a dragonfly or having it fly in your drooling mouth.
Shirley Hour
Please remember to shower frequently. Otherwise, you may have a nice touch of vomit added to your overall stench as nearby people barf from your lack of hygiene.
It's a great idea to start a blog! It comes in handy when you feel like you're going to make the same mistake again, you just check your blog and see what you did the first time!
June-Lesson 38
And voila! An edible and delicious omelet!
June-Lesson 38
And voila! An edible and delicious omelet!
Shirley Hour
"Easy come, easy go."
If you don't work hard for something, you will most certainly lose it. And oftentimes, retribution is just around the corner, increasing in strength with each misstep you take.
When sliding down a bouncy slide, hold onto your knickers!! You never know what might fall out or what you may hit on the way down.
Shirley Hour
Curious if you have a higher-than-average patience level? Be in charge of an activity for children. If you don't feel like strangling any children after 2+ hours, you have a higher-than-average patience level.
P.S. This also doubles up as a test for your compassion capacity.
P.S. This also doubles up as a test for your compassion capacity.
How to be a gentleman: If you are taller than a lady, please do not stand in front of them during a concert, you will obstruct their view.
How to be a lady: Walk properly, do not flaunt your big booty and ram into others while you're running like a stampede.
How to be a lady: Walk properly, do not flaunt your big booty and ram into others while you're running like a stampede.
Shirley Hour
One of the best ways to satisfy your fear of being talked about in another language is to gawk awkwardly at a family that isn't your ethnicity. We weren't talking about you. Now we are.
Doing math when waking up from a nap is not ideal. You will come up with answers that make no sense and have problems figuring out the correct answer.
Shirley Hour
Life enjoys making you think one thing before abruptly doing a 180.
Example: You are walking out of a building behind two guys chitchatting. Unexpectedly, one of the guys holds open the door not only for you, but for two girls way behind you as well! You think "Hey! Chivalry is totally alive!"
Life chuckles sinisterly at this moment though, mind you.
As you sit on a shuttle, you watch as some motormouth boy gets on the shuttle while talking on his phone. As the bus begins to move, the boy, unaware of his surroundings, stumbles and sits on you . However, unlike a considerate human being, he merely scoots onto the seat next to you and continues yapping away, no apologetic look or phrase. At the next stop, when there is suddenly a seat free on the other side, the boy (now done talking) goes over to the other side and sits there as if you were the one taking up too much space.
Example: You are walking out of a building behind two guys chitchatting. Unexpectedly, one of the guys holds open the door not only for you, but for two girls way behind you as well! You think "Hey! Chivalry is totally alive!"
Life chuckles sinisterly at this moment though, mind you.
As you sit on a shuttle, you watch as some motormouth boy gets on the shuttle while talking on his phone. As the bus begins to move, the boy, unaware of his surroundings, stumbles and sits on you . However, unlike a considerate human being, he merely scoots onto the seat next to you and continues yapping away, no apologetic look or phrase. At the next stop, when there is suddenly a seat free on the other side, the boy (now done talking) goes over to the other side and sits there as if you were the one taking up too much space.
Making food and having someone eat it with you, makes a meal so much better!! Especially when the food made is actually edible!
Shirley Hour
One of the most horrible, greatest joys in life is to listen to someone's boastful conversation and know that they are lying while they have no idea that you're listening.
Lesson: just because you're lying to people you've barely met does not mean that they won't find out the truth. They will, soon enough.
Lesson: just because you're lying to people you've barely met does not mean that they won't find out the truth. They will, soon enough.
People are always watching you. You might think that you're discreetly looking at your phone or picking your nose for that matter, someone will see you!! If you want to be discreet, try a dark closet.
Shirley Hour
The surest way to not be talked about negatively, besides being a nice personal in general, is to not be a flaker. If you are a flaker one too many times, be certain that you may receive a lovely gift for Christmas or your birthday, that is, a Head and Shoulders shampoo bottle.
If you want to tell a loved one that they need to start eating healthier and exercise more, the best way is to hand them a real human heart that has gone through several bypass surgeries, valve replacements and heart attacks. That should definitely do the trick!
Shirley Hour
Never think that you've seen or heard it all. Just when you think you have, you will look out your apartment window and suddenly see a woman lying with her back on the grass, a burning cigarette in one hand while playing with a hula hoop with the other hand. And before you know it, a man will join her (minus the hula hoop).
Expect the unexpected.
Except if you expect the unexpected, then aren't you expecting the expected?
Expect the unexpected.
Getting only four hours of sleep before a flight may seem tiring, but time spent with family is well worth the loss of sleep!
Shirley Hour
It doesn't matter how many times you've been told "Always make sure you have everything necessary before you settle down and start working,"because time after time, you will sit down, spread your work before you, grab a mouse/writing utensil and just as you're ready to be productive, you suddenly realize:
A) If you are using some electronic device, especially that of a public school lab, you aren't sitting at the right station, either because your computer doesn't have the right software or because it doesn't have the right operating system.
B) You accidentally left some needed materials elsewhere and now you're much too lazy to get it.
So, for the umpteenth time, make sure you have all the things you need before you lose that "focus mode"!
A) If you are using some electronic device, especially that of a public school lab, you aren't sitting at the right station, either because your computer doesn't have the right software or because it doesn't have the right operating system.
B) You accidentally left some needed materials elsewhere and now you're much too lazy to get it.
