After countless hours and sleepless nights, not to mention days of complete discouragement, hard work does really pay off. When you get to a point where there seems to be nothing that can motivate you to keep going, something will pleasantly surprise you and give you the much needed boost to help you get through the rut. Be patient and never give up.
Shirley Hour
Hallo hallo to our nearly nonexistent readers! Do not fret, we have not forgotten about this blog. We've just been a little busy and will attempt to catch up over Christmas break.
Shirley Hour
The only time to get a full understanding of how kooky you are as a person is to observe the actions of a sick and semi-delirious friend and realize that they're only on the same wavelength as you because this is abnormal for them.
Shirley Hour
Making a portfolio for the first time is a somewhat terrifying ordeal.
Shirley Hour
Every once in awhile, two minds may as well have been one mind. You know you should ask for more help when three hours of researching and asking questions back and forth lead to no earth shattering discoveries.
Shirley Hour
Strange noises at night will show you how unprepared you are for the zombie apocalypse. Or any apocalypse for that matter.
Shirley Hour
One day, when you're older and richer and young adults go around your neighborhood asking for donations, don't be a jerk; either open the door and help out or open the door and give a good excuse. Do NOT look out the window and shoo the askers away, do NOT give a threadbare excuse, do NOT be rude.
Shirley Hour
It is possible to learn four weeks of stuff in two days. However, this takes patience, guidance, and a touch of skill.
Shirley Hour
You may be pleasantly surprised by a score in a class you didn't think you were doing well in. Believe in yourself [always with common sense]!
Shirley Hour
Sometimes, the difference of one's culture is not evident until an innocent, blatant question from a different culture is asked. Large amounts of laughter and a wonderful culture exchange will ensue!
"You eat fish that still look like fish?"
"You eat fish that still look like fish?"
Shirley Hour
The unexpected calmness of a person when you tell them an unannounced change in your life should be received with caution; the worst is not over yet as you are merely in the eye of the storm.
Shirley Hour
Parents are actually full of surprises sometimes! You may expect a negative reaction where a relatively pleasant reaction can be found!
UPDATE: See October - Lesson 41
UPDATE: See October - Lesson 41
Shirley Hour
A greater appreciation for TAs can be found when they are willing to go out of their usual TA hours to sincerely help you catch up and understand a given topic.
Shirley Hour
One of the stranger conversations in life is to have a text conversation with your parent whose first language is not English and to whom you usually talk to in another language. An awkward and stiff conversation will follow, and it's probably just better to stop replying and pretend that that conversation never happened.
Shirley Hour
You know you're getting desperate for a new laptop when you enter any contest you can and haphazardly like Facebook pages left and right.
Shirley Hour
You know you don't quite click with a person when a substitute teaches a class and you find yourself less worried and more open to speak than you usually do.
Shirley Hour
To know if you possibly have an antisocial personality, judge your reaction on the following scenario:
The higher the number, the likelihood of a social personality increases. The lower the number, the likelihood of a antisocial personality increases.
- A person you don't know very well posts on your Facebook wall. What do you do?
- Reply excitedly.
- Blink at the unexpected person on your wall, but reply in a pleasant manner anyway.
- Start saying out loud "This doesn't happen to me! What am I supposed to say to that?" and attempt to reply in a socially acceptable manner.
The higher the number, the likelihood of a social personality increases. The lower the number, the likelihood of a antisocial personality increases.
Shirley Hour
Facebook birthday posts should either consist of at least one of the following: a novel, an inside joke, or a humorous poem. It will make things seem much more sincere and entertaining.
Shirley Hour
Shirley Hour
No matter how good of a friend you are with a person, a bonding session is always necessary! Watching a movie that is both intense action-wise and emotionally will be sure to be an enjoyable and cathartic experience, especially if you haven't chatted face-to-face for an extended period of time.
Shirley Hour
A villain may make or break a movie. If the villain acts childish, is supposed to be smart but never does anything to show it, and hyperconfident for no reason at all, that villain sucks.
When working with those who are younger than yourself, you will wonder whether or not you acted in such a immature way. Remember this and always try to act humble and unpretentious.
When life is rough, you will know who support you wholeheartedly. Cherish the family and friends that are there for you no matter what hardships you are going through. You will thank them when they put a smile on your face through those tears.
Learn from your mother when she gives food away to her guests. Always give more than half of the portion away, leaves space for your fridge for more food!
When working with Asian friends, always plan ahead that they will be late. Give them a time to come expecting they will come from a half an hour to an hour later. Come a half hour after the given time, and this will decrease the amount of waiting time.
Sometimes having two people in the kitchen is counter-productive. You will surprise yourself when you are cooking and baking by yourself how much more you can do without another person's help.
Traffic will usually make a person very grumpy. Take deep breaths and take in the scenery. Even better, take out the camera and enjoy the sunset as you sit stagnantly on the pavement.
Finishing early to only wait for others can be the worst thing to wait for, especially when you have already been in the lab for over 4 hours. Find something to entertain yourself for the time being! From studying to watching Youtube videos, you won't feel like you have wasted as much time.
Watching a political debate can be exciting at times. Other times, when the one you are rooting for is doing such a horrible job, all you can do is turn off the TV and hope they will do better next time.
When labeling, make sure it is clear and permanent! If the labeling rubs off, hell may break loose!
The feeling that you have cheated on an exam even though you have not is embarrassing. Lesson: Always bring a calculator to an exam even if it is a writing exam! You never know when you may need it.
Sundays can in fact be productive! You can study, clean the house and get a nap in!! Not to mention spend a little time with friends.
Kids will do the darnedest things for candy or any prize for that matter. The games that were meant to entertain the kids will in turn prove to be more entertaining for the audience.
Hearing the wrong thing can lead to good memories. When guy sounds like "I", your friends may end up doing something ridiculously funny just for something simple as a pair of chopsticks.
When life gets calmer, there may be another storm coming in. But push forward and trudge on.
Meeting new faces and enthusiastic individuals is always exciting and fun!
Some days you just can't help but sleep all day. Days like these are mundane, but in the end will help rejuvenate your energy for the next day.
The feeling you get when you are able to help someone who has helped you all your life is indescribable. A mixture of gratefulness and sense of worth empowers you and is a source of motivation to continue to strive in your endeavors.
Shirley Hour
Even if you're not feeling creative but you've been putting something off for eons, do it. Push out a terrible first draft. The beginning may be a godawful chore, but be patient and keep going; the creative juices will start flowing once more.
Life is best spent with those who continuously make you laugh hysterically.
Shirley Hour
Deus ex machinas are oh so last millennia. Avoid them.
For your information: Blocking a five foot girl when you are six feet and 180+ pounds is not something to be proud of.
Shirley Hour
Know how many times you are allowed to renew books. Otherwise, you will be scrambling to return them on time.
The anxiety that occurs when you have done something wrong and hoping the parental units do not find is overwhelming. Stay calm and there will always be a way to get out of it.
Shirley Hour
Arguing on Facebook will make you look like an idiot.
Cooking is a real great stress reliever. If done correctly, the preparation is relaxing and the production is scrumptious. It is a win-win situation.
Shirley Hour
The quote "I work better/only under pressure" is a way to ensure doom later in life/that day! A timespan of days will rapidly shrink into hours into minutes into death.
Shirley Hour
The introvert is not always forgotten. Although a teacher may appear to have forgotten who you were on yearbook signing day, the reality may actually be the complete opposite, even if it takes five years to realize that fact.
Shirley Hour
Being remembered in a positive and humorous manner is a great way to trigger nostalgia.
Shirley Hour
You know you're desperate for new technology if you scramble to enter as many contests as possible.
Shirley Hour
Shirley Hour
Asking questions is usually a good thing, but repeatedly asking "why" over and over again will leave no nerve ungrated, especially if you're trying to be a smart aleck to a person trying to help you out.
Shirley Hour
You know you have a faulty system if a dozen mandatory learning modules can be completed within an hour due to rapid clicking and barely any thought.
Shirley Hour
On days when you're running late to the first instance of something (e.g. class), the thing you are late for, especially if you haven't been late for anything else, is likely to be unimportant and a huge waste of time.
Shirley Hour
Just because you have an idea doesn't mean it's a good one. Common sense, not cents, people!
"Lady Pens"
"Lady Pens"
A simple conversation with a new friend allows you to learn more about yourself.
Shirley Hour
Although sarcasm is often hard to detect through text, passion is easily seen. Don't think because you half-arsed a paper that it won't be noticed!
A Sunday brunch is a great way to catch up with friends you haven't seen for a long time.
Shirley Hour
Nighttime equates to social awkwardness, especially if you are walking towards a person in a dimly lit area and stare at their face, trying to figure out if you actually recognize them or not.
Somethings will just slip out and will show what you are truly thinking. Example: When looking up synonyms for "dedication" you type in "dead" instead.
Shirley Hour
Night lights are much tougher than they appear. Do not step on them.
The professor is what makes a class entertaining.
"What is the lesson? The lesson is: HOLY SHIT!"
Become a good professor and throw in a few cuss words here and there to keep students alert!
Shirley Hour
The surest way to show a maniacal side of you is to leave a long, random voice mail at about midnight.
Shirley Hour
Quality over quantity, people! If you're planning to post a Facebook event with details, make sure it's right the first time so you don't look stupid!
