Warnings are important. Security is important. When people continually bug you to increase your security, following their advice may be a good idea. If not, you may suddenly find an account hacked or perhaps find yourself locked out of your own device.
Those who are afraid of the camera may end up being the prime actor/actress you are looking for. Although shy, they may give you an Oscar worthy performance!
One of the most magical ways of waking up early, besides thinking about holidays and vacations, is to worry about somebody waking you up early the next day. This fear will propel you into waking up much, much earlier than usual!
Running on low amounts of sleep can cause you to be delirious. The delirium may last longer than usual. For example: A conversation occurring on the previous day becomes more coherent 24 hours later... Get your sleep!!
One day, if you become rich and/or famous, don't forget about people from other socioeconomic statuses. Help them out, lend a hand, earn good karma. Don't, however, when hearing the doorbell ring or someone knocking, debate whether or not to answer, peek your head around the corner, and then go back into your rooms. Make up your mind to either help or don't help. Don't waver.
Insults, when mutually thrown in a humorous manner, are an acceptable form of conversation and amusement. Insults, when said for no good reason, are not. You just appear as an extremely abrasive, ill-mannered person.
In need of exercise? Find a nice neighborhood near a mountain and walk/climb around the area. This should definitely help you burn some of that cheeseburger you had earlier!
Whenever you are an audience member in a panel or presentation, especially one with few people, please remember to be polite. A snide remark to a friend every once in awhile is fine--in fact, it may even be obligatory--however, continuous whispering IS noticeable and quite distracting, not to mention irritating. Plus, the slurping of free drinks is also a no-no.
Going through a poorly lit neighborhood with a known cemetery in the same vicinity can be spooky considering the time of the year. Take a few friends for the ride and turn on the high beam!
If you're not a person to maintain a schedule, don't assume that you can suddenly do it on a whim! Very rarely do interactions with friends last in an orderly time frame, especially when you're a spontaneous person.
The internet is a very distracting thing. It will keep you from studying, it will keep you from doing anything productive, but it will provide you hours of entertainment!
If you ever feel like you're in a weird funk, whether that be an irritable mood or just a strange, unfamiliar feeling, go somewhere different for a bit. Perhaps all you need to do is walk to a different room, or perhaps drive to a different city. Whatever your escape method is, it will surely make you feel better.
If an obnoxious person is purposely annoying you while you are studying, first, ignore them. Second hope and pray that someone will take them away and amuse them, leaving you in peace! Third, refrain from hitting subject.
Sometimes, when you have a rocky relationship with someone, it's usually better to just let things happen, let it be real, rather than have a pretense of cheeriness that spouts rainbows and lollipops. The latter fools no one and just generates a suffocating air of awkwardness.
Don't underestimate yourself. Sometimes it's ok to put yourself first, it won't be called selfish when you need to get yourself together. Once you're there, then you can care for others around you.
Karma, a potentially more dangerous adversary than Life, has a way of brooding silently, scheming in the shadows as you gather more and more negative points. Unlike with good karma, which usually is rewarded to you in a quick, efficient manner, bad karma waits to explode on you in a [expletive]storm.
It's amazing what 9 hours of writing can do to your brain. The brain will disintegrate like Juicy Fruit gum that has been sitting in the mouth for too long. What's also amazing, is that this was written after the long 9 hours. Don't understand parts of this lesson? Completely YOUR fault.
Mistakenly, many think that the thesaurus is their friend. However, as evident in many books today, it could potentially prove to be disastrous, especially when the thesaurus is used for an assignment. On the other hand, one may learn some fascinating, fascinating (yes, double the word for oomph) new words/phrases that were previously unknown.
Always see things for yourself. Example: Someone (friend, not so trustworthy) tells you that class has been cancelled. Go into the building to see for yourself if it is actually cancelled. You might find a classroom filled with your classmates.
When people leave/excuse themselves/log off/say goodbye, they will always have a reason. Perhaps they need to be somewhere else, perhaps they are tired, perhaps they have other things to do, perhaps they are avoiding you. Whatever the reasoning, you shouldn't constantly badger the leaving party into staying. Otherwise, you will have at least one person quite irritated with you.