So, for the umpteenth time, make sure you have all the things you need before you lose that "focus mode"!
Beware, not all is what it appears to be. Example: At weddings, there are tea ceremonies where elders and close relatives are served tea, or maybe it wasn't tea. Maybe what you sipped was in fact hard liquor that you were supposed to only sniff. Beware, not all is what it appears to be.
Shirley Hour
Don't forget that in whatever you do, there will always be someone better than you. If you brag, boast, and act pretentious, just wait for your comeuppance to cause you to fall from your high pedestal.
An exciting ride can be made more enjoyable than it already is with some hysterical laughter from your mother as well as a nervous laugh from your father while he is closing his eyes the whole time!
Shirley Hour
The surest way to appreciate what you have is to juxtapose it next to something so opposite, so horrible, so dreary that you can't help but smile at the difference.
However tired you are, food will always wake you up!! Good food that is. Your eyes may feel droopy as you struggle to keep them up with some chopsticks. No worries, when a dish of deep fried fish, lobster tail with ginger, and Peking duck comes past, there is no way to be asleep anymore!! Use those chopsticks and dig in!
Shirley Hour
One of the most frightening things a person can experience in life is to chance a glimpse at their future. It doesn't matter if this is by watching a movie, observing someone older than you, or through psychic phenomena. Learn from not only your mistakes, but also from other people's. Don't be a(n) [insert chosen expletive here] and end up jobless, alone, and depressed.
You know you don't fit in when you walk into a clothing store and all the workers just look at you. But when a group of rich looking women come in, they are greeted by, "Oh heeey girls! How are you today?" When this occurs, it'd be best to go naked than wear clothes from that store.
Shirley Hour
The surest way to be productive is to do something not only early, but also on a whim as well!
Also, to ensure productivity during group settings, do not:
A) Turn on the TV
B) Have an awkward seating arrangement that does not allow everyone to see everyone else
C) Mention food
Also, to ensure productivity during group settings, do not:
A) Turn on the TV
B) Have an awkward seating arrangement that does not allow everyone to see everyone else
C) Mention food
You don't know what is missing from a kitchen until you actually use the kitchen. Example: Baking brownies.
"Do you have a whisk?"
"Do you have measuring cups?"
"Do you have a tablespoon?"
This is when you know, it's time for a housewarming partay!!
"Do you have a whisk?"
"Do you have measuring cups?"
"Do you have a tablespoon?"
This is when you know, it's time for a housewarming partay!!
Shirley Hour
Just because you're not talking doesn't mean that people aren't watching you. Always be sure to help out when necessary and think carefully before you speak.
It is quite amusing how much you can trick someone into believing something. It also takes a lot of work to doing that, but it is definitely worth it!
Shirley Hour
If you have a friend that is a shopaholic, don't just think that they'll go buy clothes or accessories. In fact, they may be a groceries shopaholic as well...
However, be careful how you judge people, karma may just be around the corner. Literally.
However, be careful how you judge people, karma may just be around the corner. Literally.
Remember what pictures and videos your friends have taken of you over skype...Once they dig it up, it may bring some hysterical laughter throughout the house.
Shirley Hour
To keep moving forward is always a good thing, but every once in awhile, look back at some old photos, files, and whatnot. You may end up with sidesplitting laughter as a result!
Swimming is a great test of time. It tests to see if you still remember to stay afloat when someone drops you in the water. It also tests to see if you can still fit in your swim suit after a year of not swimming.
Shirley Hour
Whenever your life is placed in someone else's hands, don't trust them to make the right decision for you.
When asking someone their current grade in school at a college Welcome Social, do not guess: "Oh, are you a sophomore or junior in high school?" More than likely, most of the people at the Social are in COLLEGE or a COLLEGE staff member.
Shirley Hour
Need an ironing board? Don't have the money? Well, do we have a solution for you! Simply remove a kitchen cupboard shelf and place it on your dining room table. Voila! Presto change-o! And cheapo too!
Laughing is the best medicine. Why? Because it cause you to work every muscle in your body. You know you have gotten a great work out when your face hurts from laughing, at least hope that it's from laughing and not from someone hitting your face because you are laughing at them!
Shirley Hour
Always make sure your blinds are closed: at night, when you're changing, and whenever you're sleeping. Otherwise, you will get creepers (friends?) staring at your window while you suddenly get an uncomfortable feeling.
Fly buzzing all around you and won't stop?? Don't have a fly swatter handy?? Don't fret, newspaper is the next best thing!! Also doubles up as paper know, for the guts and stuff.
Shirley Hour
Name tags these days have horrible adhesion, especially if they are the kind that feel nice and thick. You must either bring tape to functions that have these name tags or you must simply have skills for making name tags stay put.
Internet makes the world go round. Period.
Shirley Hour
Drama is a[n unfortunate] necessity of life. No matter where you are, who you are with, and what you have experienced, it somehow always manages to insert itself into your life.
Stick to what you're good at. When you get rave reviews about your incredible talent, you should continue to pursue that talent because sometimes trying new things, just doesn't pay off.
Shirley Hour
Like in the movies, the pupil--the protégée--will surpass the sensei.
Make sensei proud! ^-^
Make sensei proud! ^-^
Kids say the darnedest things! For example, you should not swear in front of a kid because they will say: "Don't say *insert expletive here*, it's a bad word!"