Waking up early is a pain. Waking up early in the morning to have a mouse drown on you is even worse. Lesson? Do not wake up early.
Shirley Hour
Some days when you're running behind in life and haven't checked the syllabus is a day to weep--you probably didn't have to come to an early morning lab.
Shirley Hour
Sleeping outside at schools is actually amusingly rejuvenating, especially if you find a good shady spot out of busy walkways.
Shirley Hour
One of the worst kinds of people in the world are those who can't wait for school to end, then get bored within the first week of summer.
Shirley Hour
One thing you should never take for granted is the invention of wheels, especially if you're moving into a multi-storied dorm.
Shirley Hour
Once you're passed your teenage years, say hello to senility!
Shirley Hour
You probably have a quirky sense of humor if you love older, bizarre movies like Clue, Once Upon a Crime, and Galaxy Quest, as well as painting well-known symbols from children's shows...
Shirley Hour
You've probably done something wrong if people care more about the antagonist than the protagonist, especially if it's before the antagonist's sob story.
Shirley Hour
It's a rare day on Facebook when you see an ORIGINAL photo that's funny and endearing at the same time. If only people weren't sheep...
Shirley Hour
Just by treating others how you would like to be treated, no matter the age difference, it's surprising how your actions will be reciprocated.
Shirley Hour
People will see what they want to see, even if you have blatantly told them the truth. Alas, it's no longer your fault for them falling for a prank but an illusion casted from their own mind(s).
Shirley Hour
Telling someone else to be open-minded, especially when they're joking around, comes off extremely hypocritical when you're not open-minded yourself.
Shirley Hour
Blaming someone for an unintentional mishap only causes corrosion in trust.
Shirley Hour
Some electronic brands should be blacklisted for their atrocious quality.
Shirley Hour
Some people really take the saying "shop 'til you drop" a little too literally. Don't be one of those people.
Shirley Hour
You're only digging a deeper nerd/geek hole the more you enjoy fandom crossovers.
Shirley Hour
It's amazing how talking to someone one-on-one reveals many details you missed before.
Shirley Hour
The end of an era reveals itself when changes continually come to a once successful thing.
Reality competition shows and their judge switcheroos.
Reality competition shows and their judge switcheroos.
Shirley Hour
You know you have first world problems when your sibling says "all of this digital running is making me hungry!"
Shirley Hour
Every once in awhile, Facebook is actually useful in achieving play dates.
Shirley Hour
The feeling of finishing an awesome semester is DELIGHTFUL. Unless it's marred by the fact that you only have a two week break, but nonetheless!
Shirley Hour
The trick to studying for tests isn't just to know the material, but the test format as well.
Shirley Hour
For tumblr users: reposting instead of reblogging, especially if no credit is given, is extremely obnoxious.
You may answer a question correctly even if you heard the question incorrectly. The laughter after realizing what you should have heard will be heard throughout the house.
Shirley Hour
One of the surest ways to cause a rift in a relationship is to forget about a patient person.
Going down memory lane can be very humbling. To see where your parents lived 30 years ago and look at where they are living now, is a great eye opener on how determination and will power can propel you towards success.
Shirley Hour
If you were ever considered a nerd or geek for liking something of a younger age group, do not fret! Just give yourself a few years and you'll suddenly be a part of the popular crowd!
Heat is all relative. Sure, it might be 110 degrees outside, but if you're in a car with the heat blasting in your face, the moment you step outside of the car it will feel like you have just stepped into a mall with awesome AC.
Shirley Hour
It's a worrisome sign when you're testing out a programming assignment and only the negatively titled tests are working.
Tests that did work -- Suicide-note, Insult, CS-nightmare, Programming-nightmare, Friday-the-13th
Tests that did not work -- Dear-John, Haiku, Bond-movie. Bionic-Woman
Tests that did work -- Suicide-note, Insult, CS-nightmare, Programming-nightmare, Friday-the-13th
Tests that did not work -- Dear-John, Haiku, Bond-movie. Bionic-Woman
You never appreciate what you have until you go elsewhere and experience something worse.
Shirley Hour
The Olympics is one of the few remaining things that brings the world together peacefully. The world roots for everyone's wellbeing and talents instead of trying to drag them down.
Cherish the time you spend with your family because as you get older, time spent with family only gets shorter and shorter as your life gets busier and busier.
Shirley Hour
It is not always drama and extravagance that is remembered, but a moment of pure, delightful quirkiness.
You know you've met a lady like girl when she stands at a crosswalk saying "This smells like sh!t." Well guess what girl? Maybe it's your attitude that's sh!t. Have a good attitude when in public, as others are watching!
Shirley Hour
Even if you're not part of a group you continue to receive emails from, sometimes it's better not to unsubscribe from that list; you may be amused by emails and snarky replies that ensue.
Shirley Hour
Cars should stay in between the lines on the road. Unfortunately, many drivers don't understand this.
Shirley Hour
There is something to be said when certain children's cartoons are more poignant than many live-action movies.
Shirley Hour
Attempting to incapacitate someone doesn't work too well if you lose your balance...
Shirley Hour
To keep this lesson as tasteful as possible: as a female, remember to shave often.
Shirley Hour
One of the greatest things to receive is a physically written thank you note from someone you've always looked up to, (:
Shirley Hour
There are never random shots in movies. Every hesitation, every lingering moment is a hint towards the ending.
Shirley Hour
One of the saddest things to experience is the conclusion of a fandom you love.
Shirley Hour
When playing a game of "Who Can Get the TA's attention first?" and the way to catch their attention is via an electronic queue, clicking stupendously fast is an excellent skill, but pay attention! If you keep clicking even after you entered the queue first, you will lose your place and get reprimanded by your partner with a "YOU FOOL!" that the entire class can hear.
Shirley Hour
Thank you letters really do seem to work. Send them out after job interviews! After receiving parting gifts! Send them with sincerity!
You know you have baked delicious cookies when you come home to a smaller stash of cookies.
Shirley Hour
Independence and responsibility really do go hand in hand. If you're a parent, try not to oppress independence with a reason of protectiveness; it will not work out in the long run.
Somedays being absolutely lazy and doing nothing is the best thing to do. Spend this time cooking and baking with friends will relieve any stress you were feeling prior.
Shirley Hour
Walking with someone for at least 30 minutes is an excellent way to bond as well as exercise.
A long day of a dreadful event can turn out well if you are surrounded by awesome friends who can entertain you for an entire day. There's always a bright side to everything!
Shirley Hour
Staying up late to talk to strangers is actually a pleasant experience, as long as these strangers are actually internet friends you've known for a few years and talk is casual.
You know your cooking is somewhat decent when the aroma of your microwaved food makes others hungry. Well, either your cooking is good, or the person is very hungry.
Shirley Hour
One of the most interesting things in life is to wonder why people like you, especially when you're not the kindest person to them.
We do live in a small world sometimes. You will find someone with a connection with you in the most unexpected places and will be pleasantly surprised.
Shirley Hour
Bad luck in the morning usually means excellent luck later in the day (if not strange luck...)! You will do well on your tests as well as enjoy a weird outing with your younger sibling's friends!
Making dinner for friends is a rewarding feeling. Especially when there is nothing left on the plates, meaning either the food was really great, or they came ravenous and devoured anything in their sight.
Shirley Hour
The kindness of an outgoing friend, no matter their age, is something to truly appreciate.
You know you have found a good friend when you can spend hours talking to that person about absolutely nothing to absolutely everything.
Shirley Hour
To ensure a battle to the death, do NOT use BCC in e-mails, especially ones concerning jobs.
Life is full of surprises. You may think you are safe to touch things in a grocery store, until you see someone rather rotund pick a wedgie in front of you in broad daylight. Be wary and cautious to touch things that may have been touched by such individuals.
Shirley Hour
Most people do not like confrontation, especially the aggressive kind. However, why confront directly when you can do things indirectly? Perhaps all that is needed is a gentle suggestion instead of "You're an idiot."
A little trip to the store on a Sunday afternoon can be filled with surprises. You may find yourself talking to an old friend from high school which you have not seen for years! Catching up with them will leave a smile on your face.
Shirley Hour
One of most entertaining things to do online is to liveblog something while you watch it. A series, a movie, a book, whatever the media, liveblog and be entertained!
Solving puzzles in the wee hours of the morning may not be the best, but when you do solve a puzzle before going to bed, you'll be sure to have a good night's rest!
Shirley Hour
In accordance with July-Lesson 20, even if you run out of things to say, "That's when you know you've found somebody special. When you can just shut the **** up for a minute and comfortably enjoy the silence."
For the unfamiliar, Pulp Fiction |
Being in a room and taking a test for over four hours can make a person very grumpy. Especially when a considerate beings decide to read out loud while they are taking their exams with other. Refrain from throwing things as it will only increase the level of anxiety. Keep a cool head and show the test who's boss!
Shirley Hour
The hypocrisy of human nature knows no bounds. A public image of friendliness and civility may merely veil the polar opposite. Commendations are given to acting skills. None are given for sincerity.
See: January - Lesson 51
See: January - Lesson 51
Nervous? Anxious? Think you are going to go crazy? Call up a friend, go feed some ducks and bake up a storm. You will find yourself becoming more relaxed. Your heart will slow down to a mere 100 beats per minute as opposed to 1000. Friends are a great medicine to the anxious.
