It's amazing what talent can come from an 11 year old girl. The sound that resonates from her mouth can give you chills.
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Shirley Hour
For every culture you are a part of, know their folklore.  You may be surprised by how much modern day events depend on them.
Long drives at 75+ mph are very relaxing. Keeps your mind off of anything stressful.
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Shirley Hour
Humans are undeniably social creatures.  From social butterfly to misanthrope, take your pick.  The instant something out of the ordinary happens to another, commence the attack barrage of questions.

See:  March - Lesson 51
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Time can be like molasses. Dripping slowly to torture the hungry bear.
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Shirley Hour
Talking to friends is good.  Talking to friends is great.  Talking to friends while both are in bathroom stalls separated by a stranger is awkward.  Do you really want to have a conversation while you're both doing your "business"?  Think about it.
Being pranked is not always fun, being a part of a prank is ALWAYS fun!! Try to be a part of a prank, you'll find out what you've been missing.
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Shirley Hour
The hypocrisy of the world is truly outstanding.  The bitterness, the irony...when such things bleed blatantly from text, some people really need a mirror held up to their actions (read:  reality check).
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You may have plans to fit everything in accordingly, but sometimes you will find yourself sitting in a place for longer than necessary because of an overly nice person who is trying to help you at all costs. Next time, plan for a few more hours into your schedule.
Shirley Hour
Some days just don't bode well for your sanity.  On those days, your feelings may be encompassed in a single image:
However, press on, my friends (what friends)!  The day only stinks if you allow it to stink!  To continue the metaphor:  take a shower and be refreshed!  There's no use "waking up on the wrong side of the bed."  Pick up your feet and walk on the right side of the road!
Going to most likely location may not be the right answer to your inquiry. You may end up looking for a different location a few days later because your internal GPS system failed you in the first place.
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Shirley Hour
People are certainly nosy creatures.  Always remember to cover your tracks!  Become an enigma!
Waking up early in the morning can prove to be a great and productive day. You'll surprise yourself how much energy you have to do everything and anything in a day.
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Shirley Hour
Although death is no laughing matter, there is something oddly fascinating and humorous about being in an imaginary Hunger Games with celebrities and ordinary citizens.

MoogleKid's >>May the Odds Be Ever in Your Favor!<<

Read it.  Go.  Now.  Off with you.  Shoo.
Don't take a shower for granted. Having the feeling of dirt and grime all of your body and walking into a public restaurant looking like that can be quite the experience. This is when you wish a portable showere was available.
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Shirley Hour
Culturally deprived cities will have their populations swarm to a new shopping area.  Be careful not to get squished in the stampedes.
When accidents happen, sometimes you can't trust your friend to do the smartest thing. Example: When a river of blood is flowing from the orfice of your nose, saying: "Bloody nose, can you get me a napkin?" is not sufficient enough to display the emergency of loss of blood and splattering it everywhere.
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Shirley Hour
Arts and crafts projects always take longer than expected.  ALWAYS.
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The phrase: "What a small world!" holds a lot of truth sometimes. What's best is when you find out things about a friend that you would otherwise never find out unless you happened to come across a person who knows your friend from elementary school. Great way to blackmail someone!
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Shirley Hour
You know it's a girls' night out when:
  • All the girls in the car are talking trash about another girl
  • There is non-stop gossip
  • Shouts and curses are yelled out when an idiot driver is in sight
  • They try and make each other laugh over trivial matters/competitions
Sometimes you are determined to stay focused in class, but the professor will cause you to doze off or play games on your phone instead. This is when you know your class is boring.
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Shirley Hour
Notifying people ahead of time that you depend on them is not a suggestion; it's a necessity.  Otherwise, you will birth some animosity.
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Your life getting low? Need a pick me up? Go to a basketball game with some friends! All the screaming and jumping will cause some elation in your life, especially if your home team wins!
Shirley Hour
Everyday in life, there is something to be grateful for.  Some days, it's the ability to have a hot shower.  Some days, it's the chance of not being asked strange things (e.g. "Do you have a daughter?").
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The things you dread may actually turn out to be a good thing. All you need is to remain calm and work things out. The other party may surprisingly understand and will put effort in helping you out.
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Shirley Hour
Explosions in a home, especially ones that could actually happen, should not be joked about, especially in the presence of the inhabitants.

"Igniter button...where's that?"
"Is it that?"
"Yeah, it looks like it.  It'll look like it it ignites."
"Wait 5 minutes."
"Worst thing is that it will explode."
"Tell me if you smell something.  I can't since I have a cold."
"Me too!  Hahaha....it's connected to the heat."
"...I smell gas."
Yes, there is something called "being too nice". Sometimes being too nice and doing things for another person without consoling the person may become annoying as opposed to considerate. No I do not want you to turn the light, no I do not need your help when I'm studying, thank you, but NO thank you!
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Shirley Hour
Everyone has priorities in their life.  However, DO understand that your priorities may NOT coincide with another's, especially in ranking.  Don't try to force your beliefs on another; it may only end up pushing them away.
Watching drunk people in broad daylight is quite entertaining! Especially when they are weaving back and forth on the sidewalk! Your only hope is that it's not you who is weaving back and forth.
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Shirley Hour
Paranoia has a way of magically speeding up a person's ability to do things.  However, it may also cause them to fumble a lot.  Use this ability sparingly.
An early morning walk is great, grand, fantastic. Especially when you are in a very busy city and the early morning brings no one but the occasional passerby. It brings great scenery and great pictures.
Shirley Hour
Dressed in PJs while running an errand?  You're going to see someone you know, or miss seeing someone you want to see.
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Need to test your patience? Try string a necklace with seed beads. String a few strands and "accidently" drop it, enjoy the great time looking for gold beads amongst the tan carpet. In the end, you may never want to make a necklace again.
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Shirley Hour
If you want to start a round of laughter and/or awkward stares, mishear things, especially unintentionally.  Bonus points if your hearing involves poo.