Shirley Hour
What has been seen cannot be unseen. The best way to avoid being caught is to never do the deed in the first place. However, if the deed has been done, be sure to remove all signs of evidence!
You can run on four hours of sleep and make a really productive day out of it. Although, it would not be best to do this continuously.
Shirley Hour
Always make sure that your alarm is not only set for the correct time (AM/PM), but also set in the first place! Otherwise, you'll be making a mad dash out the door to avoid being significantly late.
When standing on a shuttle, it is NOT nice to place your arm pit in someone's face, as well as step on their toes. In the case that you do hover over someone in this manner, please where soft shoes as well a lot of deodorant.
Shirley Hour
The surest way to know that the shameful know no bounds is to attend a college function, that is,an informal, free "party." There, you'll see so-called "dancing" and many a drafty outfits! A great place to observe and exercise the eyebrows!
When a door is closed, knock. Don't just randomly slide things under the door and have the person inside open the door and give you the "What the hell?" look.
Shirley Hour
Just because you hear the question "Have you received your free [insert noun]?", do not pause or turn around interested. If there isn't a crowd in front of the stall, it probably means there's a catch, and if you DID turn around interested and didn't want to apply for something, you'll hesitate before muttering and walking away awkwardly.
Awkward situations may bring back the memories of what brought on the awkwardness. It may also bring some good laughs!
Shirley Hour
Whenever you have two similarly labeled classes and one is canceled, be sure that you don't mix the two up. Otherwise, you just caused yourself a lot of trouble...
Living without a shower curtain can be tolerable. Living without a garbage bin can be manageable. Living without internet, a death penalty.
Shirley Hour
Even when you've managed to dodge a bullet, don't prance away and let your guard down. Very rarely does an assassin only have one bullet.
The first day of school is always stressful, don't make it more stressful by wearing five pounds of makeup and 5 inch heels to won't be getting the looks that you were intending to get.
Shirley Hour
Sometimes, less is more, especially when it concerns t-shirt designs that you want people to wear in public. Compromise is the best solution to have a cluttered, clunky design.
Moving is a pain in the ass. You might be excited for a new setting, but once you crank out the muscles to move every single item you might want to change your mind.
Shirley Hour
The surest way to learn to cook is to live in an apartment in college without a meal plan. If you decide to not cook, you will either have one of two choices:
1) Continuously eat frozen/processed food to get clogged arteries and die fat
2) While eating nothing and drinking only water, you will die skinny
So, yes, cooking seems like the most ideal option; it is potentially both healthy AND tasty!
1) Continuously eat frozen/processed food to get clogged arteries and die fat
2) While eating nothing and drinking only water, you will die skinny
So, yes, cooking seems like the most ideal option; it is potentially both healthy AND tasty!
Being punctual is a very important and great attribute to have. Remember to carry this everywhere you go. Being punctual to class, social events, and meetings are important, but the most important thing of all is to be punctual to a flight home. If you're not punctual, you will definitely suffer the dire consequences.
Shirley Hour
When playing foosball with an opponent who has nearly overtaken you, even using the "inferiority complex" may not lead you to success. To ensure a victory for yourself, start chanting gibberish; it will cause your opponent to continuously laugh and be unable to see, aim, or do anything clearly. Victory will be yours!
It may be 107 degrees outside, but parents will always find a reason to make you carry a jacket with you! Carry a big bag with you, that way people don't know what you're carrying inside.
Shirley Hour
When attempting to surprise someone with streamers from wall-to-wall, be sure that BOTH ends are secured. Otherwise, the next day, instead of appearing all "SURPRISE-Y!", your streamers will appear "pthbhtbtpp-y."
Don't be the last one sitting at the dinner table when eating dinner. Your parents will make you finish off everything on every plate stating: "You won't get a chance to eat this again!" or "It's not THAT much, you won't get fat!" 10 pounds later...Thanks parents!
Shirley Hour
The best way for people to learn your name is, in fact, to NOT wear a name tag. No creepy looks, no awkward stares, just a simple question of "What's your name [again]?"
Hearing a phrase incorrectly can be hilarious!! Mostly when you repeat it because you think it's the correct term. Example: skype diaper. Correct term: sky diver.
Shirley Hour
Never follow up the question "What year in school are you?" after "Are you an undergraduate or graduate student?" to an international student. 95% of the time, they will reply with "Yes," leaving you in a slightly awkward situation, 4% of the time, you will receive a blank stare, and 1% of the time, you will get a logical response.
If there is a tremendous sale, never buy things in bulk! Fight the temptation to buy what's left on the shelf, which could equal more than a lifetime supply of things. This will save you from sifting through mounds of supplies that will probably only collect dust in a box in the basement.
Shirley Hour
If you often check your e-mail/Facebook/something along those lines, it's better to respond as soon as you see it rather than checking and saying "Oh, I'll reply to it later!" This only leads to you having TONS of e-mails in your inbox and missing many important events and dates. However, you do get to receive a lot of animosity and glares.
An older person may drive 25-30 mph even when the speed limit allows them to drive at 40 mph. You might get frustrated when other cars are zooming past you at what seems to be the speed of light, but you may get a thrill when they turn at an intersection at the same speed of 25-30 mph!
Shirley Hour
When closing a building/assignment at a certain time, always know that there will be people who arrive at the last possible second. As a result, never think you're free until the time has come and passed.
When reading in a different language, always remember to place the correct accents...because if you don't you'll get a completely different word that isn't so serene and pretty.
