A little nap can go a long ways! Just a mini thirty minute nap can rejuvenate your energy to allow you to study all night long!
Shirley Hour
Ma'am! Follow the arrows when driving, don't think you can go the wrong way on a one way street multiple times without getting your fancy Audi smashed.
Shirley Hour
Addictions are always bad. However, it's better to have a less harmful addiction, such as reading, than, an addiction to drugs and/or alcohol. Just remember that an addiction is still an addiction, so staying up 'til the wee hours to finish a book on a school night? Not a good idea.
Baking is a great way to wind down after a long day. Not only is it relaxing, it is also rewarding to enjoy the results of the wonderful chocolate marbled banana bread.
Shirley Hour
Letting a friend know about something that irks you may come at unexpected moments. For example: during an intense board game! Do not let this falter your game!
Shirley Hour
Timing really is everything. It's important to be up-to-date on things. Otherwise, a feeling of guilt will permeate your days ahead.
Sometimes a small action of kindness can go a long way, it can go so far that you may completely forget about it. Only to be reminded a day later through an elation on Facebook.
Shirley Hour
“Focus on the journey, not the destination. Joy is found not in finishing an activity but in doing it.”
True, for the most part. However, when it comes to finishing an assignment, especially an online one, it's the destination that matters and not the journey. If you can't enter something correctly, you're no longer going to enjoy the journey. At all.
Shirley Hour
When you are faced with the decision on whether or not to try and cross some train tracks during heavy traffic, it's better to be safe than sorry! Wait it out and you will breathe a sigh of relief, knowing you managed to have the virtue of patience and not look like an idiot whose car got hit by a train.
Working hard all day deserves a nice rest at the end of the day. Kick off those high heels, relax and do absolutely nothing! Your brain will thank you.
Shirley Hour
Endings are usually depressing, but never ever forget that "when one door closes, another opens."
HOWEVER, that does NOT mean "f*** the world!" Do NOT end things with a bang just because you want to bring others down with you. Sometimes, the higher road is to hold your tongue and move on.
HOWEVER, that does NOT mean "f*** the world!" Do NOT end things with a bang just because you want to bring others down with you. Sometimes, the higher road is to hold your tongue and move on.
After a long day, all you need is a funny video to watch. Disclaimer: One video can exponentially grow to many in a very short amount of time. Prepare yourself to be in front of your computer screen for awhile.
Shirley Hour
One of the most exciting but worst feelings that can be experienced involving schoolwork is turning in an assignment during the minute it is due. SUCCESS!
The elder + cell phone = obnoxious
A cute elderly woman + loud cell phone ringing = less obnoxious and tolerable
Sometimes your personality can make up for the annoying things that you forget to do, example: turning off your cell phone during a meeting.
A cute elderly woman + loud cell phone ringing = less obnoxious and tolerable
Sometimes your personality can make up for the annoying things that you forget to do, example: turning off your cell phone during a meeting.
Shirley Hour
One of the best ways to find new music is to download mixtapes provided by others. This allows for greater variety than sites like Pandora and Last.FM. Plus, you get to hear less well-known songs in other languages!
When taking a nap, be more realistic with the time you are going to wake up at. A thirty minute nap is not within reach when you wake up two hours later. Aim to wake up in three hours and you'll surprise yourself when you wake up within two hours.
Shirley Hour
If you have a battle of wits online, do not act presumptuously. People who are veterans, yet do not say much, are very much aware of things, even if they do not post often.
When you are dreaming and someone walks into your room to say goodbye, you may jump out of your bed startled! This will surely give your heart the exercise it needs for the next few days.
Shirley Hour
It's a saddening experience when you have had multiple confessions of love online and none in real life. A saddening experience indeed.
Waking up early is not always a good thing. Especially when you fell asleep at 5 am to only wake up at 9 am. The grogginess and headache induced will only go away if you can go back to bed for a few more hours.
Shirley Hour
Sometimes, the only way for closure to a situation is confrontation. Try to remain calm and collected, and the situation will eventually pass by.
Friends are sneaky when they scheme. They'll ask you a question pertaining to their mother and you give them your honest opinion. This opinion may end up being your birthday present. Thank your awesome friends for being thoughtful!
Shirley Hour
If you did not contribute to a group project, do not, on the day it is due, read over what the other people have written and write at the bottom (where the other people have been communicating) something akin to "This is great chickies." You will significantly add to their ire.
Speaking of groups, be sure that if you plan to get tipsy(or wasted), that you can handle yourself and don't look like a beast unleashed. It'll lead to some interesting footage and stories later on...
Speaking of groups, be sure that if you plan to get tipsy
Baking a cake can be quite the adventure! You may start whipping cold cream cheese hoping it will become fluffy in no time. You may take a cake out a little too soon and cause the cake to stick to the pan. You may even put the cake on a cooling rack instead of a plate causing you to have to carefully transport the cake to a plate. Yes, these are the things that may happen, but what also might happen is you will end up making and eating a very delicious cake! Pros outweighed the cons.
