You may answer a question correctly even if you heard the question incorrectly. The laughter after realizing what you should have heard will be heard throughout the house.
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Shirley Hour
One of the surest ways to cause a rift in a relationship is to forget about a patient person.
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Going down memory lane can be very humbling. To see where your parents lived 30 years ago and look at where they are living now, is a great eye opener on how determination and will power can propel you towards success.
Shirley Hour
If you were ever considered a nerd or geek for liking something of a younger age group, do not fret!  Just give yourself a few years and you'll suddenly be a part of the popular crowd!
Heat is all relative. Sure, it might be 110 degrees outside, but if you're in a car with the heat blasting in your face, the moment you step outside of the car it will feel like you have just stepped into a mall with awesome AC.
Shirley Hour
It's a worrisome sign when you're testing out a programming assignment and only the negatively titled tests are working.

Tests that did work -- Suicide-note, Insult, CS-nightmare, Programming-nightmare, Friday-the-13th
Tests that did not work -- Dear-John, Haiku, Bond-movie. Bionic-Woman
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You never appreciate what you have until you go elsewhere and experience something worse.
Shirley Hour
The Olympics is one of the few remaining things that brings the world together peacefully.  The world roots for everyone's wellbeing and talents instead of trying to drag them down.
Cherish the time you spend with your family because as you get older, time spent with family only gets shorter and shorter as your life gets busier and busier.
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Shirley Hour
It is not always drama and extravagance that is remembered, but a moment of pure, delightful quirkiness.
You know you've met a lady like girl when she stands at a crosswalk saying "This smells like sh!t." Well guess what girl? Maybe it's your attitude that's sh!t. Have a good attitude when in public, as others are watching!
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Shirley Hour
Even if you're not part of a group you continue to receive emails from, sometimes it's better not to unsubscribe from that list; you may be amused by emails and snarky replies that ensue.
Shirley Hour
Cars should stay in between the lines on the road.  Unfortunately, many drivers don't understand this.
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Shirley Hour
There is something to be said when certain children's cartoons are more poignant than many live-action movies.
Shirley Hour
Attempting to incapacitate someone doesn't work too well if you lose your balance...
Shirley Hour
To keep this lesson as tasteful as possible:  as a female, remember to shave often.
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Shirley Hour
One of the greatest things to receive is a physically written thank you note from someone you've always looked up to, (:
Shirley Hour
There are never random shots in movies. Every hesitation, every lingering moment is a hint towards the ending.
Shirley Hour
One of the saddest things to experience is the conclusion of a fandom you love.
Shirley Hour
When playing a game of "Who Can Get the TA's attention first?" and the way to catch their attention is via an electronic queue, clicking stupendously fast is an excellent skill, but pay attention!  If you keep clicking even after you entered the queue first, you will lose your place and get reprimanded by your partner with a "YOU FOOL!" that the entire class can hear.
Shirley Hour
Thank you letters really do seem to work.  Send them out after job interviews!  After receiving parting gifts!  Send them with sincerity!
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You know you have baked delicious cookies when you come home to a smaller stash of cookies.
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Shirley Hour
Independence and responsibility really do go hand in hand.  If you're a parent, try not to oppress independence with a reason of protectiveness; it will not work out in the long run.
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Somedays being absolutely lazy and doing nothing is the best thing to do. Spend this time cooking and baking with friends will relieve any stress you were feeling prior.
Shirley Hour
Walking with someone for at least 30 minutes is an excellent way to bond as well as exercise.
A long day of a dreadful event can turn out well if you are surrounded by awesome friends who can entertain you for an entire day. There's always a bright side to everything!
Shirley Hour
Staying up late to talk to strangers is actually a pleasant experience, as long as these strangers are actually internet friends you've known for a few years and talk is casual.
You know your cooking is somewhat decent when the aroma of your microwaved food makes others hungry. Well, either your cooking is good, or the person is very hungry.
Shirley Hour
One of the most interesting things in life is to wonder why people like you, especially when you're not the kindest person to them.
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We do live in a small world sometimes. You will find someone with a connection with you in the most unexpected places and will be pleasantly surprised.
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Shirley Hour
Bad luck in the morning usually means excellent luck later in the day (if not strange luck...)!  You will do well on your tests as well as enjoy a weird outing with your younger sibling's friends!
Making dinner for friends is a rewarding feeling. Especially when there is nothing left on the plates, meaning either the food was really great, or they came ravenous and devoured anything in their sight.
Shirley Hour
The kindness of an outgoing friend, no matter their age, is something to truly appreciate.
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You know you have found a good friend when you can spend hours talking to that person about absolutely nothing to absolutely everything.
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Shirley Hour
To ensure a battle to the death, do NOT use BCC in e-mails, especially ones concerning jobs.
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Life is full of surprises. You may think you are safe to touch things in a grocery store, until you see someone rather rotund pick a wedgie in front of you in broad daylight. Be wary and cautious to touch things that may have been touched by such individuals.
Shirley Hour
Most people do not like confrontation, especially the aggressive kind.  However, why confront directly when you can do things indirectly?  Perhaps all that is needed is a gentle suggestion instead of "You're an idiot."
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A little trip to the store on a Sunday afternoon can be filled with surprises. You may find yourself talking to an old friend from high school which you have not seen for years! Catching up with them will leave a smile on your face.
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Shirley Hour
One of most entertaining things to do online is to liveblog something while you watch it.  A series, a movie, a book, whatever the media, liveblog and be entertained!
Solving puzzles in the wee hours of the morning may not be the best, but when you do solve a puzzle before going to bed, you'll be sure to have a good night's rest!
Shirley Hour
In accordance with July-Lesson 20, even if you run out of things to say, "That's when you know you've found somebody special. When you can just shut the **** up for a minute and comfortably enjoy the silence."