Shirley Hour
Volunteering is always good, especially if you're volunteering to make yourself a better person. However, you should think not only about the end result (i.e. you managed to help someone and/or your skill in something has increased); you should also think about the process of getting there. More often than not, the process is filled with many tribulations (read: awkward situations).
Older people can hang out until midnight in a downtown setting!! When the time does come, which it may be as often as Halley's Comet, cherish it and enjoy the time because you'll never know when you'll be out that late again!
Shirley Hour
Once you're past the age of 12 or so, staying up late is no longer cool. In fact, it becomes a terrible punishment. 12am? 1am? 2am? 7:30am? What will your sleep time be at, if at all?
Always take a GPS whenever you're driving somewhere, you'll never know when you'll need it! A wrong turn to find a street going East to West when in fact you're going parallel to that street, can lead you on a very long chase to find it.
Shirley Hour
Even if you're afraid to ask something, for fear of it being a stupid question or request, ask it anyway. You never know, sometimes good deeds DO go unpunished.
Plus, listening to a dramatic, instrumental song while typing the fateful e-mail helps:
Plus, listening to a dramatic, instrumental song while typing the fateful e-mail helps:
You can still prank your friends even if you're a thousand miles away! Example: Wish that your friend doesn't know whether or not to touch black rubber on your car door. Pray that she does after a really hot day and therefore leaving some nice red marks on her hands for the next few hours! MUAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA!
Shirley Hour
How to tell a normal cutscene from a real ending:
"Oh, is this the real ending yet? Oh, wait, nope. Their hair isn't fancy yet. They're still in blobs."
(At least, in reference to Square Enix games)
"Oh, is this the real ending yet? Oh, wait, nope. Their hair isn't fancy yet. They're still in blobs."
(At least, in reference to Square Enix games)
If you want to scare someone and cause them to be restless all night, let loose a quarter sized spider in their room. It will for sure keep them alert and disgusted as they hope and pray that the eight legged creature does not fall into their mouth as they sleep.
Shirley Hour
When you offer someone food and they respond with "No thanks. I don't want to eat anything," do not reply with "Oh, will you finish my cheese then?"
In case you did not know, cheese is still food. Bacteria-ridden, yes, but still food.
In case you did not know, cheese is still food. Bacteria-ridden, yes, but still food.
It's a little ironic when internet service companies offer an online chat line for those who are having problems with the internet...99.999% of problems with internet must deal with the internet NOT working...That's some damn good online chatting service!
Shirley Hour
When asking for math help--or any kind of homework help for that matter--from a parent, be sure that you have sealed off all possible escape routes. Otherwise, a comical chase shall ensue and you will most likely lose your prey.
Don't overwork yourself the first day you hit the gym after a very long time away. You don't want to scare yourself away from the gym, let someone else do the job for you!
Shirley Hour
When paranoid that something will happen (e.g. that creepy crawly feeling on your leg is a bug) DO double check to make sure it isn't what you feared. Don't assume that you're just paranoid. Otherwise, your reaction may wake/startle an entire household.
Don't read a intense thriller book during the night when the wind is howling outside your window and leaves are rustling against the pane. It might give you unwanted chills!
Shirley Hour
The surest way to judge a person's gender is by examining their feet. It doesn't matter how stunning they look, how many strategically placed lumps they have, or how they walk. If they have humungo feet, they're quite likely to be a male.
Having a layover for 3 hours at an airport can be really boring when you are traveling alone. To lessen the boredom, take a walk on the escalator, browse the books and check to see which celebrities have broken up with whom and what nose job has been done! That'll keep you entertained as well as help you get some exercise in!
Shirley Hour
When driving and seeing a creature cross the road, yelling in the car with the windows closed does not alert the creature in any way at all. The only thing this results in is an increase in your heart rate as well as causing your passenger(s) to go deaf.
Never let the nervousness of taking a final make your worst fear come true. Example: When driving to school, you may think: "What would happen if I accidentally locked my keys in the car?" and then quickly forget about it. Until the very last day of school, the very last final. You have the fear again, but as you stepped out and hastily close your locked door, you stare into your window to see the keys glimmering and laughing at your failure. Don't let this failure bleed into your final!
Shirley Hour
Whenever you are paranoid that something will happen in a certain timespan (e.g. locking your keys in the car), never think that you are safe until that time span is over. Otherwise, you're just tempting Fate, and Fate will give in to temptation. See August-Lesson 10.
When wanting to print out an e-mail without printscreening or highlighting everything, be sure to examine all the available buttons. It helps.
When wanting to print out an e-mail without printscreening or highlighting everything, be sure to examine all the available buttons. It helps.
You might feel cruddy after taking a final. You might see your not so A(sian) standard score and feel even worse about it. You might even think that Mother Nature is plotting something against you with her pellets of rain and thunderous roars, but never lose a glint of hope that a big fat A (as in grades..) will show up on your report card!
Shirley Hour
Sweets, caffeine, and other edible things may be just what you need for entertainment. No, not "chubby bunnies." Simply feed someone more than their usual intake of such things and they will, quite simply, go over the edge. They will being to giggle incessantly, twitch continuously, and spout out sayings faster than a meme generator.
Listen to what your momma told you. You may not like or agree to what she said in the moment, but always keep her sayings in the back of your mind. It will save you from punching someone in the gonads.
