You will find yourself knowing more about a friend when you have to look for a birthday present for them. You start realizing how you notice their sense of style and taste in all sorts of things! The best is when you are able to find a great present for your friend.
Shirley Hour
Being sucked into a fandom is a dangerous game.  Before you know it, one word happens:  OBSESSION.
You are sleep deprived when taking one nap before 11 am is not enough, but two makes you feel refreshed!
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Shirley Hour
Whenever watching or reading a fictional work, it's good to ask yourself:  "Why do I like this character?"  Better insight of yourself will be found, as well avoiding potentially adverse situations in the future.
You are never too tired to make yourself some dinner! It may take an hour or two to make a dinner, but after a day's of hard work, a nice home cooked meal is well deserved and fulfills the empty stomach.
Shirley Hour
Exercise, [un]fortunately, truly does make you less grumpy.
The feeling of not having to go into work for the next few weeks is a wonderful feeling, until you realize why you took a week off of work...right to study! Work never sounded so great!
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Shirley Hour
Subtleness is an art form.  Turning around and observing a bus sign just as a person you know starts walking towards you is NOT subtlety, especially if you two are the only living beings in a good 100-foot radius.
Shirley Hour
Sometimes, it's shocking how much you can care about a fictional world and its inhabitants.
Morning lab meetings can be quite mundane, mostly when you have no idea what the presenter is talking about. No matter how hard you try to focus and pay attention, you will find your eyes slowly becoming heavier and heavier, this is a great time to work out the ocular muscles.
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Shirley Hour
One of the worst feelings in the world is to one day learn that, although you may have been above average in the past, you have suddenly become the bottom rung.  In other words, always have reality checks!  You may save yourself from a myriad of situations!

Sometimes all you need is a nice little break from studying. A nice hike to a waterfall will do the job. Take a nap and proceed to study, you will be surprised at the results.
Shirley Hour
Trying to steal/control someone else's property is a big no-no, physically or abstractly.
A car wash is impossible without water. So when someone tells you there is no water and you insist on a car wash...you will receive a lot of blank stares.
Shirley Hour
Human generosity can easily be seen when you fundraise.  Learn from this!  People are more likely to respect and like you if you work hard towards a goal!
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Ice cream makes the world go round. When plans don't fall through, ice cream will always be there to make you happy...unless you eat a gallon worth of ice cream.
Shirley Hour
A person's testimony may bear no opposition to a person of title.  Do not become "a name without a reality [that was] formerly a reality without a name."
Having a hard time sleeping? Watch the OKC Thunders get blown out of the water by the Miami Heats, that will surely put you to sleep. No need to count any sheep.
Shirley Hour
Sometimes, life just magically works out for you.

Needed a partner for a class but felt bad for someone else?  It will work out!
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Being a parent is a hard job, but it is during tough times when you must be the strongest. Letting go of your guard and crying hysterically when your child is given the news of possible growth of cancer, will not reassure your child. Although hard, as a parent you must keep your head up to keep the morale of your child up.
Shirley Hour
The older you get, the more sleep you need.

Freshman year, three hours?  Okay!
Junior year?  HELL NO.
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Complaints about your life get you no where in life. The more you complain, the less people care. Push through your complaints and get over yourself. Just do it.
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Shirley Hour
Life is a continually changing experience, even when you're bored to tears.  At one point in life, you may have been so introverted, you were essentially a selective mute.  Suddenly, you realize one day that something changed--you actually have decent people skills.

In other words, even you seem to be subpar in something at the moment, if you work hard (even if it's a slow process) and use common sense, you will eventually attain it.

