Shirley Hour
Life and death go hand in hand.  You may love one and fear the other, but remember to respect both; we're all connected to each other somehow.  Balance is good.

You are driving in a parking garage going the speed limit for once in your life.  As you go up the levels, a horrendous delightful driver begins to turn left without even slowing down or looking for other cars as you drive straight.  Fortunately, no crash occurs and you mutter under your breath about people's driving skills these days.

When you actually arrive where you're supposed to volunteer, you do your duties within your shift, going about just like every other day.  When your shift is nearly over, some strangers (who have been in the same place you have been volunteering) suddenly come up and thank you, giving you $5!  Yes, life is an odd, odd thing.

Bonus lesson:  Just because someone is silent does not mean they have nothing to say.
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