Shirley Hour
When stating that you will do something, you should always follow through with it. Just make sure that all other bases have been cover and no one can find your tracks to your wonderful deeds!
Shirley Hour
Sedentary lifestyle? Do the following steps to presto change-o!:
1) Find a kitchen island with ample room to run around
2) Have a dog that will follow you, especially as you run faster and faster
3) Have at least one more person trying to catch a glimpse of the dog as the dog chases you while you run away from the dog
4) Repeat until exhausted/breathless from laughter
1) Find a kitchen island with ample room to run around
2) Have a dog that will follow you, especially as you run faster and faster
3) Have at least one more person trying to catch a glimpse of the dog as the dog chases you while you run away from the dog
4) Repeat until exhausted/breathless from laughter
Refrain from hitting others while they are being immature during biology class when the topic of reproduction is at hand. You might stop them from reproducing all together.
Shirley Hour
Whenever using a site that limits bandwidth, always make sure that others are not streaming/downloading from the same site as you (e.g. Megavideo). You may both be confused by why your time is suddenly up when you know that you (alone) haven't reached the limit.
When seeing a neighbor in their backyard filming something, your first response should be: Photo Bomb!! Some ideas could be, if it was a particular rainy and overcast day, get a rice hat on as well as grab a wooden sword or sabre to help out with the wu xia effect. The neighbors will greatly appreciate it, or at least be thoroughly amused...or confused!
Shirley Hour
Always read the instructions before doing something. Otherwise, you may be taken for a ride with a destination you weren't looking for: Welcome to GOTCHA! Population: Constantly fluctuating.
If you don't want something at a restaurant, give the waiter or waitress a firm "no" or shake your head NO like a mad dog. Or else the waiter or waitress will just give you the dish anyway, and charge you the rest of your wallet's worth of money.
Shirley Hour
When in doubt about what to do with friends, go feed some ducks.
Not feeding your friends to ducks, no. Feed some [cheap!] bread to ducks and geese. You'll be surprised by how long you can be entertained doing this.
Not feeding your friends to ducks, no. Feed some [cheap!] bread to ducks and geese. You'll be surprised by how long you can be entertained doing this.
When talking to someone late at night, open your eyes. Just because you think the person is still in the same location as they were when you left, doesn't mean they will still be there when you come back a mere two minutes later. Open your eyes, this will prevent you from wasting energy talking to furniture and decorations.
Shirley Hour
When pestered by bugs and insects, be careful of how you dispose of them. When trying to dispose of larger bugs, try not to use any utensils (i.e. chopsticks) to pick them up--that's just nasty. Instead, try and use a paper towel or napkin to get rid of them. However, when doing so, be sure that you fold up the napkin a few times to avoid feeling the bug wriggling around and thus throwing the napkin (with the bug!) at a nearby bystander.
In addition to that, if the bug pestering you is of a smaller size--from the size of a fruit fly to a mosquito--be careful where you squish it; in your frantic state to permanently stop the bug, you may squish it in somebody else's notes.
In addition to that, if the bug pestering you is of a smaller size--from the size of a fruit fly to a mosquito--be careful where you squish it; in your frantic state to permanently stop the bug, you may squish it in somebody else's notes.
Some nerdiness is cute, but when you decide to incorporate biology into EVERYTHING you do, from baking to hair cutting, that's a little too much to handle!
Shirley Hour
Always taste your food before presenting it to a group of people. Even nearly divine chefs make mistakes sometimes...
Don't EVER park in front of a gas station when you're not getting any gasoline! It's a good thing that looks don't kill, because if they did, someone at the gas station would have a hole bored through their head due to some serious glaring.
Shirley Hour
"Alouette" and "The Itsy Bitsy Spider" have the same tune.
To lessen the "impoliteness" of car honking, play a little tune while honking by adding a little rhythm to it. It might be a little nicer than the usual honking!
Shirley Hour
When your nose is running away from you and you have to constantly blow and wipe your nose, be sure to get all residue off. Whether it be snot or tissue paper, wipe efficiently and carefully!
Shirley Hour
Comebacks are a necessary skill in life. Being able to take retorts is one thing, being able to throw them back at the enemy is quite another.
Be sure you can handle at least a few rounds of a comeback battle. Otherwise, you're going to look lame. Very much so.
Be sure you can handle at least a few rounds of a comeback battle. Otherwise, you're going to look lame. Very much so.
Hypothesis: Coffee making in a coffee maker may seem easy at first. Add some coffee grinds to a coffee filter and add some water in the water compartment.
Expected results: Nice aroma of coffee filling the air as well as coffee that is dark like ebony.
Observed results: Slight whiff of coffee and a tea like substance pouring from the coffee pot.
Conclusion: Do not be deceived by simple machinery and little lesson in proportions will also come in handy!
Expected results: Nice aroma of coffee filling the air as well as coffee that is dark like ebony.
Observed results: Slight whiff of coffee and a tea like substance pouring from the coffee pot.
Conclusion: Do not be deceived by simple machinery and little lesson in proportions will also come in handy!
Shirley Hour
Euphemisms sometimes just aren't that euphemistic, especially swear words. You might as well use the real thing.
Example: "You don't know squat!"
Slang definition of squat: noun. Used as a euphemism for "shit", which comes from the act of squatting in order to defecate.
Example: "You don't know squat!"
Slang definition of squat: noun. Used as a euphemism for "shit", which comes from the act of squatting in order to defecate.
