Children are the best pick me up for a bad day! Just an answer to a simple question can be hilarious!! Example:
Boy: "How old are you?"
Me: "How old do you think I am?"
Boy: "Siiiix?"
Why thank you!
Shirley Hour
Details are important! They will help you distinguish fact from fiction as well as enable you to tell people apart!
Friend of yours: "I just waved at someone who I thought was you. How embarrassing!"
Exercise can be a such a pain in the butt, but once you start and keep going, it's not too bad! In the end you'll feel good about yourself after a good sweat!
Shirley Hour
Being thankful isn't just for the holidays. Try to be thankful everyday, and if you
really want to make someone's day, give them a simple, sincere "Thank you."
It's always amusing to trick someone who doesn't speak the same native language as you into believing something completely wrong! Try it when you need a good laugh!
Shirley Hour
One of the greatest joys in life is to help another human being succeed in a goal, no matter how small or trivial.
Cooking vs. Studying...cooking always seems to win!! Cooking alleviates stress as well as fills your tummy. Studying causes stress, headaches, and only fills your stomach with butterflies. Therefore the clear choice is cooking!
Shirley Hour
A little listening goes a long way.
The hardest question to answer is: Where do you want to eat? There's a plethora of delicious food that it's so difficult to just pinpoint one place to go eat! Go with one place and stick with it, changing the restaurant doesn't make others happy, mostly when they have an empty stomach!
Shirley Hour
Whenever thinking about something, try not to dwell too long on it. You will only end up deliberating on things that may never happen.
Sometimes "friends" lie to get you to do something. Example: A "friend" promises to dance if you will dance first on the game "Dance Central." Once you've made a fool of yourself, the "friend" says, no and refuses to dance. LAME! In the end, you're the brave one for making a fool of yourself.
Shirley Hour
Oftentimes, people seek a deeper meaning in things when there isn't any, a second chance when there isn't one.
No means no.
Although your own family may not be around for the holidays, there are great people that will take you in and give you a holiday that is worth remembering! Thank those people who are around you!
Shirley Hour
Sometimes, it doesn't pay to be green. You may end up with a rather unsavory concoction!
You have Coke (the soda...) in a cup and don't want to waste ice or another cup for apple cider. So, you finish drinking the Coke and pour the apple cider in. Rest assured that your drink will now be somewhat nasty.
Some days are meant to be spent alone instead of with a lot of people that will probably bug the living daylights out of you. If you know this day is coming, please stay home and don't interact with anyone...unless that someone is also experiencing the same thing!
Shirley Hour
Don't underestimate how far a simple thing can go. All it takes is the correct manipulation.
Staying home for the majority of the day might cause you to cook all day long. Example: Come home from class early. Ooooh! Let's cook!
1. Congee
2. BBQ Pork Ribs
3. Vietnamese Chicken Salad
4. Pumpkin Chocolate Chip Cookies
No school = A lot of food!! Nom nom nom!
Having a break from studying is great, grand, fantastic! It'll give you time to catch up on things you need to do around the house and some TV shows with friends!
Shirley Hour
You know tights are
too tight when the color of your skin blatantly appears in unsightly spots. Please be courteous to others and yourself by wearing something that complements your figure and not contrasts against it.
Sometimes you should just let people do the things they want to do instead of fighting against them. A little struggle may lead to someone getting hurt, which could've been prevented if you had let the person do their thing in the first place!
Shirley Hour
No matter how old you are, or how many generations have past, never ever forget your heritage.
The tree may get higher, new leaves may sprout, but roots are what keep the tree alive.
Sometimes a person does not appreciate their culture until they are experiencing it before their eyes. Once you are surrounded by such amazing traditions, the appreciation and pride of being a part of bigger picture is astounding!
Shirley Hour
If you've ever been curious about whether or not you could be: on the next big K-pop dance team, appear on Dancing with the Stars, or some other dance competition, the best way to find out is to play a dancing game!
It doesn't matter what console you play it on, whether it's DDR or Just Dance. If you can't pass a simulation game, you surely cannot dance in real life!
Ice skating may take some time and great balance to learn. With steady small steps you can definitely do it! Just be sure to not hold onto someone who likes to skate faster than their body can handle and loses their grip easily...you may end up face planting in the ice rather than skating on the ice!
Shirley Hour
Games are more fun when you combine multiple games together, along with a few of your
made-up house rules.
- Pictionary + Charades (warning: may lead to asphyxiation)
- Calvinball
Driving after taking a hard test as well as running on five hours of sleep is not a good idea. Refrain from driving, have a designated driver after a long week of tests and studying!
Shirley Hour
Quality takes time. Don't worry about being the last one in a situation (unless it's a musical chairs of life or death). Take your time and do an excellent job!
Studying in bed does not work. The comfy bed and warmth of the blankets induces sleep and deems studying useless.
Shirley Hour
To increase productivity significantly, study in a quiet area (e.g. library) with a person you know who is superbly intelligent and/or productive. Your results will be:
Sometimes a text will wake you up when your eyes are drooping due to the boredom induced by dull words. Look for a friend that will not distract you too long but will occasionally send a text to wake you up to study!