Shirley Hour
No, laying on a couch with your legs wide open is not very welcoming or pleasing to look at. Mostly when you are a girl (lady was not used in this context). Close the legs or else your choice of work will be questioned.
Shirley Hour
Revving up your car at about 2:00pm in the afternoon in a sleepy, downtown area looks and sounds stupid, not cool.
Valentine's Day does not mean you have to find a girlfriend or boyfriend. Just spend your day with friends, that is a good day regardless if it's Valentine's Day or not, memorable moments will occur.
Shirley Hour
Somehow, life gets more disturbing the more slang you know (See: July - Lesson 3). Every word, every phrase somehow turns into a sexual innuendo. Know your slang, but know to keep your mind out of the gutter!
Avoiding the urge to visit friends may result in a productive day. Whether it be spent taking a nap or doing homework or doing both, you will find yourself getting caught up with your own life.
Shirley Hour
When driving past a large group of friends who are walking, be sure that you do not turn on your music at the same time you're rolling down your window unless you prefer to be judged. You never know what music will be blasted out...perhaps it'll be Adele, or perhaps it will be Spice Girls. The safest bet is to not turn on the music when opening your window.
Sometimes you are determined to leave at a certain time. This usually never happens the way you intend it to, you'll usually leave a few hours later.
Shirley Hour
"The goal of an author is not to write likeable characters but to write interesting characters."
-Christopher Paolini
Usually women are more conscientious of their age, but surprising some men (boys) are too! As long as you are not as old as the extinct dinosaurs, age should not be something to be conscientious about.
Shirley Hour
The tyrant may rule with an iron hand, but the people's will shall shatter even the strongest steel.
Seeing a friend after not seeing them for awhile is really great!! It may also make the rest of your day great when you spend it with a bunch of friends simply playing cards and making a fool of yourself in public. Add all these together and you have a great combination of friends and a memorable night!
Shirley Hour
There are certain things that should be done alone, lest your intentions are to injure or be creepy. One of these is to shower with another...that isn't your significant other, while in the presence of a mother, brother, or anyone's hearing (or viewing) displeasure.
Try ignoring the things that bother you most. Example: Try not to listen to the whine and complaints of others if these seem to be frequent and the subject does not do much to help the situation. Simply ignore and life will continue to proceed without the whine, even though the process may require you to take a swig of wine.
Shirley Hour
Every once in a blue moon, certain coincidences happen that may make people misinterpret you and/or your actions. However, this may be one of those few times where it's better to do things later rather than sooner; you never know when a pleasant surprise is in store for you.
To induce vomit: Simply turn on a Taylor Swift song. Easiest and fastest way to save your upset stomach.
Shirley Hour
Even though their names says otherwise, maintenance personnel may actually harm more than help. Because of that, sometimes your life will go through the Ordeals of the Elements; there is the Trial of Water, the Trial of Wind, the potential for the Trial of Fire, and the potential for the Trial of Earth.
Watching a long movie with a friend who gives amusing commentary makes the movie not seem as long. It makes the movie even more enjoyable than it was in the first place!
Shirley Hour
When sneaking out, be wary of your enemies and their spies; you never know when you'll encounter them, and if you do, you may have to take extreme measures such as hiding behind trash bins (The Great Wall of China for some) or strolling around a building.
When sick, a day of school may turn into a full day of sleeping and being completely lazy! It is ok! You will get well sooner!
Shirley Hour
The Superbowl is a great time for friends and family. Most come to enjoy the food and the awesome company!! Making food is a great way to bond!
Shirley Hour
If you would prefer amusing insight of a longer note, please see the following blog: >>CLICK<<
You won't be disappointed.
You won't be disappointed.
A day off of school can definitely be productive! Waking up and working non-stop gives you a great feeling of accomplishment later on. Try it and you will see the results!
Shirley Hour
In academia, it's better to underestimate your ability than overestimate.
Life is what you make of it. If you have a lot of stress in one day, let loose after all is said and done and go have some fun!! You'll find yourself lost in time and laughing the whole time.
Shirley Hour
Remember to wash your dishes in a timely manner, Otherwise, you're going to run out of utensils...and dishes...and yeah...
When studying, be sure your book does not turn into a pillow...this usually results in a kinked neck and a book full of drool.
Shirley Hour
Please remember to maintain your composure at all times. Otherwise, you may have an extremely humorous tale to tell about how you ran away screaming at the mention of somebody's name.
Awaiting an email can be quite nerve wrecking! All you can do is patiently wait and hope that the other person will send it and properly turn it in. Be patient and understanding, the email will eventually come!
Shirley Hour
Some of the best things in life come from duality. As a result, be sure to appreciate (or at least tolerate) those around you who have ideas different from your own.