When going to an Asian Festival, you may learn a lot about the different traditions of Asia and go out feeling a little bit more cultured. Now here's the big BUT: Don't forget that there are a plethora of Asian drivers at every street corner, stop signs, alleys, and any place that looks like a car can fit in. Your car might get dented, you might get ran over,and you might also wish you never came. In the end, it's all about learning the culture!
Shirley Hour
If you have a Mr. Hyde personality within you, be sure that you always have a filter when you talk. Otherwise, not only will you cause sidesplitting spells of laughter (and thus increase chances of asphyxiation), you may face consequences through physical means.
To conserve energy in a freezing computer room, take a nap! This will prevent the feeling of discomfort of your extremities and limbs becoming ice cold.
Shirley Hour
Before going to bed, it's always good to have ended the day on a happy, positive note. This is especially true when watching movies; you never quite want to go to bed thinking about murders and various ways you can die.
Don't watch a extremely violent movie before bedtime. This will cause some tossing and turning and unwanted nightmares!
Shirley Hour
Hate cannot exist without Love.
Alas, even if you despise something with a fiery passion, you will eventually grow to like it somewhat. It takes time, but without a doubt, you will find yourself starting to like it.
Disclaimer: This lesson does not always pertain to people.
Listen to what your PE teacher says, stopping during aerobic exercises just makes it worse! Example: When biking down a hill, it's sure a breeze. When biking back up the hill, be sure to never EVER stop, if you do you will regret every second that you slowly pedal up the long treacherous mound!
Shirley Hour
You may surprise yourself on how much exercise you can get in a day if you don't rely on gadgets or gizmos.
- For example, you may work your mind and soul if you have classes in the morning (or you may read/do puzzles/etc.).
- Upon finishing this activity, you may find a sudden--depending on the weather--urge to go play with water balloons. At this rate, you may find out that you severely lack: upper body strength, a decent caliber in aiming, any skill whatsoever in catching flying objects being thrown at you, or some combination of the three.
- Afterwards, you may find that you need to buy an item from your nearest grocery store; instead of driving, one of you may have the sudden urge to bike. Because you thought impulsively, you realize as you glide down the hill that it's going to be one painful ride back up the hill. Thus, you exercise your lower body.
- Finally, after such an eventful day, you go to bed early.
Voila! A perfect, fun schedule.
- For example, you may work your mind and soul if you have classes in the morning (or you may read/do puzzles/etc.).
- Upon finishing this activity, you may find a sudden--depending on the weather--urge to go play with water balloons. At this rate, you may find out that you severely lack: upper body strength, a decent caliber in aiming, any skill whatsoever in catching flying objects being thrown at you, or some combination of the three.
- Afterwards, you may find that you need to buy an item from your nearest grocery store; instead of driving, one of you may have the sudden urge to bike. Because you thought impulsively, you realize as you glide down the hill that it's going to be one painful ride back up the hill. Thus, you exercise your lower body.
- Finally, after such an eventful day, you go to bed early.
Voila! A perfect, fun schedule.

Placements of signs are very important, you must place them correctly to be able to get your point across. Example: Do not cover the "Chicken" part of "Chicken Breast" at a grocery store, it may cause some slight confusion and hysterical laughter.
Shirley Hour
No matter how masterful you are at lying and deceiving, posing and acting, that web of lies you build will end up with you being a victim of your own stories.
There are people smarter than you all around who may not have pointed anything out the first few times they hear inconsistencies. However, as time passes and the lies grow, watch out! You may just lose everything.
There are people smarter than you all around who may not have pointed anything out the first few times they hear inconsistencies. However, as time passes and the lies grow, watch out! You may just lose everything.
Do not chop vegetables or come near the kitchen when you have just woken up from a nap. The daze and confusion does not help in any way. It only aids in bloody fingers and the burning of objects.
Shirley Hour
Muscle memory isn't just for playing the piano, touch typing, or even cooking. In fact, you can go on autopilot while driving and somehow manage get to your destination safely!
Disclaimer: Autopilot does not mean falling asleep while driving, texting, or driving while not sober...
Also, when stopping at an intersection with a stop sign, you do not need to wait for a nonexistent green light to appear.
Disclaimer: Autopilot does not mean falling asleep while driving, texting, or driving while not sober...
Also, when stopping at an intersection with a stop sign, you do not need to wait for a nonexistent green light to appear.
Extreme tiredness can make you do incoherent things. This is why you should NEVER drive while you are on the verge of being comfortable with sleeping while you're standing. Save your innards from being mushed and head from being busted, as well as the lives of others and take a nap in your car (stationary of course)!
Shirley Hour
Ever think that you could live as a hermit, alone in the world without a care? Think again! Even if you have online conversations, it's not quite the same as using your voice box with a family member or friend.
Plus, if you can't cook, you're most likely to starve to death.
Plus, if you can't cook, you're most likely to starve to death.
When going on carnival rides, be sure to not eat anything before that you don't want to see again in a different form. A ride such as an Orbiter that can reach up to G2 force can really cause you to see your food again!
Shirley Hour
When you're in a productive mood, go along with it! Don't get distracted by sudden urges to check your e-mail or phone (unless you're expecting an important notification). You'll be surprised by how much you can get done in such a short time.
Staying up until 3 am in the morning can make you do a lot of fun things you would normally not do at 3 pm. It just leaves you in a very groggy state the whole day.