Shirley Hour
Slow and steady wins the race. This is also sound advice to avoid slipping on wet crosswalks!
It's funny how technologically dependent we have become. When going to a Fourth of July celebration, instead of enjoying the outdoors and grilled foods, friends are enjoying a game on their phone. Take time to enjoy the time you have with your friends, you won't regret putting your phone down.
Shirley Hour
Beating a game is fantastic, even if took forever. Electronic fireworks don't quite compare, but memories of previous July 4ths will elicit a warm fuzzy feeling.
The nervousness of taking an exam will only hinder one. Although hard to step past the nervousness, one should try their hardest to forget their fear and have confidence in what they know.
Shirley Hour
Driving like a douchebag with your company phone number and information on the back is an excellent idea if you want to receive a criticizing email!
Puzzle solving at 4 am can be difficult, but when you solve a somewhat easy puzzle, you'll find yourself having a great night (well...morning) sleep!
Shirley Hour
Randomly adding friends on Facebook, especially if you and the potential "friend" have no mutual friends, will get you this reaction:
You may plan to be at a party for only an hour, then you realized how you have been a hermit for the past week and how much you've missed interacting with your friends! This one hour can easily turn into five hours, so when you have friends, always prepare to stay longer.
Shirley Hour
No matter how trivial the meeting, remembering names is always a good thing. A sincerity in caring is shown.
You will find yourself knowing more about a friend when you have to look for a birthday present for them. You start realizing how you notice their sense of style and taste in all sorts of things! The best is when you are able to find a great present for your friend.
Shirley Hour
Being sucked into a fandom is a dangerous game. Before you know it, one word happens: OBSESSION.
You are sleep deprived when taking one nap before 11 am is not enough, but two makes you feel refreshed!
Shirley Hour
Whenever watching or reading a fictional work, it's good to ask yourself: "Why do I like this character?" Better insight of yourself will be found, as well avoiding potentially adverse situations in the future.
You are never too tired to make yourself some dinner! It may take an hour or two to make a dinner, but after a day's of hard work, a nice home cooked meal is well deserved and fulfills the empty stomach.
Shirley Hour
Exercise, [un]fortunately, truly does make you less grumpy.
The feeling of not having to go into work for the next few weeks is a wonderful feeling, until you realize why you took a week off of work...right to study! Work never sounded so great!
Shirley Hour
Subtleness is an art form. Turning around and observing a bus sign just as a person you know starts walking towards you is NOT subtlety, especially if you two are the only living beings in a good 100-foot radius.
Shirley Hour
Sometimes, it's shocking how much you can care about a fictional world and its inhabitants.
Morning lab meetings can be quite mundane, mostly when you have no idea what the presenter is talking about. No matter how hard you try to focus and pay attention, you will find your eyes slowly becoming heavier and heavier, this is a great time to work out the ocular muscles.
Shirley Hour
One of the worst feelings in the world is to one day learn that, although you may have been above average in the past, you have suddenly become the bottom rung. In other words, always have reality checks! You may save yourself from a myriad of situations!
Sometimes all you need is a nice little break from studying. A nice hike to a waterfall will do the job. Take a nap and proceed to study, you will be surprised at the results.
Shirley Hour
Trying to steal/control someone else's property is a big no-no, physically or abstractly.
A car wash is impossible without water. So when someone tells you there is no water and you insist on a car will receive a lot of blank stares.
Shirley Hour
Human generosity can easily be seen when you fundraise. Learn from this! People are more likely to respect and like you if you work hard towards a goal!
Ice cream makes the world go round. When plans don't fall through, ice cream will always be there to make you happy...unless you eat a gallon worth of ice cream.
Shirley Hour
A person's testimony may bear no opposition to a person of title. Do not become "a name without a reality [that was] formerly a reality without a name."
Having a hard time sleeping? Watch the OKC Thunders get blown out of the water by the Miami Heats, that will surely put you to sleep. No need to count any sheep.
Shirley Hour
Sometimes, life just magically works out for you.
Needed a partner for a class but felt bad for someone else? It will work out!
Needed a partner for a class but felt bad for someone else? It will work out!
Being a parent is a hard job, but it is during tough times when you must be the strongest. Letting go of your guard and crying hysterically when your child is given the news of possible growth of cancer, will not reassure your child. Although hard, as a parent you must keep your head up to keep the morale of your child up.
Shirley Hour
The older you get, the more sleep you need.
Freshman year, three hours? Okay!
Junior year? HELL NO.
Freshman year, three hours? Okay!
Junior year? HELL NO.
Complaints about your life get you no where in life. The more you complain, the less people care. Push through your complaints and get over yourself. Just do it.
Shirley Hour
Life is a continually changing experience, even when you're bored to tears. At one point in life, you may have been so introverted, you were essentially a selective mute. Suddenly, you realize one day that something changed--you actually have decent people skills.
In other words, even you seem to be subpar in something at the moment, if you work hard (even if it's a slow process) and use common sense, you will eventually attain it.
Example (Physical appearance):
In other words, even you seem to be subpar in something at the moment, if you work hard (even if it's a slow process) and use common sense, you will eventually attain it.
Example (Physical appearance):
Embarrassing moments sometimes happen in pairs. You may come home to a bathroom door wide open while the shower is on and scare your roommate. You may also proceed a few hours later to almost walk into a pre-occupied bathroom due to failure to notice that guests may also be using the bathroom. This is when you hope the person in the bathroom did not see or hear anything.
Shirley Hour
A passion, once lost, is extraordinarily hard to regain.
Waking up early to make a delicious breakfast is a great way to start off a day!
Shirley Hour
The gift of appreciation is hard to earn, and even harder to receive. Even if you don't like a physical gift, be sure to show your appreciation for the thought behind the gift. Otherwise, a deterioration in the gift-giver's happiness may occur.
When canceling plans on your friend, please do so far in advance. Canceling within a few hours of the reservation time is not considerate, as your friend could have made other plans. Be a good friend and be considerate when changing plans.
Shirley Hour
When at a lecture, it's fine that you don't always clap. It is, however, a problem when you don't ever clap at all. Come on now. These people are lecturers for a reason; they're charismatic and inspirational in some form. Show some appreciation!
Spending time with friends is a good way to take a break from studying, no matter what stupid things they end up doing.
Shirley Hour
The more you work at a skill, the better you get at it! Don't stop when you think you're stellar; keep practicing forever and always!
Waiting is one of the worst things you may have to do in your life. Especially when you are waiting for your friend to find their wonderful prank awaiting for them amidst rainbows.
Shirley Hour
Ever try to act superior and/or condescending when you actually don't know anything at all? Yeah, it doesn't work. You may come off dumber than you actually are or maybe not.
Sometimes being too hopeful is not realistic. Too much of a positive can become a negative, especially in the medical field.
Shirley Hour
Hope is just around the corner. You may think that something has ended when you really have a chance. However, just because you received one chance doesn't mean you should stop. Keep trying for other opportunities until you succeed.
You don't realize what you are missing until you get it back.
Shirley Hour
Patience is a virtue, but sometimes, it's ridiculous to wait any longer. Oddly enough, the dead may revive when you want to let go of their hand.
Sometimes motivation comes unexpectedly. To be able to see someone with great compassion working at their best is the best way to motivate you in the right direction. Do not seek motivation as sometimes it will come to you.
Shirley Hour
Photomanipulation of people in unlikely situations may cause some highly amusing results.
Take a day off from studying or work and spend it with your awesome friends. You will not regret what fun and stupid things you may end up doing and the fatigue that comes with it.
Shirley Hour
Always go in pairs on recreational activities. This will ward off potential kidnappers and be a nice way to socialize. Besides, you never know when you'll learn some first aid first hand!
When helping kids with activities, you may find yourself being a kid as well. You are never too old to be a kid!
Shirley Hour
Making snarky comments at people taller than you will involve a heavy amount of slapping you can't quite avoid.
Shirley Hour
You know you are not well-versed in a culture when the only names you can remember from a textbook are "Muhammad" and "Jafar."
Shirley Hour
It's important to know how you portray yourself to the world. If you are too negative and pessimistic, people will talk about you in such a manner. On the other hand, if you are a hardworker and caring, people will reciprocate your actions.
Shirley Hour
Knowing the basics of many languages will help save you from embarrassment. Know some English, French, Spanish, and Chinese. Otherwise, you may interpret something completely different...much to your own chagrin...
"Okie dokie! Would you like me to meet you there? Or meeting me at mi casa and go together?"
[You, having next to no knowledge of Spanish, think that "Mi Casa" is a Vietnamese noodle place called "Casa"] "Where is mi casa again?"
"Mi casa = my house in spanish."
/commence laughter
"Okie dokie! Would you like me to meet you there? Or meeting me at mi casa and go together?"
[You, having next to no knowledge of Spanish, think that "Mi Casa" is a Vietnamese noodle place called "Casa"] "Where is mi casa again?"
"Mi casa = my house in spanish."
/commence laughter
Shirley Hour
Being forced to go out of your typical places is quite an intriguing experience. The people act different, the places look different, and all in all, you feel out of place. However, if you act normal, things may turn out to be pleasantly surprising in the end. Don't always focus on feeling awkward. Go with the flow!
