It's amazing how much a person can get done when they are not around their friends. Once their friends are around...productivity decreases dramatically! It's an inverse relationship between friends and productivity.
Shirley Hour
Competition in moderate amounts is usually good.  However, be careful that you don't get too acquainted with bad karma and jinxes...
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A much needed nap will call for you the entire day if you do not answer it. Please the calling by taking a full night's rest, you will feel lots better the next day!
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Shirley Hour
Changing up your schedule just a small amount may actually be beneficial towards being productive in the end!
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Lazy Sundays are the best way to get things done as well as catch up with a good ole friend named Sleep.
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Shirley Hour
When strange coincidences begin to happen, be wary.  Things tend to have a snowball effect afterward.
Despite losing sleep, despite not eating, despite not studying for exams, despite stress...the outcome of a successful event outweighs all. The feeling of accomplishment beats all the rest. The feeling of support from great friends beats all the rest. The feeling of gratitude that a community was able to enjoy the hard work beats all the rest. Hard work always pays off.
Shirley Hour
Volunteering is always fantastic.  However, the greatest victory to pull off is when you truly know the puzzle metaphor:  every single piece mattered, from beginning to end.
Going grocery shopping late at night can be quite the adventure. Whipped cream can turn into flour and in turn create a very entertaining game to watch!
Shirley Hour
Write down a list of things you have to do or you may only have fickle luck on your side.
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Homophones make a conversation very interesting at times. Example: A girl says, "I don't have any nuts." Well what kind of nuts is she talking about? The nuts and bolts kind of nuts, of course!
Shirley Hour
It's not always the extroverts that you should pay close attention to, but the quiet ones.  Sometimes the greatest heroes and the most sinful villains are the ones you didn't see coming.
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One can start a day at 7:00 am and go all the way until 12:00 am the next day without faltering and naps! Not recommended for everyday usage.
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Shirley Hour
Technology is usually fantastic, speeding things up, helping you calculate correctly.  However, remember that it does not have a mind of its own yet!  If you suspect that something is wrong, then you're probably right, especially if it concerns a GPS to a place you are not familiar with.
Confronting the problem is the a great way to overcome the problem. The results may surprise you, but if you don't have the guts to say anything you will never see the results you want...unless if you want to see nothing.
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Shirley Hour
When fandoms collide...it's a dangerous thing, especially if it's an agreeable collision.
Spending New Year without family can be sad, but when you have such great friends that are willing to stay out until 3 am to enjoy the New Year, it makes up for a memorable night!

Take time to spend with those around you and to enjoy and learn the traditions that make up who you are. You won't regret it!
Shirley Hour
Sitting on your jacket/coat during a lecture is very uncomfortable.  To avoid looking like you have gas or an itch in unmentionable places, make sure that you have moved all potential uncomfortableness away!

Note:  This includes people.
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You will find amazing people who will become your family outside of your family. They will take you in when holidays come and you are far away from your own family. Appreciate those around you.
Shirley Hour
Pretending to grasp the whole picture when you barely have a corner is exceedingly obnoxious.  Be honest or be laughed at.
Where have all the Asian gentlemen gone? When a girl is in high heels and a dress, carrying a hefty box, please open the door for her or offer to carry the box. Do NOT stand there and nonchalantly stride to the door. Next time, the girl may not be so ladylike and chuck the box at your feet.
Shirley Hour
Arranged marriages may no longer exist as popularly as they used to, but be careful!  Some older folks might not think so!
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Despite a long day of non-stop work, one simple e-mail can make your whole day worth every bead of sweat!
Shirley Hour
Always remember to knock on wood or some other superstitious method to ward off jinxes.  Otherwise...*dun dun dun*!

*Note:  Make sure the superstitious methods do not harm anyone...
When you are dead tired, do not offer to help others. Especially when your face has "TIRED" written all over it. Please do not insist you can help, just rest so others do not have to worry too much!
Shirley Hour
Adding rocks to a concrete corridor doesn't quite achieve the most scenic appearance...neither is bobbing your head up and down in exorbitant amounts.
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Taking an easy class is not always so easy. It is not easy to sit and listen to your professor go over the orders of operations using the mnemonics PEMDAS, and have your professor distinguish between their, they're and there. Yes, easy classes in college are not always so easy.
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Shirley Hour
If a black minivan ever pulls up next to you and asks "Do you need ride?" please use some common sense and say no, even if they have an oh-so-not-legitimate looking taxi company sticker on the side.
Need some amusement? Study next to a sleeping person. Their loud, pig-like snores will definitely keep you alert when studying as well as give you a good laugh!
Shirley Hour
About 90% of the world's zippers come from one company:  YKK.  Really.  Go look.
Have confidence when you answer a question, just not too much confidence that you look arrogant. If you have enough confidence, your answer will be sound and often times correct!
Shirley Hour
If you ask someone to do something, please take your time to explain things carefully and thoroughly.  Otherwise, they might spend an exorbitant time making something for you only to find out that you suck at explanations.
A busy day of cleaning can lead to a nice two hour nap!! You'll wake up feeling refreshed like the house that you just cleaned!
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Shirley Hour
One of the worst things in the world is to be a faker.  If you are not well-versed in a language or culture, please don't act like you do.  People are less likely to be impressed and more likely to be exasperated.
Does your heart need a workout? Try being nervous when you have to talk in front of a crowd in a language you normally only use to speak with your parents. That surely will get your heart rate up to the maximum heart rate in no time!
Shirley Hour
When scooping ice cream, making up a song and dance is perfect if you want ice cream to land on your clothes.
Taking money is so easy. Giving back money to the person who has given it to you is not so easy. The money gets around more than the village bicycle.
Shirley Hour
Sometimes, the only way for a message to get across is to announce a thinly veiled insult.
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Running on low sleep and a stressful schedule will make your brain slow. You will experience the spinning colorful pinwheel on the mac inside your head. It will cause you to ask, say and do stupid things. Get enough sleep and relieve stress when necessary to save your sanity as well as others.
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Shirley Hour
People need to have more confidence in themselves, especially those that are too shy to talk to their crush.  Work up the courage to talk to your crush, if they act like a jerk, then move on and don't waste your time.  Infatuation is put on much too high a pedestal these days.