Shirley Hour
No matter your age, gender, race, orientation, etc., it's always astounding when you are able to find something in common with someone. For example, there are many universal things that bring people together: smiles, food, a good time...
However, it's even more astounding when you find something in common with someone youhate greatly dislike.
Example: At a Harry Potter premiere full of obnoxious tweens? Be patient, young padawan, for when the movie starts, silence and awe fills the theatre.
However, it's even more astounding when you find something in common with someone you
Example: At a Harry Potter premiere full of obnoxious tweens? Be patient, young padawan, for when the movie starts, silence and awe fills the theatre.
To practice restraint from harming another fellow human being, go to a theater filled with Harry Potter fanatic tweens and high school students, it will really test your patience!
If you know that you will come in contact with someone who will talk to you, proceed to eat before you come in contact with anyone. This prevents the awkward, "I'm chewing, I'm not going to answer your question right now because I will spew whatever is in my mouth in your face," gesture.
Shirley Hour
Gryphon: They come, your highness, in numbers and weapons far greater than our own.
Oreius: Numbers do not win a battle.
Peter Pevensie: No... but I bet they help.
Oreius: Numbers do not win a battle.
Peter Pevensie: No... but I bet they help.
(The Chronicles of Narnia: The Lion, the Witch and the Wardrobe (2005))
Like the saying usually goes, "Quality is better than quantity." Keep this in mind when on any battlefield, whether it is academic or athletic. You may be pleasantly surprised by the outcome.
Watch a good wu-xia series when in need of a good laughter. The dramatic and Oscar worthy acting will cause you to laugh uncontrollably, not to mention the realistic effects!
Shirley Hour
Excessive spending is bad. Being miserly is bad. Being thrifty is good!
HOWEVER, when trying to raise the bar for a remake, be sure not to be too thrifty...unless you want hysterical laughter from your audience due to cruddy effects and props.
HOWEVER, when trying to raise the bar for a remake, be sure not to be too thrifty...unless you want hysterical laughter from your audience due to cruddy effects and props.
Math is exhilarating! If you need a little waker-upper, just do some math that you haven't done in awhile. It'll be rewarding when you solve the problem!
Shirley Hour
You never know when you'll need these skills again.
Buy a stainless steel scourer when you need to get burn marks off your pans. Ignore all the advice about leaving baking soda in overnight and attempting to use Oxyclean as a pot detergent. The results of those are really dry pruney hands. Save the hands, get a scourer!
Shirley Hour
Heavy dairy content approaching
Every once in awhile, think about what you have in life beyond materialistic things. Think about family, about friends. You'll be surprised at what you have compared to others.
When making congee do not assume that because there is a lot of water in the pot, that it will not burn. A slight ashy smell might arise and indicate something has gone wrong!
Shirley Hour
When planning to go on outings with friends and you reply with "I'll let you know later," be sure that you actually DO notify them later on.
If not...
1) You will look like a jerk
2) You will miss an eventful day
3) Be ready to receive a lot of spam on your Facebook wall
When confused about something, be sure to clarify with questions. If not, you will assume, and if you assume, "you make an ASS out of U and ME."
When one says "My sister is going to perform Phantom of the Opera at my cousin's wedding!", it doesn't quite mean that she's going to act out as the phantom...she might just be playing the piano song...
If not...
1) You will look like a jerk
2) You will miss an eventful day
3) Be ready to receive a lot of spam on your Facebook wall
When confused about something, be sure to clarify with questions. If not, you will assume, and if you assume, "you make an ASS out of U and ME."
When one says "My sister is going to perform Phantom of the Opera at my cousin's wedding!", it doesn't quite mean that she's going to act out as the phantom...she might just be playing the piano song...
After chopping onions and spicy peppers, don't wipe your eyes or nose will feel the burning sensation for awhile and appear to be crying for no reason!
Shirley Hour
Whatever doesn't burn down the house earns you cooking points.
Watery smoothies? +cooking points
Awkwardly folded omelets? +cooking points
Miscalculations of portion sizes? +cooking points
White smoke throughout the house? +cooking points
Watery smoothies? +cooking points
Awkwardly folded omelets? +cooking points
Miscalculations of portion sizes? +cooking points
White smoke throughout the house? +cooking points
3/8 X 3/8 =/= 9/81
1/2 X 1/2 X 1/2 =/= 1/16
last but not least,
1/2 X 3/4 X 1/2 X 3/4 =/= 6/64
When multiplying fractions: multiply all denominators by each other and do the same for the numerators.
When adding fractions: Find the least common denominator, multiply each fraction accordingly to obtain the least common denominator and then add only the numerators. KEEP the denominator the same!
This will save some points on a quiz!
1/2 X 1/2 X 1/2 =/= 1/16
last but not least,
1/2 X 3/4 X 1/2 X 3/4 =/= 6/64
When multiplying fractions: multiply all denominators by each other and do the same for the numerators.
When adding fractions: Find the least common denominator, multiply each fraction accordingly to obtain the least common denominator and then add only the numerators. KEEP the denominator the same!
This will save some points on a quiz!
Shirley Hour
Mannerisms are contagious.
Be careful what you joke about. You might just end up becoming what you laughed at.
See: Engrish
Be careful what you joke about. You might just end up becoming what you laughed at.
See: Engrish
Do not get discouraged when searching for that perfect something. Eventually you will find something that suits you, it takes a little patience!