For the unfamiliar, Pulp Fiction
Being in a room and taking a test for over four hours can make a person very grumpy. Especially when a considerate beings decide to read out loud while they are taking their exams with other. Refrain from throwing things as it will only increase the level of anxiety. Keep a cool head and show the test who's boss!
Shirley Hour
The hypocrisy of human nature knows no bounds.  A public image of friendliness and civility may merely veil the polar opposite.  Commendations are given to acting skills.  None are given for sincerity.

See:  January - Lesson 51
Nervous? Anxious? Think you are going to go crazy? Call up a friend, go feed some ducks and bake up a storm. You will find yourself becoming more relaxed. Your heart will slow down to a mere 100 beats per minute as opposed to 1000. Friends are a great medicine to the anxious.
Shirley Hour
Slow and steady wins the race.  This is also sound advice to avoid slipping on wet crosswalks!
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It's funny how technologically dependent we have become. When going to a Fourth of July celebration, instead of enjoying the outdoors and grilled foods, friends are enjoying a game on their phone. Take time to enjoy the time you have with your friends, you won't regret putting your phone down.
Shirley Hour
Beating a game is fantastic, even if took forever.  Electronic fireworks don't quite compare, but memories of previous July 4ths will elicit a warm fuzzy feeling.
The nervousness of taking an exam will only hinder one. Although hard to step past the nervousness, one should try their hardest to forget their fear and have confidence in what they know.
Shirley Hour
Driving like a douchebag with your company phone number and information on the back is an excellent idea if you want to receive a criticizing email!
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Puzzle solving at 4 am can be difficult, but when you solve a somewhat easy puzzle, you'll find yourself having a great night (well...morning) sleep!
Shirley Hour
Randomly adding friends on Facebook, especially if you and the potential "friend" have no mutual friends, will get you this reaction:

You may plan to be at a party for only an hour, then you realized how you have been a hermit for the past week and how much you've missed interacting with your friends! This one hour can easily turn into five hours, so when you have friends, always prepare to stay longer.
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Shirley Hour
No matter how trivial the meeting, remembering names is always a good thing.  A sincerity in caring is shown.
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