Shirley Hour
Everyone likes to think that they're right. Everyone likes to think that they're never at fault. HOWEVER, be wary of miscommunication! This is both parties being at fault and not one or the other. Think things through before playing the blame game!
It is amazing how sufficient sleep can make a pounding headache go away! Make sure to catch up on your sleep during the weekends!
Shirley Hour
You know you live in an Asian household when upstairs is too hot, downstairs is too distracting, and the basement is too cold...
You may be pleasantly surprised going to something you had no excitement for. Going to events all depends on who you go with and how you spend your time with them. An event you may not think was "your scene" may in fact become fun!
Shirley Hour
Parties for "adults" don't really involve activities. Thus, be sure you go with a group you enjoy socializing with!
After a long week of work and studying, a feel good comedy is a must! Go watch a hilarious at the end of a hardworking week and you won't regret it!
Shirley Hour
The surest way to see your application from a stranger's perspective (without actually asking another person to read it) is to remove your name, font preferences, and any other distinguishing factors about you besides your actual statements. Then, read the application a few days later and see if you sound too pretentious or too bimbo-esque.
Children are easily amused. A simple tablet of Alka-seltzer, film canister and water can go a long way. They will continuously shoot home-made rockets until they have to go home.
Shirley Hour
"Once is curiosity. Three times is stupidity."
When attempting to do something physical and it obviously doesn't work, listen to the above quote.
When attempting to do something physical and it obviously doesn't work, listen to the above quote.
It is truly amazing how kids can touch your lives so much even though you have met them for merely five minutes. Make a goal to meet kids, you will be amazed at what they are capable of.
Shirley Hour
When in awkward social situations where a stranger asks for your name, wait for a friend to respond first, seeing if they give their real name or an alias. Based on their response, follow suit.
You don't know what it feels like to have you heart fall out of your ass until you see flashing blue and red lights and the sound of sirens behind you. This is when you hope that karma is good to you and you won't have to face telling your parents of a possible increase in insurance prices.
Shirley Hour
The harder you try to avoid something, the more likely it will take you by surprise.
A goal set a year ago may have seemed out of reach, but when a year has gone by and you can look back at all the accomplishments you have made, a great celebratory feeling overcomes you. To all the great memories and to many more!
Shirley Hour
Time spent with a pseudo-family is great. Especially when you haven't seen them for a very long time. A simple meal and spending time watching a game show can fulfill a family void.
Shirley Hour
Never watch a show you like while on a short break from studying. You will surely never stop in "5 minutes" and just keep marathoning...and marathoning...and marathoning...
Baking is quite the adventure. You may laugh at your friend's stupid mistake, until you make your own mistake and cause a lovely fire. Stay calm and watch as the fire slowly dies, while this happens your friend will be in panic mode. The aftermath? Great food and fun memories.
Shirley Hour
Be informed of things you may potentially be interested in. You may be unpleasantly surprised to find out you unintentionally showed interest in an erotica novel.
Getting a nice message from a friend that you haven't seen in awhile always brings a good smile to your face. Maybe being a hermit isn't so bad after all!
Shirley Hour
Every once in awhile, when you're so consumed with your own first impressions, you may find out that others around you are not as superior as you thought. In fact, they may be astoundingly subpar!
The things you say really leave a great impact on others. Example: For a person who wants to be a future physician's assistant. "No,I don't actually like to work, I just know a career in the health field is stable and will provide my family with good money..." Yes, this is the type of medical care we all love to see. Be aware of what you say as there may be questionable eye brow raises directed towards you.
Shirley Hour
Double check your document names. You may be mortified to find out that your abbreviation turns out to be an unflattering adjective.
The shortening of analysis: anal[your name].doc
The shortening of analysis: anal[your name].doc
When driving, do not think for one second that no one is watching you! Yes lady, I can see you checking out your bosoms from my car, and yes you have been looking at them for the duration of this light. If you want to do things discreetly in your car, make sure your windows are tinted.
Shirley Hour
Taking advice from somebody who fails to succeed is like jumping into a pit of writhing black mambas and saying it won't hurt.
The feeling of hunger and the inability to feed oneself with any food is quite detrimental. It puts into perspective of how starvation feels like.
Shirley Hour
Reading examples and instructions carefully the first time, even if it's a slow process, will surely save you from confusion and feelings of stupidity later.
When you are sick, you'll be surprised how nasty food will look and smell to you. It will make you repulsive and never ever eat again, regardless of how much you loved food before.
Shirley Hour
To save yourself from embarrassment, always learn how to pronounce uncommon words. You may find out that you've been saying things wrong for way too long.
Going without food for 5 hours is very grueling, especially when you are taking an exam during this period. Don't let your stomach take over your senses, the results may not be pleasant.
Shirley Hour
Trying to study while starving is an excellent way to become distracted!
Eating at a cutesy hole in the wall restaurant is rather pleasant. Especially when it is with friends and your server is a cute old Asian lady who is cheerful as can be. You will find yourself sitting there for countless hours.
Shirley Hour
When unable to find parking for a festival, driving around for several blocks while pretending to be a tour guide may turn out to be quite entertaining, especially if your passenger actually knows their directions. However, the cherry on top in this situation is giving up on finding an unlimited parking spot, pulling into the first open spot you see, and find out that the spot has no time limit!
You know when you like your research project when getting results becomes very intense and nerve-racking! Waiting patiently as the machine reads the results of your treatments and slowly spitting out what you want to see is pretty rewarding.
Shirley Hour
The days where you bum around the house are the days you are most likely to receive an invitation to go out.
Baking with a friend is great, baking for a family member is even better! Little actions followed by delicious goodies are always a great way to show your appreciation.
Shirley Hour
Even if you begin driving only a few minutes after your usual time, time and traffic will be against you. The left lane (read: the fast lane) will consist of turtle-like drivers while the right lanes will be blocked by semi-trucks and people who refuse to speed up or slow down, causing you to curse like there's no tomorrow.
You know when you are really missing someone when a very small task reminds you of them.
Funny how hard it is to remember some days, and then you realized what you did that day and you understand it was such a blur. This is what happens when you take out your side rear-view mirror and no epic story arises from this incident, just a simple case of "Asian Driver" syndrome.
Shirley Hour
One of the strangest experiences in life is to understand something that seems so simple to you but is nearly impossible for someone else to grasp. Only then will you appreciate your own knowledge and experiences.
Children are simply amazing. They may be fighting for their life against cancer, but they can still come out on top and make those around them smile. Let children be our role models.
Shirley Hour
Respect and patience are hard-earned virtues, not rights. However, in order to avoid breaking, some skills in flexibility may be required.
Shirley Hour
Even if time has caused family dynamics to change, be glad that you have any memories at all.
"No matter what barriers may come between you and your goal, you must push through and never give up."
Advice may come in unexpected moments, but these are the advice push you towards the next step and gives you the boost of confidence needed.
To ensure that the person you are face painting for is thoroughly happy with the work of art, do not provide mirrors!
Shirley Hour
As you grow older, it's often hard not to have cynicism. However, closer observation of everyday affairs may reveal a greater depth of human nature.
When a SUV is reversing, stand by to watch what it is doing. Yes, it may stop and put its car in drive, but it can also quickly change to reverse in an instant. This is when you run quickly away from the SUV in order to escape from innards from being crushed.
Shirley Hour
If ever in a warlike game, such as a water fight, never target only one person, especially if they haven't done anything to you. You will ruin the person's fun.
A simple gesture from a little boy to show that he is sorry can brighten your day. One of the many perks of volunteering.
Shirley Hour
Overestimating your cooking skills may be a dreadful discovery. Always prepare your stomach and tastebuds for the worst.
Helping others is a very rewarding feeling. Being able to help a person or friend achieve something they thought was unattainable makes it that much more rewarding. Try it, you might like it!
Shirley Hour
The shorter you are, the bigger your head will appear in a portrait. Also, it's important to pay attention to a friend's siblings due to the awkward experience that follows when it's obvious you just mixed them up without knowing it...and there's a 5+ year difference between them...and they don't really look that similar...
Time flies when you are catching up with an old friend. You will suddenly realize that you have somewhere else to go, but yet you still linger to talk more with your friend. Good friends = good talks.
Shirley Hour
Even if you doubt your own abilities, you may occasionally be surprised when you look at former pieces, finished or unfinished. Believe in yourself if many others have said the same!
A simple letter of appreciation is more than any monetary amount or a gift can ever express the gratitude a friend has for one another. Friendship should revolve on kind words and actions.
Shirley Hour
For a well-done, convoluted wuxia story that will constantly keep you guessing, please watch Demi-Gods and Semi-Devils, based on the novel by Jin Yong.
Watching a movie with only a few people in the theater is quite fun, you can say a lot of things you normally wouldn't say when a lot more people are around.
Shirley Hour
Contrary to May - Lesson 9, marathoning shows may actually be quite an excellent experience...if you're in the mood for it, as it may make the show's events easier to remember and thus make it more enjoyable.
Guys = less dramatic than girls. Therefore are more fun to hang out with, unless you dig the drama and emotions that come with the excess amounts of estrogen, then the opposite would be true.
Shirley Hour
Binge exercising is not good...binge anything is not good. Moderation is the way to go!
The later the night gets, the more fun baking becomes! Spend some time baking with a close friend at night and you will see how much more fun it is than baking alone!