When opening a car door, open slowly...there might be a pole where you thought empty space was. This prevents dings and/or dents from your car door, but not laughter from your friends.
If you have an early morning flight and want to sleep in a little more, simply check in online and print your boarding pass and wear your pajamas on board!
When things go from bad to worse, don't forget to fight back*. You never know, your opponent may have overestimated themselves and a simple push may be enough to crack through their defense(s).
Hanging out with an age group younger than you? If all goes well, great! However, if you are having troubles and need to exert some power over them, remember that as an "old" person, you will have an ancient power invested in you.
Waking up early to eat a colossal donut for breakfast will put you in a coma, literally a coma. You will fall asleep for another 2 hours after devouring a Bavarian Cream donut.
Ever feel alone amongst your group of friends? Do your interests just spiral in a different direction from those around you? Does your fanboying/fangirling scare off normal people? Then go to a convention concerning your favorite pastime! You will then realize how "normal" you are compared to others with similar interests.
When communicating with someone about a potential meeting, event, or anything that requires another person to make some effort for you, be sure that there isn't any misunderstanding! This saves time, effort, money, face, and potential arguments!
Talking about your cramps in public is NOT a good idea, especially when you're at a restaurant. Those around you would prefer to eat in peace without hearing about the excruciating pain that "time of the month" caused you.
Hard work really pays off, especially when it comes to cooking. A lasagna takes a lot of time to prepare and many hands are needed for help, but after a few hours of cooking, preparing and baking the results will not disappoint!
When going to a really good restaurant, go with your instinct. Order what you first want and put down the menu, because the longer you look at it the higher your bill will become. Just order one thing, it'll give you a good excuse to come back again!
Practice, practice, practice. That's the only way you're going to get better at something. You say you have innate talent? You're going to need to hone it.
Don't wear a tight, short skirt. While walking you will constantly be pulling it down and all those around you will notice you like a orange construction zone cone.
Feeling creative? Not wanting to do your homework? Go for it! Or at least start on that creative thing. If you don't at least start on it, you'll feel regret later on when you're in a creative slump.
The perks of learning English: You won't mess up someone's order. For example, when someone orders a chicken sandwich it doesn't magically turn into a Big Mac and the customer is charged for the Big Macs. English is a great handy tool in your daily life.
The fear of cemeteries can be defeated by going to Arlington Cemetery. Surrounded by serene scenery and a tranquil air of peace and patriotism, it puts your mind at ease where fear cannot be seen.
When you are presenting an idea to a group of people, try not to ramble. If you do happen to ramble, please make it at least somewhat entertaining. Otherwise, people will forget why they cared to listen to you in the first place.
Airline companies are cheap. You might be on the flight for a good 4 hours, but you will not get a meal. Instead you should pack tons of snacks and/or meal to suppress any hunger that may occur.
Airline companies' motto: Hungry customers are better than no customers.
Back in the day, talking into a Bluetooth made you look dumb and crazy. Nowadays, talking into a Bluetooth still makes you look dumb and crazy, especially if you talk about subjects that you are clearly uninformed about.
Contrary to popular belief, the older you get, the chances greatly increase for you to become less intellectual. The only thing that makes up for this is experience, and sometimes, even that doesn't help.
Note: Usually discovered during those moments you happen to listen in on a stranger's conversation and try not to raise your eyebrows and say:
It's a good thing to point out mistakes of groups that you care about. BUT, please don't point them out in such a negative way. When criticizing someone, be sure you have some credibility and that your criticism is flawless or it will not be taken seriously.
Whenever you know multiple people with the same name, be sure that you know who you are talking to. Otherwise, you are going to feel rather stupid later on.
When talking on your cell phone and you can't hear what the other person is saying, saying "Yes, oh really?" does not always answer their question...Sometimes it gives away that you are not listening to them or the fact that the signal is bad. In this case, just be annoying and ask them repeatedly what they said.
When a friend tells you to go to a remote island to "film" something and the props they bring are rocks, be wary!! You don't want to be the next "missing person" victim.