Never EVER cheat during a final exam. Not only will you distract others, but you will be embarrassed for the rest of your school career, that is only if you have the dignity to be embarrassed by your stupid act.
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Shirley Hour
In the USA, the left lane is for fast drivers, especially if there isn't a left turn lane coming up.
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Assertiveness is key. You must let older people control you because they think they can. Respect them, but be assertive to ensure you will get your point across.
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Shirley Hour
Forgive, but never forget.  Very rarely will people change once you see their darker side.  Don't get caught up in the moment.

Otherwise, everyone but you will react like this:
Weddings can be quite the experience! Especially when it is not a family wedding. A person may ask you how the food is, when they know damn well that it sucks! Take this opportune moment to practice your poker face.
Shirley Hour
The day you send birthday wishes via private messages rather than publicly posting them on social networking sites is the day you should probably clear out your friends list, especially if there's a chance that those you didn't say happy birthday to may take offense.
Waking up in the middle of the day can make you a very a lazy person. You will want to just stay in bed for the rest of the day and do absolutely nothing.
Shirley Hour
Who needs drugs when sleep deprivation provides the same amount of amusement, if not more?  Strange names may arise for things when a person you know stays up until 5am, rattling on about kitties...
Deleting a few words from a sentence can make a big difference. Example: What you really wanted to say, "When I was a little girl," but by deleting the word "little" the uncertainty of your identity becomes the real subject of the conversation.
Shirley Hour
If you ever have the chance to become an application reviewer, do it.  You will definitely see what's good to put on an application and/or resumé as well as what to avoid.
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Steer clear of dramatic girls. They will make you mad. They will make you want to slap them silly. They will make you wish girls were never invented in this form. They will make you so glad that you are not like them. Dramatic girls = bad news bears.
Shirley Hour
When complimenting people out of the blue, it's probably a good idea not to hover over their shoulder.  It makes you appear like a creeper, especially when it's at a library and the complimentee is working on a project.
Productivity levels can be high even if you are in your pajamas all day! Who said sleeping wasn't productive?
Shirley Hour
When on the Internet and not using secure/reputable webpages, always be sure to use an alias.  You never know when you'll meet a crazy person online.  Also, if an email seems suspicious, it probably is.  Copy and paste the contents into Google and see if any scam results show up!
When making vanilla ice cream, do not forget to add in the vanilla, but most importantly do not forget to add in the sugar. Frozen cream and milk doesn't taste as good as vanilla ice cream.
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Shirley Hour
Receipts tell a lot about a person. Don't leave such information lying around.
In all unlikely circumstances you will find something that will surprise you. Always look on the bright side, as there will always be something or someone there to help you.
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Shirley Hour
If there are three lanes going straight in a street, don't make a fourth one with the Turn Right Only lane.  If you do, you're going to:
  1. Look incredibly idiotic, especially if your license plate matches the state you're in
  2. Be a douchebag, since you didn't signal
  3. Piss off the driver that you're cutting off
  4. (Optional) Be yelled/cursed/glared at by the driver from #3
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Swings are the best things to make you feel like a kid again. The wind in your face and the height you reach is exhilarating, but what is especially fun is imitating the sound of whales because the swings are so squeaky. Once a kid, always a kid.
Shirley Hour
Things don't really get easier as time passes.  If it does, it means you're not doing anything new.  All that really matters is that you are truly doing your best.
Need your house to stink? Burn some popcorn!
Shirley Hour
Being observant and aware of your surroundings is infinitely helpful towards avoiding a heart attack.  Just because an apartment is quiet does not mean it's empty; you never know when your roommate may pop out of unexpected places.

See:  June-Lesson 12
The best things in life are simple and priceless. Making a child laugh hysterically when the child is ill is one of the best thing to hear. The sound of the laughter will wipe away any stress or anger and you will find yourself beaming.
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Shirley Hour
College concerts are full of weed and alcohol.  If you decide to go, go prepared!
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Running for 30 minutes is very exhilarating! You will find yourself having a lot more energy than ever before, even if it is 11:00 at night.
Shirley Hour
Acetone eats through plastic cups and cheap linoleum.  Keep this in mind before you learn it the hard way!
Need to be a little kid again? No problem! Take a few of your friends (who are at the same mental level as you) and go to a bookstore! You will find yourself playing with Lego's and coloring like a five year old.