Example (Physical appearance):
Embarrassing moments sometimes happen in pairs. You may come home to a bathroom door wide open while the shower is on and scare your roommate. You may also proceed a few hours later to almost walk into a pre-occupied bathroom due to failure to notice that guests may also be using the bathroom. This is when you hope the person in the bathroom did not see or hear anything.
Shirley Hour
A passion, once lost, is extraordinarily hard to regain.
Waking up early to make a delicious breakfast is a great way to start off a day!
Shirley Hour
The gift of appreciation is hard to earn, and even harder to receive.  Even if you don't like a physical gift, be sure to show your appreciation for the thought behind the gift.  Otherwise, a deterioration in the gift-giver's happiness may occur.
When canceling plans on your friend, please do so far in advance. Canceling within a few hours of the reservation time is not considerate, as your friend could have made other plans. Be a good friend and be considerate when changing plans.
Shirley Hour
When at a lecture, it's fine that you don't always clap.  It is, however, a problem when you don't ever clap at all.  Come on now.  These people are lecturers for a reason; they're charismatic and inspirational in some form.  Show some appreciation!
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Spending time with friends is a good way to take a break from studying, no matter what stupid things they end up doing.
Shirley Hour
The more you work at a skill, the better you get at it!  Don't stop when you think you're stellar; keep practicing forever and always!
Waiting is one of the worst things you may have to do in your life. Especially when you are waiting for your friend to find their wonderful prank awaiting for them amidst rainbows.
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Shirley Hour
Ever try to act superior and/or condescending when you actually don't know anything at all? Yeah, it doesn't work. You may come off dumber than you actually are or maybe not.
Sometimes being too hopeful is not realistic. Too much of a positive can become a negative, especially in the medical field.
Shirley Hour
Hope is just around the corner. You may think that something has ended when you really have a chance.  However, just because you received one chance doesn't mean you should stop.  Keep trying for other opportunities until you succeed.
You don't realize what you are missing until you get it back.
Shirley Hour
Patience is a virtue, but sometimes, it's ridiculous to wait any longer. Oddly enough, the dead may revive when you want to let go of their hand.
Sometimes motivation comes unexpectedly. To be able to see someone with great compassion working at their best is the best way to motivate you in the right direction. Do not seek motivation as sometimes it will come to you.
Shirley Hour
Photomanipulation of people in unlikely situations may cause some highly amusing results.
Take a day off from studying or work and spend it with your awesome friends. You will not regret what fun and stupid things you may end up doing and the fatigue that comes with it.
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Shirley Hour
Always go in pairs on recreational activities. This will ward off potential kidnappers and be a nice way to socialize.  Besides, you never know when you'll learn some first aid first hand!
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When helping kids with activities, you may find yourself being a kid as well. You are never too old to be a kid!
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Shirley Hour
Making snarky comments at people taller than you will involve a heavy amount of slapping you can't quite avoid.
Shirley Hour
You know you are not well-versed in a culture when the only names you can remember from a textbook are "Muhammad" and "Jafar."
Shirley Hour
It's important to know how you portray yourself to the world. If you are too negative and pessimistic, people will talk about you in such a manner. On the other hand, if you are a hardworker and caring, people will reciprocate your actions.
Shirley Hour
Knowing the basics of many languages will help save you from embarrassment.  Know some English, French, Spanish, and Chinese.  Otherwise, you may interpret something completely different...much to your own chagrin...

"Okie dokie!  Would you like me to meet you there?  Or meeting me at mi casa and go together?"

[You, having next to no knowledge of Spanish, think that "Mi Casa" is a Vietnamese noodle place called "Casa"] "Where is mi casa again?"

"Mi casa = my house in spanish."

/commence laughter
Shirley Hour
Being forced to go out of your typical places is quite an intriguing experience.  The people act different, the places look different, and all in all, you feel out of place.  However, if you act normal, things may turn out to be pleasantly surprising in the end.  Don't always focus on feeling awkward.  Go with the flow!
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Shirley Hour
Everyone likes to think that they're right.  Everyone likes to think that they're never at fault.  HOWEVER, be wary of miscommunication!  This is both parties being at fault and not one or the other.  Think things through before playing the blame game!
It is amazing how sufficient sleep can make a pounding headache go away! Make sure to catch up on your sleep during the weekends!
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Shirley Hour
You know you live in an Asian household when upstairs is too hot, downstairs is too distracting, and the basement is too cold...
You may be pleasantly surprised going to something you had no excitement for. Going to events all depends on who you go with and how you spend your time with them. An event you may not think was "your scene" may in fact become fun!
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Shirley Hour
Parties for "adults" don't really involve activities.  Thus, be sure you go with a group you enjoy socializing with!
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After a long week of work and studying, a feel good comedy is a must! Go watch a hilarious at the end of a hardworking week and you won't regret it!
Shirley Hour
The surest way to see your application from a stranger's perspective (without actually asking another person to read it) is to remove your name, font preferences, and any other distinguishing factors about you besides your actual statements.  Then, read the application a few days later and see if you sound too pretentious or too bimbo-esque.