Shirley Hour
If you spot a penny, pick it up! You may just encounter some unexpectedly fortunate events throughout the rest of the day!
Do not smoke while driving, in fact don't smoke at all. Most importantly do not smoke, drive, and attempt to write on a notepad. It might prevent an accident or well as death glares!
Shirley Hour
If you are a cyclist, know this fact: no matter where you are, you will always receive death glares. If you are on the street, drivers will hate you. If you are on the sidewalk, pedestrians will hate you. And if you're in the biking lane, other cyclists will probably hate you.
"Heads I win, tails you loose."
"They said he need to gain some wait."
"I'm attending a communiy collage."
These wonderful quotes came from Facebook. Spend less time on Facebook and read a book instead!
"They said he need to gain some wait."
"I'm attending a communiy collage."
These wonderful quotes came from Facebook. Spend less time on Facebook and read a book instead!
Shirley Hour
Be most wary of those who do not know their weapons. They tend to be the people with the most creative methods to kill harm you.
Example: Instead of an ordinary gun, they will think to have a glass gun that sprays out acid at you.
Example: Instead of an ordinary gun, they will think to have a glass gun that sprays out acid at you.
When making sound effects, be sure that the listener can distinguish your sounds from the dog. Confusion may occur otherwise.
Shirley Hour
When someone tells you a story about the danger of seemingly harmless objects, be prepared to immediately be assaulted by said objects, else you might just be in for a painful surprise!
Watching TV can be productive...if you decide to knit beanies or do a little Sudoku to stimulate the brain!
Shirley Hour
Be well versed in slang. Otherwise, updating Facebook statuses (and similar things) will lead to some potentially interesting and awkward conversations...
Example provided by ajenn:
"I think it's about time to trim my bush :/"
"I hope your bush is in the garden..."
Example provided by ajenn:
"I think it's about time to trim my bush :/"
"I hope your bush is in the garden..."
Don't get stuck on playing music that's so boring it makes your body wrench. Play music that you ACTUALLY enjoy! It makes a big difference.
Shirley Hour
When plotting pranks and teasing people, if you need to set things up and/or lock people in rooms, don't forget about them; you might end up in your own booby trap or leave someone stranded in a room for an extended amount of time!
When driving, let others into your lane if they kindly signal. This will lead to good karma later on in the day!
Shirley Hour
When in need of laughter, try translating Harry Potter spells into another language!
If you need to stay awake, an eight legged creature can keep you on the edge of your seat when it vanishes before your eyes and appears on the other side of the room in seconds!
Shirley Hour
"Consistency is all I ask!"
Rosencrantz, from Rosencrantz and Guildenstern Are Dead
Contrary to popular belief, consistency isn't always great, especially when you are consistently late on days your carpool partner has tests, quizzes, and that myriad of stuff that just brings unimaginable joy to students.
Third time is the charm, as AGT's Leo the Magnificent proved today! If you try the first time and you were denied, try again! When you try for your second time and you're again rejected by the same two people the first time, try again...when there are other judges! Moral: There will eventually be someone that accepts you for who you are.
Disclaimer: Not suggested for dating.
Disclaimer: Not suggested for dating.
Shirley Hour
Badminton: a game played with a shuttlecock, that at times seems to have a mind of its own. It will lead you on many hunts in the midst of bushes and thorns, sometimes leaving you wondering a year later where it actually landed.
Shirley Hour
"If at first you don't succeed, sky diving is not for you."
Take this quote into mind when playing any type of sport. Perhaps you don't succeed the first time, or the second time...or the third time...then, well, switch sides! If this still doesn't work, perhaps try a different sport...
Just sayin'.
Take this quote into mind when playing any type of sport. Perhaps you don't succeed the first time, or the second time...or the third time...then, well, switch sides! If this still doesn't work, perhaps try a different sport...
Just sayin'.
A super slow song on DDR can actually be really entertaining! Make the best out of it and add a little personality to some cases, booty shaking!
Shirley Hour
When someone is egging you on while you are playing a game (e.g. DDR), be careful to not get too into it. You might just be on candid camera!
If you want to save a life and don't want to donate any blood or organs, get off your phone when you're driving! Don't EVER drive while on your phone, you'll save your life and many others.
Shirley Hour
When someone compliments you on how you dress and you answer by saying "Guess what it is?!", this is a possible recipe for the complimenter to follow you around the house, trying to figure out what your outfit is while you scramble away in fear.
In other words, why answer later when you could answer now? It saves you memory and wild chases around the house!
In other words, why answer later when you could answer now? It saves you memory and wild chases around the house!
When approaching a possible restricted door, always try to turn the knob. It actually just might open! If not, awkwardly walk away and wait until someone else can open the door.
Shirley Hour
When warning the driver about upcoming mistakes/terror rides/possibility of immediate death, add more emotion to your voice. It might just save your lives, especially if the driver has somewhat of a delayed reaction due to your passive voice.
If you're having a tough day or just need a pick me up, play with a one year old! They always seem to know what to babble and do to put a smile on your face! Do not underestimate the power of a one year old.
Shirley Hour
Laughter. The sound of joy and delight. Perhaps a sound slightly tainted by hysteria. Usually a pleasant sound to hear. Something contagious that you might actually want to get. Nonetheless, try to never, ever have a fake, tinny laugh...unless you enjoy death glares from a variety of directions and possible strangulations as you walk out of a classroom.