When planning to go on outings with friends and you reply with "I'll let you know later," be sure that you actually DO notify them later on.
If not...
1) You will look like a jerk
2) You will miss an eventful day
3) Be ready to receive a lot of spam on your Facebook wall
When confused about something, be sure to clarify with questions. If not, you will assume, and if you assume, "you make an ASS out of U and ME."
When one says "My sister is going to perform Phantom of the Opera at my cousin's wedding!", it doesn't quite mean that she's going to act out as the phantom...she might just be playing the piano song...
If not...
1) You will look like a jerk
2) You will miss an eventful day
3) Be ready to receive a lot of spam on your Facebook wall
When confused about something, be sure to clarify with questions. If not, you will assume, and if you assume, "you make an ASS out of U and ME."
When one says "My sister is going to perform Phantom of the Opera at my cousin's wedding!", it doesn't quite mean that she's going to act out as the phantom...she might just be playing the piano song...
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