New Year's Eve is overrated, mostly when you're at home with old parents who go to sleep way before 11:00 pm. All you get to do is stay awake in a quiet house watching old movies.
Shirley Hour
The preparation of a new year is exactly what you make of it, just like everything else in life.
You may think your hand sewing is awful, but just try! You'll be surprised at how straight you can sew!
Shirley Hour
Being an anonymous troll is quite fun. However, always try to see both sides of the problem and never push things too far.
Sometimes what you order is not what you get. What you wanted was braised fish...instead you got overly sweet fish jerky in a pot. Mmmmmm!
Shirley Hour
To properly heat chocolate, place a pot filled a third of the way with water on the stove. Next, place a bowl with your solid chocolate on top of the heating pot. This will lower the likelihood of your chocolate being burnt.
When doing a project, you may find that you excel in one aspect of the project. Once you find what you excel at, the project will be finished at a faster pace!
Shirley Hour
Not falling asleep during movie certainly helps one follow the plot (assuming there was a plot to begin with).
Having a low pain tolerance is a pain in the ass. Not for the patient, but for the doctor that has to continuously inject anesthetics until the patient can no longer feel the cuts!
Shirley Hour
The best bet when going to the casino is to not play at all! Going in and walking right out will ensure that you will not lose a penny!
Shirley Hour
Mocking something and not caring about it may actually be the key to success.
Notice the word "may."
Notice the word "may."
Great minds DO think alike. Mostly when it comes to presents. You may secretly wish for something, but don't want to ask for it and magically on Christmas day it appears as a special gift for you!!
Shirley Hour
Almost everyone has unexpected, secret talents. Pay close attention to those around you. You may be around a big star without knowing it!
Think it's too late to put up a Christmas tree? It's never too late to put up a Christmas tree. Even on Christmas Eve, it is still possible to decorate a beautiful tree. Christmas is just not the same without a tree!
Shirley Hour
Sometimes, having the pessimistic (which you may mistake as the realist) point-of-view pays off: you end up having a great experience! Expect little and gain a lot!
The dumbest thing you can do while driving is to use one hand to hold your cell phone while the other hand is holding a cigarette. Do you have a third hand on the wheel? Not only are you increasing your chances of lung cancer, you're increasing your chances of crashing and harming others. Don't be selfish. Use both hands (or at least one) on the wheel when driving.
Shirley Hour
There are many mysteries in life. Some are easily answered, others are not. When it comes to technology, those are usually easily answered. Your silliness (may be read as "stupidity"), on the other hand, may not be so easy to answer.
Eating at a buffet all the time will cause you to look at food in distaste. Yes, yes, even an avid eater will look away at food placed in front of them after too many times at a buffet. Go occasionally, and the food will taste better!
Shirley Hour
Making up your own rules to games can be very exercising, especially if the game is Pictionary.
At an all you can eat, eat all you can!!! Mostly when there's a plethora of delicious delicacies that you have never experienced before!! Those few pounds of weight gain is worth it!
Shirley Hour
Sleeping on a couch is painful. It also screws up your sleep schedule.
You will not get a good night sleep if you are sleeping in the same room as one who is snoring. The snoring will not lull you to sleep. Sleep in a different room if possible!
Shirley Hour
Oftentimes, when doing something out of the ordinary, you're often rewarded with a distasteful experience. Try not to get too bummed out. Call next time to verify.
If eating at a buffet, the best way to not eat a lot is to eat sushi!! You will eat lots of sushi, yes...but it's a lot healthier than all the fried foods slathered in oil!
Shirley Hour
Somehow, asking someone else to remind you something (even though you know they won't remember) magically works in making you remember.
Try saying that five times fast.
Try saying that five times fast.
Sleeping at 3 in the morning will cause you to want to sleep for the rest of the day. The only time your eyes will be fully opened is when delicious mouth watering food is placed before you!
Shirley Hour
The winner of a competition does not necessarily make them the person better in talent or product, this is especially true in reality tv singing competitions.
Listening to old people can actually be entertaining. The "lessons" they teach are very amusing!
Lesson 1: "Get married to someone that loves don't necessarily love them, but if they love you, it will be a good marriage."
Lesson 2: "Don't get married to someone you love, it will only be painful."
Lesson 3: "Get married to someone that your parents love, it will provide peace within the family."
All three lessons from one man. Main lesson from these three lessons: Don't ever get married!
Lesson 1: "Get married to someone that loves don't necessarily love them, but if they love you, it will be a good marriage."
Lesson 2: "Don't get married to someone you love, it will only be painful."
Lesson 3: "Get married to someone that your parents love, it will provide peace within the family."
All three lessons from one man. Main lesson from these three lessons: Don't ever get married!
Shirley Hour
Oftentimes, the world around us may seem full of despair, misery, and hopelessness. However, there are people in the world who will go out of their way to help, love, and cherish others. Listen to them. Believe in them. Assist them. The smallest acts of kindness really do go a long way.