Shirley Hour
If you like a friend enough to attend an event where you're likely to know less than a handful of the attendees, you may be in for a pleasant surprise. Depending on your interests (and theirs, of course), you may get along quite well with complete strangers!
It's amazing how a good pair of shoes can lighten up someone's day!! Buy a pair, but be sure you don't leave a hole in your wallet.
Shirley Hour
Packing takes a ridiculously long time. Pack early and plan for the worst, that way, you may have extra time in the end and not be sweating like you're on a death march.
The moment you are finished with a final is the moment your life becomes really productive. All the fun you have been deprived of and all those errands that are overdue will be accomplished within the few hours after the last final.
Shirley Hour
When it comes to free food, manners people once learned often go out the window. If you have a friend who takes more than they should, kindly remind them that they look like a glutton.
A good sleep schedule and regular meals will help you get through finals week. Never let yourself be deprived of sleep or food, performance is directly related to these factors.
Shirley Hour
It's good to pay to details, but don't assume and miss the big picture! Just because something on the screen catches your eye does NOT mean that's what your friend was referring to.
Bright pink e-card caught the eye...instead of the intended Hunger Games post...
Bright pink e-card caught the eye...instead of the intended Hunger Games post...
Jumping to conclusions may land you in a boat of awkwardness. |
Never EVER cheat during a final exam. Not only will you distract others, but you will be embarrassed for the rest of your school career, that is only if you have the dignity to be embarrassed by your stupid act.
Shirley Hour
In the USA, the left lane is for fast drivers, especially if there isn't a left turn lane coming up.
Assertiveness is key. You must let older people control you because they think they can. Respect them, but be assertive to ensure you will get your point across.
Shirley Hour
Forgive, but never forget. Very rarely will people change once you see their darker side. Don't get caught up in the moment.
Otherwise, everyone but you will react like this:
Weddings can be quite the experience! Especially when it is not a family wedding. A person may ask you how the food is, when they know damn well that it sucks! Take this opportune moment to practice your poker face.
Shirley Hour
The day you send birthday wishes via private messages rather than publicly posting them on social networking sites is the day you should probably clear out your friends list, especially if there's a chance that those you didn't say happy birthday to may take offense.
Waking up in the middle of the day can make you a very a lazy person. You will want to just stay in bed for the rest of the day and do absolutely nothing.
Shirley Hour
Who needs drugs when sleep deprivation provides the same amount of amusement, if not more? Strange names may arise for things when a person you know stays up until 5am, rattling on about kitties...
Deleting a few words from a sentence can make a big difference. Example: What you really wanted to say, "When I was a little girl," but by deleting the word "little" the uncertainty of your identity becomes the real subject of the conversation.
Shirley Hour
If you ever have the chance to become an application reviewer, do it. You will definitely see what's good to put on an application and/or resumé as well as what to avoid.
Steer clear of dramatic girls. They will make you mad. They will make you want to slap them silly. They will make you wish girls were never invented in this form. They will make you so glad that you are not like them. Dramatic girls = bad news bears.
Shirley Hour
When complimenting people out of the blue, it's probably a good idea not to hover over their shoulder. It makes you appear like a creeper, especially when it's at a library and the complimentee is working on a project.
Productivity levels can be high even if you are in your pajamas all day! Who said sleeping wasn't productive?
Shirley Hour
When on the Internet and not using secure/reputable webpages, always be sure to use an alias. You never know when you'll meet a crazy person online. Also, if an email seems suspicious, it probably is. Copy and paste the contents into Google and see if any scam results show up!
When making vanilla ice cream, do not forget to add in the vanilla, but most importantly do not forget to add in the sugar. Frozen cream and milk doesn't taste as good as vanilla ice cream.
Shirley Hour
Receipts tell a lot about a person. Don't leave such information lying around.
In all unlikely circumstances you will find something that will surprise you. Always look on the bright side, as there will always be something or someone there to help you.
Shirley Hour
If there are three lanes going straight in a street, don't make a fourth one with the Turn Right Only lane. If you do, you're going to:
- Look incredibly idiotic, especially if your license plate matches the state you're in
- Be a douchebag, since you didn't signal
- Piss off the driver that you're cutting off
- (Optional) Be yelled/cursed/glared at by the driver from #3
Swings are the best things to make you feel like a kid again. The wind in your face and the height you reach is exhilarating, but what is especially fun is imitating the sound of whales because the swings are so squeaky. Once a kid, always a kid.
Shirley Hour
Things don't really get easier as time passes. If it does, it means you're not doing anything new. All that really matters is that you are truly doing your best.
Need your house to stink? Burn some popcorn!
Shirley Hour
Being observant and aware of your surroundings is infinitely helpful towards avoiding a heart attack. Just because an apartment is quiet does not mean it's empty; you never know when your roommate may pop out of unexpected places.
See: June-Lesson 12
See: June-Lesson 12
The best things in life are simple and priceless. Making a child laugh hysterically when the child is ill is one of the best thing to hear. The sound of the laughter will wipe away any stress or anger and you will find yourself beaming.
Shirley Hour
College concerts are full of weed and alcohol. If you decide to go, go prepared!
Running for 30 minutes is very exhilarating! You will find yourself having a lot more energy than ever before, even if it is 11:00 at night.
Shirley Hour
Acetone eats through plastic cups and cheap linoleum. Keep this in mind before you learn it the hard way!
Need to be a little kid again? No problem! Take a few of your friends (who are at the same mental level as you) and go to a bookstore! You will find yourself playing with Lego's and coloring like a five year old.
Being a five year old = GREAT FUN!
Being a five year old = GREAT FUN!
Shirley Hour
Always have napkins at food events. Always.
You may look forward to an event that you always love going to, but what is more exciting is taking your friends who has never experienced it before. The excitement that lightens their smile and every step they take makes the event 100 times more meaningful and fun!
Shirley Hour
Creativity may never be contained in a rigid environment. The day creativity is inhibited is the day it dies.
Generosity amongst friends should only go so far. When it goes too far, friends begin to feel guilty. Friendships are built upon reciprocation, if one cannot reciprocate, the feeling of guilt builds upon themselves. Do not let friendship build upon money. Do not let dollar bills show your appreciation, instead let your actions show it.
Shirley Hour
Facebook profiles do indeed say a lot about a person. How does your profile appear to the world?
Want to drain the life out of yourself? Take a five and half hour test! That should definitely do it to you.
Shirley Hour
Even though each passing generation may seem dumber than the last, there is always hope in the world (for now)! Just because the media does not focus on those who care more about academia than entertainment does not mean that the former doesn't exist! Just attend a Science Olympiad event for one day and there is hope that knowledge remains in the world.
Titles can be deceiving. Example: Joy Luck Club. No joy and no luck is what they really mean.
Shirley Hour
Oftentimes, especially when watching horror flicks, you may wonder what stupidity/madness causes people to explore obviously dangerous places. However, as the saying goes, "Curiosity killed the cat" and in the movies, humans too! Just because you can go up a creepy, dark staircase doesn't mean you should!
Exercising can be dangerous. Sometimes it is better to stay on the treadmill than to get off. The treadmill might be hinting something at you.
Shirley Hour
Lacking your usual swearing friend? You may just start talking to yourself and cursing out loud for no particular reason other than to fill in the missing familiarity.
Failure is not discouragement. Failure is encouragement to do better the next time and exceed all expectations.
You know when a movie is good when it evokes almost every emotion humanly possible. From squeals and squirming from the pain of the slice of the neck, to the tears of sympathy and sadness, all of this can come from just one move, a very good one.
Shirley Hour
Be sure to double check when you're asking someone a question; you never know if you accidentally mistook them for someone else!
A simple art project can turn into a laborious project in no time! Be prepared to spend countless hours on an art project.
Shirley Hour
Talking to an old, long lost friend is a stupendous way to brighten your day.
Lazy Sundays can be quite productive. Wake up early, clean, study, nap, eat, and study some more!! This is how Easter should really be spent.
Shirley Hour
Doing chores back to back without getting distracted is an astounding feat that will make you wonder whether or not you were the Flash.
Cooking all day for your friends is very rewarding, especially when they clear off all the plates.
Shirley Hour
You know you're a Pokemon fan when you freak out about owning all the games of a certain timeframe (e.g. Ruby, Sapphire, Emerald).
Sometimes when you are the person speaking a different language and no one understands you,this can be a blessing.
Sometimes you are the other person who doesn't understand a word of what a machine is telling you to do, this is when you know how others feel when you speak another language.
Sometimes you are the other person who doesn't understand a word of what a machine is telling you to do, this is when you know how others feel when you speak another language.
Shirley Hour
When you haven't had any embarrassing moments in awhile, prepare for a combo of unexpected events. Perhaps while pulling up the blinds to yell to a friend you were creeping on, you accidentally get them stuck. Then, while trying to fix the blinds, your torso was framed against the window as a group of basketball players walk past. After that, while bringing a large load of things to your car, you accidentally drop everything (e.g. dirty laundry flies a small distance, backpacks falling everywhere, etc.) and a hanger gets stuck on your clothes right as someone appears.
A group of girls can be annoying. A group of fraternity girls can be obnoxious. It's like a domino effect, when one talks the rest talk to and it's an on going cycle. Avoid at all cost!