Being a five year old = GREAT FUN!
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Shirley Hour
Always have napkins at food events.  Always.
You may look forward to an event that you always love going to, but what is more exciting is taking your friends who has never experienced it before. The excitement that lightens their smile and every step they take makes the event 100 times more meaningful and fun!
Shirley Hour
Creativity may never be contained in a rigid environment.  The day creativity is inhibited is the day it dies.
Generosity amongst friends should only go so far. When it goes too far, friends begin to feel guilty. Friendships are built upon reciprocation, if one cannot reciprocate, the feeling of guilt builds upon themselves. Do not let friendship build upon money. Do not let dollar bills show your appreciation, instead let your actions show it.
Shirley Hour
Facebook profiles do indeed say a lot about a person.  How does your profile appear to the world?
Want to drain the life out of yourself? Take a five and half hour test! That should definitely do it to you.
Shirley Hour
Even though each passing generation may seem dumber than the last, there is always hope in the world (for now)!  Just because the media does not focus on those who care more about academia than entertainment does not mean that the former doesn't exist!  Just attend a Science Olympiad event for one day and there is hope that knowledge remains in the world.
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Titles can be deceiving. Example: Joy Luck Club. No joy and no luck is what they really mean.
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Shirley Hour
Oftentimes, especially when watching horror flicks, you may wonder what stupidity/madness causes people to explore obviously dangerous places.  However, as the saying goes, "Curiosity killed the cat" and in the movies, humans too!  Just because you can go up a creepy, dark staircase doesn't mean you should!
Exercising can be dangerous. Sometimes it is better to stay on the treadmill than to get off. The treadmill might be hinting something at you.
Shirley Hour
Lacking your usual swearing friend?  You may just start talking to yourself and cursing out loud for no particular reason other than to fill in the missing familiarity.
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Failure is not discouragement. Failure is encouragement to do better the next time and exceed all expectations.
Shirley Hour
Always carry tissues around.  Always.
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You know when a movie is good when it evokes almost every emotion humanly possible. From squeals and squirming from the pain of the slice of the neck, to the tears of sympathy and sadness, all of this can come from just one move, a very good one.
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Shirley Hour
Be sure to double check when you're asking someone a question; you never know if you accidentally mistook them for someone else!
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A simple art project can turn into a laborious project in no time! Be prepared to spend countless hours on an art project.
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Shirley Hour
Talking to an old, long lost friend is a stupendous way to brighten your day.
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Lazy Sundays can be quite productive. Wake up early, clean, study, nap, eat, and study some more!! This is how Easter should really be spent.
Shirley Hour
Doing chores back to back without getting distracted is an astounding feat that will make you wonder whether or not you were the Flash.
Cooking all day for your friends is very rewarding, especially when they clear off all the plates.
Shirley Hour
You know you're a Pokemon fan when you freak out about owning all the games of a certain timeframe (e.g. Ruby, Sapphire, Emerald).
Sometimes when you are the person speaking a different language and no one understands you,this can be a blessing.

Sometimes you are the other person who doesn't understand a word of what a machine is telling you to do, this is when you know how others feel when you speak another language.
Shirley Hour
When you haven't had any embarrassing moments in awhile, prepare for a combo of unexpected events.  Perhaps while pulling up the blinds to yell to a friend you were creeping on, you accidentally get them stuck.  Then, while trying to fix the blinds, your torso was framed against the window as a group of basketball players walk past.  After that, while bringing a large load of things to your car, you accidentally drop everything (e.g. dirty laundry flies a small distance, backpacks falling everywhere, etc.) and a hanger gets stuck on your clothes right as someone appears.
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A group of girls can be annoying. A group of fraternity girls can be obnoxious. It's like a domino effect, when one talks the rest talk to and it's an on going cycle. Avoid at all cost!
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Shirley Hour
Nothing says Greek society quite like a toga and the smell of beer.

And this, folks, is why stereotypes exist.
You know you live in a safe area when you accidentally leave your front door unlocked and come out to your car window rolled down completely and find everything in its same spot. Be careful because amnesia may hit you earlier than expected.
Shirley Hour
Life and death go hand in hand.  You may love one and fear the other, but remember to respect both; we're all connected to each other somehow.  Balance is good.

You are driving in a parking garage going the speed limit for once in your life.  As you go up the levels, a horrendous delightful driver begins to turn left without even slowing down or looking for other cars as you drive straight.  Fortunately, no crash occurs and you mutter under your breath about people's driving skills these days.

When you actually arrive where you're supposed to volunteer, you do your duties within your shift, going about just like every other day.  When your shift is nearly over, some strangers (who have been in the same place you have been volunteering) suddenly come up and thank you, giving you $5!  Yes, life is an odd, odd thing.

Bonus lesson:  Just because someone is silent does not mean they have nothing to say.
Old age can hit you at any time. For example, you heard: "My grandma is such a horse!" You think about the context and wonder why it was in such a positive tone. The reason? Your hearing is failing and what was really said was: "My grandma is such a FORCE!"
Shirley Hour
Life has strange "all or nothing" deals.  If you do nothing, you receive nothing.  If you initiate a conversation with a friend you haven't seen for eons, you will suddenly see them along with another friend you haven't seen in awhile.
Autopilot during driving is not always ideal, especially when you're backing out and there are two people right behind your car. Think of it as you were trying to test their reflex and heart health.
Shirley Hour
Eat healthy, be healthy, live healthy.  No one wants to be sick.  Hardly anyone wants to be around a sick person.
Need to study productively? Lock yourself up in the library, you'll find yourself in there for hours studying a boring biology book. Nonetheless, you will come out an expert on fungi!
Shirley Hour
One of the greatest skills in life is to be observant.  Hear everything, see everything, but don't react to everything.  You'll catch a lot of information while appearing ignorant, often safe in any crossfire.