Shirley Hour
Falling asleep while studying? A surefire way to wake up is to watch someone that you're a fan of on live chat! They'll be sure to humor you and amuse you within moments! xD
- Kathy Beth Terry (Katy Perry)
and Rebecca Black
- Felicia Day and Greg Aronowitz on Vokle! >>CLICK<<
It's amazing how ornery a person can be when they are under an enormous amount of stress. Beware: Don't get in their way or you will get an unpleasant gift.
Shirley Hour
In this 21st century, labels and stereotypes are often looked down upon unless in some comedic, satirical display. However, as time progresses, you experience these labels and stereotypes yourself, for better or for worse. It is then that you realize what priorities you should have in your life, and how others prioritize
you in their life.
Do not do ab exercises while you are sick. Yes, exercise is good a for a sick body, but not when you have a cough. The straining of the abdominal muscles due to crunches, will not feel well every time you cough. Avoid unnecessary pain at all cost!
Shirley Hour
You! The traveler with the face! You seek adventure? Nay! Adventure comes to you.
If you ever hoped for a dramatic car chase, screeching tires, frightened passengers, and/or an adrenaline rush, just drive to an unfamiliar place!
The further along you get into your major/career field, the more people you meet. Sometimes, these people are there to show you that this is not what you want to be like and hope that you were never like them. Be humble, it will get you far in life, regardless of what career field you choose.
Shirley Hour
As you do something, you gain momentum to keep pushing forward. Don't think that if you just "take a little break," you'll be able to pick up where you left off. More likely than not, you'll start over from square one.
Studying at home can sometimes be dangerous. Example: When bored, you may get an urge to cook something. This something turns into a plethora of goodies. Therefore, studying at home = weight gain!
Shirley Hour
When you are attempting to do something sneaky, it should be noted that sudden fits of laughter cancel out any sneakiness you had.
Just because your state doesn't get a lot of high end/cool retail stores, does not mean you should conglomerate in herds to go to the store 18 hours before it opens. If a store is opening, it is more than likely going to be in business for at least a month...
Shirley Hour
Sometimes, even when you do things of your own free will, Time seems to stand still. Forever.
To simulate the state of a brain after a strenuous test, watch a Christopher Nolan movie!! Your head will be spinning like the top at the end of Inception.
Shirley Hour
Inconsistencies, when sent to well-informed people, are quickly demolished.
No matter how hungry you are, please do not eat out of a can. It's not healthy and makes the food less appetizing. Mostly when it's food that needs to be nuked and you're eating it cold!
Shirley Hour
In publishings concerning the award of academic achievement, it's probably a good idea to look up names/abbreviations of things you don't know about. Otherwise, your awarding is suddenly questionable.
If, due to questionable awards, you do not stay in school, you can always make "music" from bodily functions and post them on Youtube to the chagrin/amusement (select one) of others.
When participating in an Anatomy lab, do not use food to compare body parts with. A food so appetizing may not seem so delicious anymore.
Shirley Hour
The less you want to learn of something, the more likely it will force itself upon you.
Don't want to learn how to use a Mac? The power may go out when you're on a different operating system, leaving Macs the only operable computers.
You can function with just 4 hours of sleep. Your attention and comprehension may not exist, but you will still be able to function!
Shirley Hour
Doing a project in many small parts is infinitely better than finishing the project in one long,
awful, fell swoop.
When playing the game of 13, don't get too confident with your hand! You may have a pair of 2's, but that doesn't mean someone else can't trump you and make a fool of you!
Shirley Hour
Just because you can do one thing does not mean that you can do another thing that is similar. To become great at something, you need practice and some innate talent (
see October - Lesson 19). Just because you're given the opportunity does not mean you will do a decent job. In fact, you're more likely to be awful than awesome.
Rebecca Black
- America's Next Top Model All-Stars making music videos
- Many viral videos
- Those so-called "triple threats"
Don't drive 70 mph on a main road while there is snow. You may be lucky that cops weren't around, but you don't want to risk your life driving stupid!
Shirley Hour
Everyone always thinks that they are the victim. However, this is not always the case. Be sure to contemplate how and why someone did what they did; things may be different than how you originally anticipated them to be.
Rocking a baby to sleep can be very comforting and relaxing. So relaxing that you may just fall asleep with the baby!
Shirley Hour
Oftentimes, small, subtle things will not get you noticed. Every once in a while, a big, well-planned event is exactly what you need.
Watching a movie for the second time will still make a person jumpy. There may be parts of the movie where you failed to comprehend the first time. Example: Gushing blood from a wounded person as they take out a dagger from their body. Slightly disturbing.
Shirley Hour
There is a very fine line between being a thesaurus addict
*coughstephaniecoughmeyercough* and being unversed in adjectives
*coughhouseofcoughflyingdaggerscoughsubtitlescough*. Try to stay in the middle.
Unintentionally scaring the crap out of someone is quite amusing.
1. Stand somewhere quietly with your phone/iPod on.
2. Wait until subject turns off the lights and steps out of the bathroom.
3. Observe the great entertainment before your eyes: A scared person who about shat their pants.
Shirley Hour
Bored on a public transportation vehicle? Play the Yawn Game! Yawn and count how many people you caused to yawn!