Shirley Hour
You know you live in a safe area when you accidentally leave your front door unlocked and come out to your car window rolled down completely and find everything in its same spot. Be careful because amnesia may hit you earlier than expected.
Shirley Hour
Life and death go hand in hand. You may love one and fear the other, but remember to respect both; we're all connected to each other somehow. Balance is good.
You are driving in a parking garage going the speed limitfor once in your life. As you go up the levels, a horrendous delightful driver begins to turn left without even slowing down or looking for other cars as you drive straight. Fortunately, no crash occurs and you mutter under your breath about people's driving skills these days.
When you actually arrive where you're supposed to volunteer, you do your duties within your shift, going about just like every other day. When your shift is nearly over, some strangers (who have been in the same place you have been volunteering) suddenly come up and thank you, giving you $5! Yes, life is an odd, odd thing.
Bonus lesson: Just because someone is silent does not mean they have nothing to say.
You are driving in a parking garage going the speed limit
When you actually arrive where you're supposed to volunteer, you do your duties within your shift, going about just like every other day. When your shift is nearly over, some strangers (who have been in the same place you have been volunteering) suddenly come up and thank you, giving you $5! Yes, life is an odd, odd thing.
Bonus lesson: Just because someone is silent does not mean they have nothing to say.
Old age can hit you at any time. For example, you heard: "My grandma is such a horse!" You think about the context and wonder why it was in such a positive tone. The reason? Your hearing is failing and what was really said was: "My grandma is such a FORCE!"
Shirley Hour
Life has strange "all or nothing" deals. If you do nothing, you receive nothing. If you initiate a conversation with a friend you haven't seen for eons, you will suddenly see them along with another friend you haven't seen in awhile.
Autopilot during driving is not always ideal, especially when you're backing out and there are two people right behind your car. Think of it as you were trying to test their reflex and heart health.
Shirley Hour
Eat healthy, be healthy, live healthy. No one wants to be sick. Hardly anyone wants to be around a sick person.
Need to study productively? Lock yourself up in the library, you'll find yourself in there for hours studying a boring biology book. Nonetheless, you will come out an expert on fungi!
Shirley Hour
One of the greatest skills in life is to be observant. Hear everything, see everything, but don't react to everything. You'll catch a lot of information while appearing ignorant, often safe in any crossfire.
It's amazing what talent can come from an 11 year old girl. The sound that resonates from her mouth can give you chills.
Shirley Hour
For every culture you are a part of, know their folklore. You may be surprised by how much modern day events depend on them.
Long drives at 75+ mph are very relaxing. Keeps your mind off of anything stressful.
Shirley Hour
Humans are undeniably social creatures. From social butterfly to misanthrope, take your pick. The instant something out of the ordinary happens to another, commence the attack barrage of questions.
See: March - Lesson 51
See: March - Lesson 51
Time can be like molasses. Dripping slowly to torture the hungry bear.
Shirley Hour
Talking to friends is good. Talking to friends is great. Talking to friends while both are in bathroom stalls separated by a stranger is awkward. Do you really want to have a conversation while you're both doing your "business"? Think about it.
Being pranked is not always fun, being a part of a prank is ALWAYS fun!! Try to be a part of a prank, you'll find out what you've been missing.
Shirley Hour
The hypocrisy of the world is truly outstanding. The bitterness, the irony...when such things bleed blatantly from text, some people really need a mirror held up to their actions (read: reality check).
You may have plans to fit everything in accordingly, but sometimes you will find yourself sitting in a place for longer than necessary because of an overly nice person who is trying to help you at all costs. Next time, plan for a few more hours into your schedule.
Shirley Hour
Some days just don't bode well for your sanity. On those days, your feelings may be encompassed in a single image:
However, press on, my friends(what friends)! The day only stinks if you allow it to stink! To continue the metaphor: take a shower and be refreshed! There's no use "waking up on the wrong side of the bed." Pick up your feet and walk on the right side of the road!
However, press on, my friends
Going to most likely location may not be the right answer to your inquiry. You may end up looking for a different location a few days later because your internal GPS system failed you in the first place.
Shirley Hour
People are certainly nosy creatures. Always remember to cover your tracks! Become an enigma!
Waking up early in the morning can prove to be a great and productive day. You'll surprise yourself how much energy you have to do everything and anything in a day.
Shirley Hour
Although death is no laughing matter, there is something oddly fascinating and humorous about being in an imaginary Hunger Games with celebrities and ordinary citizens.
MoogleKid's >>May the Odds Be Ever in Your Favor!<<
Read it. Go. Now. Off with you. Shoo.
MoogleKid's >>May the Odds Be Ever in Your Favor!<<
Read it. Go. Now. Off with you. Shoo.
Don't take a shower for granted. Having the feeling of dirt and grime all of your body and walking into a public restaurant looking like that can be quite the experience. This is when you wish a portable showere was available.
Shirley Hour
Culturally deprived cities will have their populations swarm to a new shopping area. Be careful not to get squished in the stampedes.
When accidents happen, sometimes you can't trust your friend to do the smartest thing. Example: When a river of blood is flowing from the orfice of your nose, saying: "Bloody nose, can you get me a napkin?" is not sufficient enough to display the emergency of loss of blood and splattering it everywhere.
Shirley Hour
Arts and crafts projects always take longer than expected. ALWAYS.
The phrase: "What a small world!" holds a lot of truth sometimes. What's best is when you find out things about a friend that you would otherwise never find out unless you happened to come across a person who knows your friend from elementary school. Great way to blackmail someone!
Shirley Hour
You know it's a girls' night out when:
- All the girls in the car are talking trash about another girl
- There is non-stop gossip
- Shouts and curses are yelled out when an idiot driver is in sight
- They try and make each other laugh over trivial matters/competitions
Sometimes you are determined to stay focused in class, but the professor will cause you to doze off or play games on your phone instead. This is when you know your class is boring.
Shirley Hour
Notifying people ahead of time that you depend on them is not a suggestion; it's a necessity. Otherwise, you will birth some animosity.
Your life getting low? Need a pick me up? Go to a basketball game with some friends! All the screaming and jumping will cause some elation in your life, especially if your home team wins!
Shirley Hour
Everyday in life, there is something to be grateful for. Some days, it's the ability to have a hot shower. Some days, it's the chance of not being asked strange things (e.g. "Do you have a daughter?").
The things you dread may actually turn out to be a good thing. All you need is to remain calm and work things out. The other party may surprisingly understand and will put effort in helping you out.
Shirley Hour
Explosions in a home, especially ones that could actually happen, should not be joked about, especially in the presence of the inhabitants.
"Igniter button...where's that?"
"Is it that?"
"Yeah, it looks like it. It'll look like it it ignites."
"Wait 5 minutes."
"Worst thing is that it will explode."
"Tell me if you smell something. I can't since I have a cold."
"Me too!'s connected to the heat."
"...I smell gas."
"Igniter button...where's that?"
"Is it that?"
"Yeah, it looks like it. It'll look like it it ignites."
"Wait 5 minutes."
"Worst thing is that it will explode."
"Tell me if you smell something. I can't since I have a cold."
"Me too!'s connected to the heat."
"...I smell gas."
Yes, there is something called "being too nice". Sometimes being too nice and doing things for another person without consoling the person may become annoying as opposed to considerate. No I do not want you to turn the light, no I do not need your help when I'm studying, thank you, but NO thank you!
Shirley Hour
Everyone has priorities in their life. However, DO understand that your priorities may NOT coincide with another's, especially in ranking. Don't try to force your beliefs on another; it may only end up pushing them away.
Watching drunk people in broad daylight is quite entertaining! Especially when they are weaving back and forth on the sidewalk! Your only hope is that it's not you who is weaving back and forth.
Shirley Hour
Paranoia has a way of magically speeding up a person's ability to do things. However, it may also cause them to fumble a lot. Use this ability sparingly.
An early morning walk is great, grand, fantastic. Especially when you are in a very busy city and the early morning brings no one but the occasional passerby. It brings great scenery and great pictures.
Shirley Hour
Dressed in PJs while running an errand? You're going to see someone you know, or miss seeing someone you want to see.
Need to test your patience? Try string a necklace with seed beads. String a few strands and "accidently" drop it, enjoy the great time looking for gold beads amongst the tan carpet. In the end, you may never want to make a necklace again.
Shirley Hour
If you want to start a round of laughter and/or awkward stares, mishear things, especially unintentionally. Bonus points if your hearing involves poo.
A: Yahoo!
B: Ya-poo?!
A: Yahoo!
B: Ya-poo?!
Don't let being short get in your way of playing basketball. You may get blocked hundreds of times, but the one time that you are able to pump-fake and make a shot, you know you have accomplished something. Use this analogy with everything you do. Don't let any little or big obstacle get in your way, with persistence anything is possible.
Shirley Hour
Uniqueness is not always good, especially if it involves hair that has a mind of its own.
A simple game of Pounce can lead to someone's hand being "pounced". The dangers of playing a game with a competitive person can cause some great pain and possible loss!
Shirley Hour
For the religious, there is a special place in Hell for plagiarizers, rippers, and copycats. For the non-religious, there's a special anvil high above, waiting for plagiarizers, rippers, and copycats.
The feeling that your mouth is on fire may not be pleasant, but this can be extinguished when the cause of this fire is a delicious mango odobo salsa topping a mouth savoring Mexican meatloaf.