What NOT to Do:
A little gesture of gratitude can go a long ways. A sentence that shows no gratitude at all will go an even longer ways. Remember to show your gratefulness when something great comes along.
Shirley Hour
When you are in front of people while approaching a door, please try to be courteous and hold the door open for them.  However, if you are in a rush or just don't feel like holding the door open, then don't!  Don't be an indecisive faker and hover your hand around the door but when the door starts to close, you move your hand away so that the door hits the person behind you.
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Saying no can sometimes be hard, but when it comes to donations the receiving end would like a straight answer. Please do not tell the person that the owner/manager will be in tomorrow, when in "fact" they are in a foreign country. Saying no to a question is not a crime.
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Shirley Hour
Fasting is much, much harder than it appears.  Pair that with lack of sleep and you have an imminent disaster.
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Once school starts, you may get the urge to buy everything in the bookstore! Refrain and only buy what is useful, but also fun to look at!!
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Shirley Hour
Why watch reality shows or modern dramas when drama is just around the corner in real life?  All it takes is well-informed friends/family and an open ear.
Sometimes, all it takes is finding a location. Once a location is set, other things will start falling into place.
Shirley Hour
If you ever make a Facebook status similar to:
So glad that I'm in a completely different place starting this semester, and I have my true friends around me :) Never been happier.
Then you've pretty much jinxed yourself.  And you're taking up bandwidth with your banal status update.  Just sayin'.
After spending three weeks with family, it is nice to see some of your friends!! It's always fun to spend some time catching up with everyone...although it may take longer than the three weeks that you were gone.
Shirley Hour
You know you have hit an all-time low in boredom when you watch videos of the worst video games ever on Youtube.
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Spending your last day with your parents can be quite fun!! Just sit back and relax and enjoy telling your mom stories until she's too tired to keep her eyes open!
Shirley Hour
You can usually tell if a woman directed a film due to an emphasis on pathos.  Just sayin'.
When an obese man says he wants to look like "this young slim lady right here," there may some questionable eyebrow raises? Not only will there be a lot of weight loss, but there may be weight re-distribution that may cause some alarming responses from the man's wife and children.
Shirley Hour
Stereotypes, unfortunately, do exist for a reason.  The irony will not be lost on you when you complain about an awful driver with another person, debating on whether it is an old person or new driver, and you find out that the awful driver happens to be a female Asian driver.

Speaking of Asians--though this works if you know more than one language fluently--trying to talk in your "home" tongue, and only in your home tongue, is exceedingly entertaining.  Plus, it helps you practice your non-English tongue(s).
Watching someone's reaction to their own blood is quite fascinating and entertaining!! The winces and the mere disgust is smile inducing!
Shirley Hour
Asking for donations is not a fun process, especially when people assume it's a monetary donation.  Make sure that when you go that you have the following things at the very least:
  • A group of friends/fellow members dressed in business casual who can also think for themselves
  • A flier/brochure (so people actually think you're a legitimate group)
  • Names/places you're associated with
  • A nice little formal speech prepared plus a list of FAQs so you can answer questions with ease
  • An account name for checks to be addressed to
After not working an eight hour shift for over 4 years, it can be quite a workout on the legs!! Stay fit or work more and this will not be a problem!
Shirley Hour
Not checking your phone in a timely manner leads to many important things being missed...or extremely delayed.
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Eating home food is the best! Once you have missed eating your mom's food for months, it's nice to eat it everyday for a week!
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Shirley Hour
Rewatching a movie is like double checking your work; you will notice an astonishing amount of things the second time around.
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You should always keep a food log through your camera. It allows you to look back on a day to reminisce on what you have done!
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Shirley Hour
Making up dances for villains is exceedingly humorous and exercising.