A:  Yahoo!
B:  Ya-poo?!
Don't let being short get in your way of playing basketball. You may get blocked hundreds of times, but the one time that you are able to pump-fake and make a shot, you know you have accomplished something. Use this analogy with everything you do. Don't let any little or big obstacle get in your way, with persistence anything is possible.
Shirley Hour
Uniqueness is not always good, especially if it involves hair that has a mind of its own.
A simple game of Pounce can lead to someone's hand being "pounced". The dangers of playing a game with a competitive person can cause some great pain and possible loss!
Shirley Hour
For the religious, there is a special place in Hell for plagiarizers, rippers, and copycats.  For the non-religious, there's a special anvil high above, waiting for plagiarizers, rippers, and copycats.
The feeling that your mouth is on fire may not be pleasant, but this can be extinguished when the cause of this fire is a delicious mango odobo salsa topping a mouth savoring Mexican meatloaf.
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Shirley Hour
A fun game to play--that also allows players to share music--is to have a conversation by either playing a song and announcing its title or to play the song's lyrics at a designated section.
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Taking the road less traveled can indeed be more rewarding!! It may also bring a lot of great fun that would have not occurred had you taken the path that seemed too steep and too dangerous.
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Shirley Hour
Time is an odd, odd thing.  Sometimes it takes forever to pass and sometimes it passes within an instant.  In other words, Time is highly subjective.  However, with quality work, Time is oftentimes directly related.  When planning to achieve a life aspiration, be sure you put the time and effort to make the product worthwhile.
No matter how old you are, your actions shows your true age. You can be over 30 and still be immature.
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Shirley Hour
Cleaning out old or unused files on your computer is strangely therapeutic and nostalgic.  You will discover old songs and documents that will make you think "Really?  Did I write that?" or "Ugh, I liked that?" or even "WHOA!  I don't even remember having that!"  Plus, seeing your computer's memory space increase is always a plus.
Playing a game of basketball is a great workout, especially when you haven't done it for years!! The best part is the amount of fun and the re-emergence of love that goes with playing the game.
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Shirley Hour
Always remember to check if your plane ticket has assigned seating or not.  Otherwise, you may be the last on the plane and end up sitting between two "curvier" women.
You may be pleasantly surprised when watching a film that is not typically your taste. A silent movie may turn into a movie expressing thousands of words.
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Shirley Hour
Group projects are indeed terrible (see:  February - Lesson 31).  However, the people in your group may not be so terrible.  In fact, they may be fantastic people.  All it takes is for a little conversation to develop and you may find your group members to be entertaining, funny, smart people instead of incompetent bimbos.

Key word:  may
When you have the urge to shop, go home and eat. This will let your shopping impulsion go away and allow you to have a lovely relaxing evening catching up on your favorite TV shows.
Shirley Hour
Every story has at least two sides to it.  Pay attention to both.
Being able to rock a baby to sleep is rewarding, especially when the baby is a stranger's baby, feeling sick in a hospital. This is one of the best feelings to experience as a volunteer.
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Shirley Hour
Truth IS stranger than fiction, allowing the strangest (may be read as "worst") of coincidences to happen...as a result, always remember to stock up on good karma!
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Don't go grocery shopping on an empty stomach. You will find yourself a half hour later with bags filled with delicious food that will last longer than your hunger.
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Shirley Hour
Notice your mannerisms, especially if you say a word or phrase repeatedly and/or repeat a movement over and over again.  No matter how nice, funny, or endearing you are, things like that tend to grate on people's nerves.
There is such a thing as studying too much. You know when you have hit that point when you write down: Telekinesis instead of Telophase when describing the phases of the cell cycle. This is when you take a break and go to bed.
Shirley Hour
The longer it takes to reach a victory, the sweeter the victory.  Share the burden in defeat, share the spoils in triumph.
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Taking a walk down memory lane is good once in awhile. It reminds you of where you grew up, the things you did and what you have left behind. It also reminds you of the life that you didn't want: married at 20 and working at a restaurant.
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Shirley Hour
Subordinates, for the most part, are negligible.  However, running straight towards a boss while ignoring his minions will get you killed.  Multiple times.
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After a few years of not playing a sport, it is always a great experience to play again. Regardless of if you even come close to hitting the basket when shooting, the fun that comes with holding the ball and shooting it outweighs all the other embarrassment.
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Shirley Hour
To be a ghost, a ninja, a wallflower...they certainly have their perks.  One of these is the ability to unintentionally eavesdrop on a potentially fruitful or entertaining conversation.

Be careful...those topiaries may not be topiaries...
When something unexpected happens and it is not within your control, keep your calm and everything will be alright. By becoming upset will only provoke the situation and make it worse.
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Shirley Hour
Sometimes (read:  oftentimes), a person who is incredibly, incredibly book smart does not transfer that capacity for knowledge over to everyday things.

Exhibit A:
It's important to have both book smarts and street smarts...