Shirley Hour
A fun game to play--that also allows players to share music--is to have a conversation by either playing a song and announcing its title or to play the song's lyrics at a designated section.
Taking the road less traveled can indeed be more rewarding!! It may also bring a lot of great fun that would have not occurred had you taken the path that seemed too steep and too dangerous.
Shirley Hour
Time is an odd, odd thing. Sometimes it takes forever to pass and sometimes it passes within an instant. In other words, Time is highly subjective. However, with quality work, Time is oftentimes directly related. When planning to achieve a life aspiration, be sure you put the time and effort to make the product worthwhile.
No matter how old you are, your actions shows your true age. You can be over 30 and still be immature.
Shirley Hour
Cleaning out old or unused files on your computer is strangely therapeutic and nostalgic. You will discover old songs and documents that will make you think "Really? Did I write that?" or "Ugh, I liked that?" or even "WHOA! I don't even remember having that!" Plus, seeing your computer's memory space increase is always a plus.
Playing a game of basketball is a great workout, especially when you haven't done it for years!! The best part is the amount of fun and the re-emergence of love that goes with playing the game.
Shirley Hour
Always remember to check if your plane ticket has assigned seating or not. Otherwise, you may be the last on the plane and end up sitting between two "curvier" women.
You may be pleasantly surprised when watching a film that is not typically your taste. A silent movie may turn into a movie expressing thousands of words.
Shirley Hour
Group projects are indeed terrible (see: February - Lesson 31). However, the people in your group may not be so terrible. In fact, they may be fantastic people. All it takes is for a little conversation to develop and you may find your group members to be entertaining, funny, smart people instead of incompetent bimbos.
Key word: may
Key word: may
When you have the urge to shop, go home and eat. This will let your shopping impulsion go away and allow you to have a lovely relaxing evening catching up on your favorite TV shows.
Shirley Hour
Every story has at least two sides to it. Pay attention to both.
Being able to rock a baby to sleep is rewarding, especially when the baby is a stranger's baby, feeling sick in a hospital. This is one of the best feelings to experience as a volunteer.
Shirley Hour
Truth IS stranger than fiction, allowing the strangest (may be read as "worst") of coincidences to a result, always remember to stock up on good karma!
Don't go grocery shopping on an empty stomach. You will find yourself a half hour later with bags filled with delicious food that will last longer than your hunger.
Shirley Hour
Notice your mannerisms, especially if you say a word or phrase repeatedly and/or repeat a movement over and over again. No matter how nice, funny, or endearing you are, things like that tend to grate on people's nerves.
There is such a thing as studying too much. You know when you have hit that point when you write down: Telekinesis instead of Telophase when describing the phases of the cell cycle. This is when you take a break and go to bed.
Shirley Hour
The longer it takes to reach a victory, the sweeter the victory. Share the burden in defeat, share the spoils in triumph.
Taking a walk down memory lane is good once in awhile. It reminds you of where you grew up, the things you did and what you have left behind. It also reminds you of the life that you didn't want: married at 20 and working at a restaurant.
Shirley Hour
Subordinates, for the most part, are negligible. However, running straight towards a boss while ignoring his minions will get you killed. Multiple times.
After a few years of not playing a sport, it is always a great experience to play again. Regardless of if you even come close to hitting the basket when shooting, the fun that comes with holding the ball and shooting it outweighs all the other embarrassment.
Shirley Hour
When something unexpected happens and it is not within your control, keep your calm and everything will be alright. By becoming upset will only provoke the situation and make it worse.
Shirley Hour
A little nap can go a long ways! Just a mini thirty minute nap can rejuvenate your energy to allow you to study all night long!
Shirley Hour
Ma'am! Follow the arrows when driving, don't think you can go the wrong way on a one way street multiple times without getting your fancy Audi smashed.
Shirley Hour
Addictions are always bad. However, it's better to have a less harmful addiction, such as reading, than, an addiction to drugs and/or alcohol. Just remember that an addiction is still an addiction, so staying up 'til the wee hours to finish a book on a school night? Not a good idea.
Baking is a great way to wind down after a long day. Not only is it relaxing, it is also rewarding to enjoy the results of the wonderful chocolate marbled banana bread.
Shirley Hour
Letting a friend know about something that irks you may come at unexpected moments. For example: during an intense board game! Do not let this falter your game!
Shirley Hour
Timing really is everything. It's important to be up-to-date on things. Otherwise, a feeling of guilt will permeate your days ahead.
Sometimes a small action of kindness can go a long way, it can go so far that you may completely forget about it. Only to be reminded a day later through an elation on Facebook.
Shirley Hour
“Focus on the journey, not the destination. Joy is found not in finishing an activity but in doing it.”
True, for the most part. However, when it comes to finishing an assignment, especially an online one, it's the destination that matters and not the journey. If you can't enter something correctly, you're no longer going to enjoy the journey. At all.
Shirley Hour
When you are faced with the decision on whether or not to try and cross some train tracks during heavy traffic, it's better to be safe than sorry! Wait it out and you will breathe a sigh of relief, knowing you managed to have the virtue of patience and not look like an idiot whose car got hit by a train.
Working hard all day deserves a nice rest at the end of the day. Kick off those high heels, relax and do absolutely nothing! Your brain will thank you.
Shirley Hour
Endings are usually depressing, but never ever forget that "when one door closes, another opens."
HOWEVER, that does NOT mean "f*** the world!" Do NOT end things with a bang just because you want to bring others down with you. Sometimes, the higher road is to hold your tongue and move on.
HOWEVER, that does NOT mean "f*** the world!" Do NOT end things with a bang just because you want to bring others down with you. Sometimes, the higher road is to hold your tongue and move on.
After a long day, all you need is a funny video to watch. Disclaimer: One video can exponentially grow to many in a very short amount of time. Prepare yourself to be in front of your computer screen for awhile.
Shirley Hour
One of the most exciting but worst feelings that can be experienced involving schoolwork is turning in an assignment during the minute it is due. SUCCESS!
The elder + cell phone = obnoxious
A cute elderly woman + loud cell phone ringing = less obnoxious and tolerable
Sometimes your personality can make up for the annoying things that you forget to do, example: turning off your cell phone during a meeting.
A cute elderly woman + loud cell phone ringing = less obnoxious and tolerable
Sometimes your personality can make up for the annoying things that you forget to do, example: turning off your cell phone during a meeting.
Shirley Hour
One of the best ways to find new music is to download mixtapes provided by others. This allows for greater variety than sites like Pandora and Last.FM. Plus, you get to hear less well-known songs in other languages!
When taking a nap, be more realistic with the time you are going to wake up at. A thirty minute nap is not within reach when you wake up two hours later. Aim to wake up in three hours and you'll surprise yourself when you wake up within two hours.
Shirley Hour
If you have a battle of wits online, do not act presumptuously. People who are veterans, yet do not say much, are very much aware of things, even if they do not post often.
When you are dreaming and someone walks into your room to say goodbye, you may jump out of your bed startled! This will surely give your heart the exercise it needs for the next few days.
Shirley Hour
It's a saddening experience when you have had multiple confessions of love online and none in real life. A saddening experience indeed.
Waking up early is not always a good thing. Especially when you fell asleep at 5 am to only wake up at 9 am. The grogginess and headache induced will only go away if you can go back to bed for a few more hours.
Shirley Hour
Sometimes, the only way for closure to a situation is confrontation. Try to remain calm and collected, and the situation will eventually pass by.
Friends are sneaky when they scheme. They'll ask you a question pertaining to their mother and you give them your honest opinion. This opinion may end up being your birthday present. Thank your awesome friends for being thoughtful!
Shirley Hour
If you did not contribute to a group project, do not, on the day it is due, read over what the other people have written and write at the bottom (where the other people have been communicating) something akin to "This is great chickies." You will significantly add to their ire.
Speaking of groups, be sure that if you plan to get tipsy(or wasted), that you can handle yourself and don't look like a beast unleashed. It'll lead to some interesting footage and stories later on...
Speaking of groups, be sure that if you plan to get tipsy
Baking a cake can be quite the adventure! You may start whipping cold cream cheese hoping it will become fluffy in no time. You may take a cake out a little too soon and cause the cake to stick to the pan. You may even put the cake on a cooling rack instead of a plate causing you to have to carefully transport the cake to a plate. Yes, these are the things that may happen, but what also might happen is you will end up making and eating a very delicious cake! Pros outweighed the cons.
Shirley Hour
No, laying on a couch with your legs wide open is not very welcoming or pleasing to look at. Mostly when you are a girl (lady was not used in this context). Close the legs or else your choice of work will be questioned.
Shirley Hour
Revving up your car at about 2:00pm in the afternoon in a sleepy, downtown area looks and sounds stupid, not cool.
Valentine's Day does not mean you have to find a girlfriend or boyfriend. Just spend your day with friends, that is a good day regardless if it's Valentine's Day or not, memorable moments will occur.
Shirley Hour
Somehow, life gets more disturbing the more slang you know (See: July - Lesson 3). Every word, every phrase somehow turns into a sexual innuendo. Know your slang, but know to keep your mind out of the gutter!
Avoiding the urge to visit friends may result in a productive day. Whether it be spent taking a nap or doing homework or doing both, you will find yourself getting caught up with your own life.