Don't sit by a drunk old Christian man on the plane. He will proceed to offer you drinks as well as offer you a way to heaven through the entire plane trip, even after you have stated that heaven is an unlikely destination for you, but rather home is the destination of this plane ride.
Shirley Hour
The saying "an oldie but a goodie" is usually right, especially concerning movies.
When being late for a test, parking in the restricted spot may no longer be a priority. The car in front of you may no longer be a priority. The fact that you are parked on a train tracks may no longer be a priority. Getting to the test on time and acing it is the main priority, regardless of the consequences. A on test = who gives a shit about the other shit that has happened!
Shirley Hour
If your schedule involves talking to friends, you're going to be late. Pretty much no doubt about it.
Studying for more than 10 hours a day will make you go insane. You will hope that anyone will ask you to go out for a mere 15 minutes to do something other than studying! Take little breaks to ease your studying anxiety!
Shirley Hour
"Flakers gonna flake."
However, every so often, life may just work out better that way.
Eyes are always watching. Don't for one second think you are alone, someone will always see what you are doing...mostly when it's in broad daylight in a parking lot!!!
Shirley Hour
You may not care about PDAs, but many of us do. Please, save a pair of eyes.
Studying in bed does NOT work...The warmth of the blankets and the softness of the pillow only induces sleep. Study elsewhere when trying to be productive!
Shirley Hour
The harder you try to stay awake, the more likely you are to fall asleep.
A picture is worth a thousand words. For some photographers, a picture is worth some hairs and teeth pulled and nasty glares. It doesn't hurt to take a picture for someone, if you don't like it, don't use it. One simple snap of a picture will not hurt you or your camera!
Shirley Hour
Whenever making things up on the spot (especially about another person), make sure that whatever you're saying has some validity. Otherwise, you're going to make us all look like fools.
Old people are really wise. Listen to what they say. You may think they talk for a long time, but listen intently, their wisdom resounds with every word they speak.
Shirley Hour
Is your face always in a slump? Do your friends misinterpret your facial expressions a lot? Are you unversed in Internet memes? If you said yes to any of the questions above, then this lesson is for you!
- Choose any of the following meme faces by clicking on the following link: *CLICK*
- Obtain a mirror or webcam
- Commence imitation!
Seeing a mutilated mouse is not a pleasant site to see. Don't mutilate a mouse or take part of one in any shape or form!
Shirley Hour
Life is actually full of delightful surprises if you take a step out of your cynicism boat. Contrary to popular belief, you may not be as forgettable as you may think!
Retail therapy does not always entail buying something. You may get the satisfaction of trying on new shoes while keeping your wallet filled with money!
Shirley Hour
Being superstitious doesn't always pay off. In fact, it may hinder you from having a good day! Somedays, to satisfactorily live life, all you need to do is to "go with the flow."
Writing a paper for more than 5 hours depletes any energy to study for other subjects. Don't procrastinate and write little by little, it will allow you to study for other important subjects.
Shirley Hour
Watch out for little mistakes. They will frustrate you again and again for all eternity unless you pay attention to details.
Studying in a new environment may not always be ideal. Sometimes sticking to the same old routine will make you more productive!
Shirley Hour
It is a sad, sad day when you care more about Twitter updates from people you don't know in real life than status updates from your friends on Facebook.
Please encourage your friends to become witty and creative once more.
Please encourage your friends to become witty and creative once more.
Being punctual is an important thing! Mostly being punctual to an event where food is served. If you are not punctual, all the food will be served and you will leave with an empty stomach! Avoid disappointment and an unhappy stomach, become punctual!
Shirley Hour
We're all much more similar than one might think. You'll never know when you suddenly look like an Indian (from India) celebrity.
Sitting all day is not a good thing. The food you ate a few hours ago? Still sitting there with you, giving you a very full tummy the entire day. Walk around or jump around like a maniac, don't become a fat ass!
Shirley Hour
99% of the time, pathos will override logos in a stress-filled situation.
Try to always maintain your composure.
Try to always maintain your composure.
Being a leader is a good thing, unless you assume the position. When you assume the position and start commanding those around you to do this and that without putting much effort to help...being a leader then, is not such a great thing.
Shirley Hour
One of the most wonderful, heart-wrenching experiences a person can have is to finish a series, no matter the media form.
Music just for dramatic effect...
Do NOT drink coffee or any form of coffee after 11:00pm. You will not fall asleep and you will bounce off the walls like a racquetball. Get your needed sleep, skip the coffee!
Shirley Hour
Once you find a niche in life, don't ever lose it over something trivial. You'll most likely end up regretting your hasty, stubborn decision.
When a kid says that they know they're dad dresses up as Santa, you may feel a little sad that this kid no longer believes in Santa. And then: "The real Santa is at the mall!! He sometimes comes to the library too, but mostly to the mall." Hope is not lost, don't ever think for one moment that it is.
Shirley Hour
A well-planned event may turn into an extremely interesting and quirky adventure!