Shirley Hour
When driving past a large group of friends who are walking, be sure that you do not turn on your music at the same time you're rolling down your window unless you prefer to be judged. You never know what music will be blasted out...perhaps it'll be Adele, or perhaps it will be Spice Girls. The safest bet is to not turn on the music when opening your window.
Sometimes you are determined to leave at a certain time. This usually never happens the way you intend it to, you'll usually leave a few hours later.
Shirley Hour
"The goal of an author is not to write likeable characters but to write interesting characters."
-Christopher Paolini
Usually women are more conscientious of their age, but surprising some men (boys) are too! As long as you are not as old as the extinct dinosaurs, age should not be something to be conscientious about.
Shirley Hour
The tyrant may rule with an iron hand, but the people's will shall shatter even the strongest steel.
Seeing a friend after not seeing them for awhile is really great!! It may also make the rest of your day great when you spend it with a bunch of friends simply playing cards and making a fool of yourself in public. Add all these together and you have a great combination of friends and a memorable night!
Shirley Hour
There are certain things that should be done alone, lest your intentions are to injure or be creepy. One of these is to shower with another...that isn't your significant other, while in the presence of a mother, brother, or anyone's hearing (or viewing) displeasure.
Try ignoring the things that bother you most. Example: Try not to listen to the whine and complaints of others if these seem to be frequent and the subject does not do much to help the situation. Simply ignore and life will continue to proceed without the whine, even though the process may require you to take a swig of wine.
Shirley Hour
Every once in a blue moon, certain coincidences happen that may make people misinterpret you and/or your actions. However, this may be one of those few times where it's better to do things later rather than sooner; you never know when a pleasant surprise is in store for you.
To induce vomit: Simply turn on a Taylor Swift song. Easiest and fastest way to save your upset stomach.
Shirley Hour
Even though their names says otherwise, maintenance personnel may actually harm more than help. Because of that, sometimes your life will go through the Ordeals of the Elements; there is the Trial of Water, the Trial of Wind, the potential for the Trial of Fire, and the potential for the Trial of Earth.
Watching a long movie with a friend who gives amusing commentary makes the movie not seem as long. It makes the movie even more enjoyable than it was in the first place!
Shirley Hour
When sneaking out, be wary of your enemies and their spies; you never know when you'll encounter them, and if you do, you may have to take extreme measures such as hiding behind trash bins (The Great Wall of China for some) or strolling around a building.
When sick, a day of school may turn into a full day of sleeping and being completely lazy! It is ok! You will get well sooner!
Shirley Hour
The Superbowl is a great time for friends and family. Most come to enjoy the food and the awesome company!! Making food is a great way to bond!
Shirley Hour
If you would prefer amusing insight of a longer note, please see the following blog: >>CLICK<<
You won't be disappointed.
You won't be disappointed.
A day off of school can definitely be productive! Waking up and working non-stop gives you a great feeling of accomplishment later on. Try it and you will see the results!
Shirley Hour
In academia, it's better to underestimate your ability than overestimate.
Life is what you make of it. If you have a lot of stress in one day, let loose after all is said and done and go have some fun!! You'll find yourself lost in time and laughing the whole time.
Shirley Hour
Remember to wash your dishes in a timely manner, Otherwise, you're going to run out of utensils...and dishes...and yeah...
When studying, be sure your book does not turn into a pillow...this usually results in a kinked neck and a book full of drool.
Shirley Hour
Please remember to maintain your composure at all times. Otherwise, you may have an extremely humorous tale to tell about how you ran away screaming at the mention of somebody's name.
Awaiting an email can be quite nerve wrecking! All you can do is patiently wait and hope that the other person will send it and properly turn it in. Be patient and understanding, the email will eventually come!
Shirley Hour
Some of the best things in life come from duality. As a result, be sure to appreciate (or at least tolerate) those around you who have ideas different from your own.
It's amazing how much a person can get done when they are not around their friends. Once their friends are around...productivity decreases dramatically! It's an inverse relationship between friends and productivity.
Shirley Hour
Competition in moderate amounts is usually good. However, be careful that you don't get too acquainted with bad karma and jinxes...
A much needed nap will call for you the entire day if you do not answer it. Please the calling by taking a full night's rest, you will feel lots better the next day!
Shirley Hour
Changing up your schedule just a small amount may actually be beneficial towards being productive in the end!
Lazy Sundays are the best way to get things done as well as catch up with a good ole friend named Sleep.
Shirley Hour
When strange coincidences begin to happen, be wary. Things tend to have a snowball effect afterward.
Despite losing sleep, despite not eating, despite not studying for exams, despite stress...the outcome of a successful event outweighs all. The feeling of accomplishment beats all the rest. The feeling of support from great friends beats all the rest. The feeling of gratitude that a community was able to enjoy the hard work beats all the rest. Hard work always pays off.
Shirley Hour
Volunteering is always fantastic. However, the greatest victory to pull off is when you truly know the puzzle metaphor: every single piece mattered, from beginning to end.
Going grocery shopping late at night can be quite the adventure. Whipped cream can turn into flour and in turn create a very entertaining game to watch!
Shirley Hour
Write down a list of things you have to do or you may only have fickle luck on your side.
Homophones make a conversation very interesting at times. Example: A girl says, "I don't have any nuts." Well what kind of nuts is she talking about? The nuts and bolts kind of nuts, of course!
Shirley Hour
It's not always the extroverts that you should pay close attention to, but the quiet ones. Sometimes the greatest heroes and the most sinful villains are the ones you didn't see coming.
One can start a day at 7:00 am and go all the way until 12:00 am the next day without faltering and naps! Not recommended for everyday usage.
Shirley Hour
Technology is usually fantastic, speeding things up, helping you calculate correctly. However, remember that it does not have a mind of its own yet! If you suspect that something is wrong, then you're probably right, especially if it concerns a GPS to a place you are not familiar with.
Confronting the problem is the a great way to overcome the problem. The results may surprise you, but if you don't have the guts to say anything you will never see the results you want...unless if you want to see nothing.
Shirley Hour
When fandoms's a dangerous thing, especially if it's an agreeable collision.
Spending New Year without family can be sad, but when you have such great friends that are willing to stay out until 3 am to enjoy the New Year, it makes up for a memorable night!
Take time to spend with those around you and to enjoy and learn the traditions that make up who you are. You won't regret it!
Take time to spend with those around you and to enjoy and learn the traditions that make up who you are. You won't regret it!
Shirley Hour
Sitting on your jacket/coat during a lecture is very uncomfortable. To avoid looking like you have gas or an itch in unmentionable places, make sure that you have moved all potential uncomfortableness away!
Note: This includes people.
Note: This includes people.
You will find amazing people who will become your family outside of your family. They will take you in when holidays come and you are far away from your own family. Appreciate those around you.
Shirley Hour
Pretending to grasp the whole picture when you barely have a corner is exceedingly obnoxious. Be honest or be laughed at.
Where have all the Asian gentlemen gone? When a girl is in high heels and a dress, carrying a hefty box, please open the door for her or offer to carry the box. Do NOT stand there and nonchalantly stride to the door. Next time, the girl may not be so ladylike and chuck the box at your feet.
Shirley Hour
Arranged marriages may no longer exist as popularly as they used to, but be careful! Some older folks might not think so!
Despite a long day of non-stop work, one simple e-mail can make your whole day worth every bead of sweat!
Shirley Hour
Always remember to knock on wood or some other superstitious method to ward off jinxes. Otherwise...*dun dun dun*!
*Note: Make sure the superstitious methods do not harm anyone...
*Note: Make sure the superstitious methods do not harm anyone...
When you are dead tired, do not offer to help others. Especially when your face has "TIRED" written all over it. Please do not insist you can help, just rest so others do not have to worry too much!
Shirley Hour
Adding rocks to a concrete corridor doesn't quite achieve the most scenic appearance...neither is bobbing your head up and down in exorbitant amounts.
Taking an easy class is not always so easy. It is not easy to sit and listen to your professor go over the orders of operations using the mnemonics PEMDAS, and have your professor distinguish between their, they're and there. Yes, easy classes in college are not always so easy.
Shirley Hour
If a black minivan ever pulls up next to you and asks "Do you need ride?" please use some common sense and say no, even if they have an oh-so-not-legitimate looking taxi company sticker on the side.
Need some amusement? Study next to a sleeping person. Their loud, pig-like snores will definitely keep you alert when studying as well as give you a good laugh!
Shirley Hour
About 90% of the world's zippers come from one company: YKK. Really. Go look.
Have confidence when you answer a question, just not too much confidence that you look arrogant. If you have enough confidence, your answer will be sound and often times correct!
Shirley Hour
If you ask someone to do something, please take your time to explain things carefully and thoroughly. Otherwise, they might spend an exorbitant time making something for you only to find out that you suck at explanations.
A busy day of cleaning can lead to a nice two hour nap!! You'll wake up feeling refreshed like the house that you just cleaned!
Shirley Hour
One of the worst things in the world is to be a faker. If you are not well-versed in a language or culture, please don't act like you do. People are less likely to be impressed and more likely to be exasperated.
Does your heart need a workout? Try being nervous when you have to talk in front of a crowd in a language you normally only use to speak with your parents. That surely will get your heart rate up to the maximum heart rate in no time!